

 cxag 2019-01-13






孙多森 (1867-1919),安徽寿州(今寿县)人,字荫庭。1898年与其兄孙多鑫在上海创办阜丰面粉公司。1911年武昌起义后,经袁世凯举荐任清廷内阁和议代表。1913年任中国银行总裁,同年,袁以“皖人治皖”名义令其接替革命党人柏文蔚安徽都督等职务,遭省议员反对,遂被软禁。1914年任参政院参政,并创办通惠实业特种公司等企业。1916年开办中孚银行,在全国设分行,自任总经理。1919年7月6日在天津病故。











孙多森 (齐亚明画)

Introduction of former residence

 of SUN Duosen

The former residence of SUN Duosen, situated at No. 831 on Huashan Road, was built in 1918, covering an area of about 3,200 square meters with a construction area of about 825 square meters. The building is a garden house of the Spanish architectural style. It is a three-storied structure of brick and concrete. The front first floor was built on stilts with open arch-shaped gate and columns of swirl marks. The second floor recesses to form colonies and has continuous arch doorways. Square and arch windows alternate with each other with red pantile as canopies. It has yellow walls with napped stucco veneer and a four-sloped roof with red tiles. Infront of house is a garden. It is now occupied by the Shanghai Municipal Army-Supporting Fund. On October 31, 2005, it became a Heritage Architecture issued by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government.

SUN Duosen (1867-1919), with a courtesy name of Yinting, has his ancestral family in Shouxian County in Anhui province. In 1898, he and his brother founded Fufeng Flour Company in Shanghai. In 1911 after the Wuchang Uprising, he served as the peacemaking representative of the cabinet of the Qing Dynasty under the recommendation of YUAN Shikai. In 1913 he served as president of the Bank of China. In the same year, YUAN ordered him to take the place of a revolutionist to serve as the military governor and other posts in the name of “governance of Anhui by people from it”. But this was opposed by some members of provincial government and he was subsequently under house arrest. In 1914, he served as councilor of the State Council of the YUAN Government. In addition, he founded such enterprises as the Tonghui Industrial Special Company. In 1916 he set up Zhongfu Bank with branches opened in the whole country and served as its general manager. He died of illness in Tianjin on July 6, 1919.

SUN Duosen was born in a family of scholar and his forefathers were officials. His mother was a niece of LI Hongzhang and instructed her two sons by saying that “the western civilization has influenced China and you need to learn foreign languages inorder to revitalize the prosperity of the family and have a clear understanding of the trend of the world. Otherwise it would be absolutely difficult to strive for a name in the country and contend for benefit in the world...” He was deeply affected by this idea. 

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the government began encouraging industry and commerce. It imposed free tax on the production of flour while the quality of domestically produced flour remained significantly worse than the imported. Seeing the broad prospects for the machine-made flour, SUN made up his mind to produce domestic flour with competitive quality and price. He and his brother selected the site of the factory at the riverside of the Suzhou River where the price of land was low. They also carefully investigated the Zengyu Flour Factory newly completed by British merchants and got a detailed understanding of the milling process. Then they spent fifty thousand taels of silver in purchasing 16 steel mills from the United States in order that their flour yield could be more than that of Zengyu Flour Factory. Moreover they recruited talents regardless of their nationality to enhance the management. After careful preparation, the Fufeng Flour Factory went into operation in 1900. The brothers decided to use the figure of bike as the trademark of their flour, meaning that their factory was energetic and vigorous. In the beginning, the daily production of their flour mill added up to 2500 bags. Four years later after the completion of the new workshop, the daily output increased to more than 7000 bags. By improving the flour raw materials with the mixture of imported and domestic wheat, the floor product was more in line with the tastes of the people and was less expensive. Also they adopted small packaging of a few kilograms to satisfy the needs of dim sum shops, thus establishing the market.

His industrial success attracted the attention of YUAN Shikai. After YUAN became the president in 1912, SUN was elected as member of the Congress and was appointed as president of the Bank of China. In 1913, the China Bank Regulations, the revision of which was chaired by SUN, was the first of its kind issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of China. Soon YUAN was so ambitious as to propose to SUN that the Bank of China should issue reserves to raise funds. SUN politely declined, saying that “issuing reserves is associated with the national trust and once it is shaken and the government loses the confidence of the people, that would be the disaster of the state and could not be beneficial to us. So I would rather suggest seeking for other ways.”

In June 1913, SUN was removed from the post of president of the bank. Soon after that he went to Japan to do investigation of industry. After he came back he founded such companies as Tonghui Industrial Company and China Industrial Company.


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