

 mxb08 2019-02-07




1.accept  vt.接受

2.accuse vt.&vi.指责,控告

3.adore vt.热爱,爱慕

4.affect  vt.影响;感动;感染

5.affection n.喜爱,钟爱

6.agree  vt.&vi.同意;应允

7.alarmed adj.担心的,害怕的

8.amaze vt.惊奇,惊叹;震惊

9.annoyed adj.烦恼的,恼怒的

10.anxiety n.担忧,焦虑

11.anxious adj.忧虑的,焦急的

12.appeal vi.呼吁;有吸引力


14.argue vi.争辩,争论

15.argument n.争论,辩论

16.ashamed  adj.惭愧的;害臊的

17.assess  vt.评价,评定(性质、质量)

18.assessment n.看法,评价

19.astonish vt.使惊讶

20.bear  vt.忍受,容忍;承担,承受

21.belief n.信条,信念

22.blue adj.悲伤的;沮丧的

23.bored adj.厌倦的,烦闷的

24.cheer n.&vi.欢呼;喝彩

25.confused adj.困惑的;糊涂的;混乱的

26.convince vt.使确信,使信服

27.delight n.快乐;乐事

28.depressed adj.压抑的,情绪低落的

29.desire n.&vt.要求;期望

30.devote vt.奉献;致力于;专心于

31.devoted adj.忠诚的,热爱的

32.devotion n.深爱,挚爱;奉献,奉献精神

33.disagree vi.意见不一致,持不同意见

34.disagreement  n.意见不一致;相违;争论

35.disappoint vt.使失望

36.disappointment n.失望;沮丧

37.dislike vt.不喜欢,厌恶

38.down adj.心情低落的

39.doubt n.&vt.怀疑,疑惑

40.eager adj.渴望的,热切的

41.emotion n.情感;情绪;激情

42.enable  vt.使能够;使成为可能

43.encourage vt.鼓励

44.encouragement n.鼓励

45.evaluate vt.估值,评价,评估

46.evaluation n.估值,评价,评估

47.excited adj.激动的

48.expect vt.预料;盼望;认为

49.expectation n.预料;期望

50.faith n.信仰;信念

51.fancy vt.想象;喜爱

52.fear n.&v.害怕;恐惧;担忧

53.happiness n.幸福,愉快

54.hate n.&vt.讨厌,憎恨

55.impossible adj.不可能的

56.judgment n.审判,评价

57.likely adj.可能的

58.means n.手段;方法

59.merry  adj.高兴的,愉快的

60.motivate vt.激励

61.move vt.感动

62.moved adj.感人的

63.moving adj.令人感动的

64.object  vt.反对

65.objective adj.客观的

66.oppose vt.&vi.反对;反抗

67.please  vt.使人高兴,使人满意

68.pleased adj.高兴的

69.pleasure n.高兴,愉快

70.possible adj.可能的

71.praise n.&vt.赞扬,表扬

72.prefer vt.宁愿(选择),更喜欢

73.probably adv.很可能,大概

74.proud adj.自豪的;骄傲的

75.remark n.评论;陈述;议论

76.resist  vt.抵抗;挡开

77.sadness n.悲哀,忧伤

78.satisfaction n.满意

79.scare  vt.使害怕,使恐惧

80.scold  vt.责骂

81.shame  n.遗憾的事;羞愧

82.shock  vt.使震惊

83.sorrow  n.悲伤,悲痛

84.stand  vt.容忍,忍受;站立

85.subjective adj.主观的

86.surprise vt.使惊奇,使诧异;n.惊奇,诧异

87.suspect  vt.怀疑;n.犯罪嫌疑人

88.tendency n.倾向

89.terrified  adj.感到害怕的

90.thrilled  adj.兴奋的

91.touched  adj.感动的

92.tolerate  vt.容许,允许,忍受

93.trust sb./believe in sb.信任某人

94.unhappy adj.不高兴的,伤心的

95.upset adj.不安的

96.urge  vt.极力主张;力劝;n.强烈的冲动

97.wonder vt.想知道;对……感到好奇

98.worry n.&vi.烦恼,担忧

99.worried adj.担心的,烦恼的


1. to one’s delight/joy/surprise/disappointment令某人开心/吃惊/失望的是

2. be angry/annoyed with sb 对某人生气

3. be anxious/worried about 为……而担心

4. be astonished/surprised at sth. 对……感到惊讶

5. be disappointed at sb. 对某人感到失望

6. be pleased/satisfied/content with 对 ……感到满足

7. be sorry for… 对 ……感到抱歉

8. be proud of/take pride in 以 ……为豪

9. be filled with anger  满腔怒火

10. be anxious to do sth 急于做某事

11. be delighted to do 高兴地做某事

12. be touched/moved to tears 感动流泪

13. be scared to death 被吓死

14. burst into tears/laughter; burst out crying/ laughing 突然大哭/大笑

15. cannot help doing 情不自禁地做某事

16. care about 担心,关心

17. complain about 投诉,埋怨

18. long for sb.to do sth 渴望某人做某事

19. look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事

20. expect/wish to do sth. 期盼/希望做某事

21. have a strong desire to do sth. 对做某事有强烈的愿望

22. have an optimistic attitude towards… 对……有乐观的态度

23. with a smile on one’s face 面带笑容

24. make an impression on sb 给……留下印象

25. lose heart/build confidence 失去信心/建立自信

26. at ease 自由自在  

27. calm down (使)镇定下来

28. burst into laughter 突然笑起来

29. crowd in (想法,问题等)涌入脑海

30. leave…alone不管,别惹;让…一个人呆着

31. break out 爆发,突然发生

32. focus/concentrate on 集中(注意力等)于

33. be astonished/surprised at sth对…感到惊讶

34. be angry/annoyed with sb对某人生气

35. be proud of/take pride in 以…为自豪 

36. cannot help doing sth 情不自禁做某事 

37. be touched/moved to tears 感动得流泪

38. long for sb to do sth 渴望某人做某事 

39. care about 关心,担忧

40. make an impression on sb  给某人留下印象




What I should do now is to keep on studying hard in order to be admitted into a famous university.When I become independent economically in the future,I will help my parents live a better life.



They not only gave me life,but also brought me up with selfless love and support,feeling so proud of my every tiny bit of progress.



I am grateful to my English teacher for all the support he has given me,which has made me stronger and a better person.



Worse still,I was too anxious to seek the fundamental reason for my failure.


5.having done作状语

Having been persuaded to change my attitude,I finally got the right way to rid myself of carelessness and gained confidence as well.



1. We are deeply grateful to you for your support. 我们深深感谢你的支持。

2. It is a pity that we shall have to leave tomorrow. 我们明天必须离开,真是遗憾。

3. I feel it a great pleasure to work with so many volunteers from Beijing.和这么多来自北京的志愿者们一起工作,我感到非常高兴。

4. In common with the author, I also hold the view that  keeping optimistic can help us achieve success.和作者一样,我也认为保持乐观可以有助于我们取得成功。



2.现在她对自己的工作感到满意,并对自己的家庭感到骄傲,但是几年前,她却是一个厌世的妇女,她终日为琐事(trivial matters)而担心。




Kate, an optimistic person, who has a positive attitude towards her life, always wears smile on her face and cares much about others. Now she is content with her work and is proud of her family, but a few years ago, she was a pessimistic woman, so she was often anxious about trivial matters. She was anxious to earn money to support her family, but to her great surprise, her boss was disappointed at her work, and thus she lost heart in life. Her husband was worried about her, expecting her not to give up and build confidence in life. The encouragements from her husband made an impression on her, so she was touched to tears. 

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