

 徒步者的收藏 2018-11-27

New research provides evidence that traumatic experiences in childhood are associated with empathy levels in adulthood. The study, published in PLOS One, indicates that people who experience traumatic events as children are better at responding to the emotional states of others as adults.

新研究提供的证据表明,童年时期的心理创伤经历与成年期的移情水平有关。该研究发表在PLOS One中,表明在儿童时期有过心理创伤事件的人长大后更善于回应他人的情绪状态。

“My experiences doing clinical work as a psychotherapist with children and adults inspired this research,” said study author David M. Greenberg of the University of Cambridge and City University of New York.

“我作为心理治疗师与儿童和成人一起做临床工作的经历激发了我去进行这项研究,”研究作者,毕业与剑桥大学和纽约城市大学的David M. Greenberg说。

The researchers surveyed 387 adults via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk regarding their history of childhood trauma and level of empathy. They also surveyed another 442 adults using a different empathy measure.

研究人员通过亚马逊的Mechanical Turk对387名成年人进行了调查,了解他们童年创伤的历史和移情水平。他们还使用不同的移情水平测试对另外442名成年人进行了调查。

In both surveys, adults who reported experiencing a traumatic event in childhood tended to have higher levels of empathy. Traumatic events included the death of a very close friend or family member, parental divorce or discord, traumatic sexual experiences such as molestation, and being subjected to violence.


Childhood trauma was only associated with elevated levels of affective empathy. It was not linked to higher levels of cognitive empathy.


“Cognitive empathy (also referred to as ‘mentalizing’) is the ability to understand another’s thoughts and feelings, whereas affective empathy is the ability respond to another person’s mental state with an appropriate emotion,” the study explained.



If you grow up in an environment where understanding the minutiae of another person can literally save your life (or at least avoid pain), you very quickly learn how to read people and their emotions. Unfortunately, that sort of hyper-awareness never leaves you and it can lead you into some pretty awful situations.


I could tell my dad's mood from his footsteps. That's definitely minutiae.


Too real.


I’d never thought about it until this second but me too... My Dads footsteps were a dead giveaway of his mood...I still always hyper-react to footsteps and try and interpret them even those of my husband and children... hmm


Even my neighbors' footsteps stress me out. I'm hypervigilant about everyone's moods. Would gladly trade any increased empathy for a little sanity.


Yeah same here. Heavy footsteps and slamming doors or any unexpected loud noises set me off. I'll literally stop everything and listen while my heart pounds in my chest, even tho it's usually nothing to worry about.

I never really considered it wasn't a normal thing for people to do.



It hurts


Your not alone friend. Footsteps, the way they close the front door when they get home, how closed they keep the office door, etc. Made my hyper-aware of these things wherever I look.


I've often wondered if it will help me or not in my professional life because I'm hyper aware of peoples body language and speech patterns.


depends on whether this prevents you from functioning normally or not
personally i can’t all of the time and usually just end up quitting every job abruptly


I feel you... Being in the engineering field and seeing how a lot of engineers don't have some social skills almost led me to leave because of how aware I am about others, and then internalizing their behaviors to mean something is wrong with me... It takes patience


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