

 河南老刘 2019-02-17

MANU 来自拉丁语manu意为hand, 它的变形为man. 同义词根来自希腊语chiro.


emancipate [ɪ'mænsɪpet] < e/ex = out > < man/manu = hand > < cip/cap = take >将抓着的手送到外面去  vt sb/sth from sth 解放; 给与自由 

COLLINS: V-T If people are emancipated, they are freed from unpleasant or unfair social, political, or legal restrictions. 解放 [正式]

拓展: emancipation n (奴隶等)解放

e.g. That war preserved the Union and emancipated the slaves. 那场战争保住了联邦政府,解放了奴隶。

manipulate [mə'nɪpjulet] < manu = hand > < pul = drive > 用手拉走 vt 熟练地操作; 巧妙的处理

COLLINS: V-T If you say that someone manipulates people, you disapprove of them because they skilfully force or persuade people to do what they want. 控制 [表不满]; V-T If you say that someone manipulates an event or situation, you disapprove of them because they use or control it for their own benefit, or cause it to develop in the way they want. 操纵 [表不满]; V-T If you manipulate something that requires skill, such as a complicated piece of equipment or a difficult idea, you operate it or process it. 操作; V-T If someone manipulates your bones or muscles, they skilfully move and press them with their hands in order to push the bones into their correct position or make the muscles less stiff. 使脱臼复位; 用推拿术治疗

拓展: manipulation n 巧妙的处理 manipulator n 操作者

e.g. You can manipulate your background jobs from the command line using these labels. 您可以利用这些标签,从命令行操作您的后台工作

manacle ['mænək(ə)l] < man = hand > < cle = small > n 手铐; 脚镣 v 戴上手铐; 束缚

COLLINS:N-COUNT Manacles are metal devices attached to a prisoner's wrists or legs in order to prevent him or her from moving or escaping. 手铐; 脚镣; 镣铐 [usu pl] ; V-T If a prisoner is manacled, their wrists or legs are put in manacles in order to prevent them from moving or escaping. 铐上 [usu passive]

management ['mænɪdʒmənt] < man = hand > n 经营; 运营; 管理; the management 管理层

COLLINS: N-UNCOUNT Management is the control and organizing of a business or other organization. (对企业等组织的) 管理; N-VAR-COLL You can refer to the people who control and organize a business or other organization as the management. 管理层 [商业]

拓展: manage v 操作, 管理 manageable adj 易处理的; 可操纵的 managerial adj 管理人的; 管理的; 经理的 manager 管理者 manageability 易管理; 易处理

manoeuver [mə'nuvɚ] n (军队等的)机动; 机动演习; 花招, 伎俩 v 机动; 机动演习

拓展: maneuverable adj 有机动性的 maneuverability n 机动性 army/fleet maneuvers 陆军/舰队的机动演习 troops on maneuvers 机动训练中的部队

manifest ['mænɪfɛst] < man = hand > < fest = strike > adj 明白的; 显然的 vt 表明, 宣告; 告示; ( 在集会中)发表的意见 n (向海关提交船运的)载货清单

COLLINS:ADJ If you say that something is manifest, you mean that it is clearly true and that nobody would disagree with it if they saw it or considered it. 明显的 [正式]; V-T If you manifest a particular quality, feeling, or illness, or if it manifests itself, it becomes visible or obvious.现出 [正式]; ADJ Manifest is also an adjective. 显现出的

拓展: manifestation n 表现, 表明, 表示; 显示; 显示的言行 manifestom ( 统治者,政党的) 声明; 宣言; 告示 Communist Manifesto 共产党宣言

e.g. The dispute is about wages, working conditions, and the management of the mining industry.这场争端涉及工资、工作环境和采矿业的管理。

manual ['mænjuəl] adj 手动的; 手工的; 体力的 n 手册; 简介; 指南

COLLINS: ADJ Manual work is work in which you use your hands or your physical strength rather than your mind. 手工的; 靠劳力的; ADJ Manual is used to talk about movements which are made by someone's hands. 用手的 [正式] [ADJ n]; N-COUNT A manual is a book which tells you how to do something or how a piece of machinery works. 使用手册

拓展: manual labor 体力劳动 manual training (学校等的)手工课 shorthand manual 速记手册 

manufacture ['mænjə'fæktʃɚ] < fact = make > v (特指大规模的) 制造; 捏造; 虚构  n 制造; 制品

COLLINS:V-T To manufacture something means to make it in a factory, usually in large quantities. 生产 [商业]; N-UNCOUNT Manufacture is also a noun. 生产; N-COUNT In economics, manufactures are goods or products which have been made in a factory. 工业品 [商业]; V-T If you say that someone manufactures information, you are criticizing them because they invent information that is not true. 捏造 [表不满]

拓展: manufacturer n 制造者, 生产者

mannerism ['mænə'rɪzəm] < man = hand > n ( 态度、说话)特殊习惯, 怪癖; 个人惯用格调(特指文学、艺术的表现手法)

manumit [,mænjʊ'mɪt] < mit = send > v 释放(农奴)

COLLINS:V to free from slavery, servitude, etc; emancipate 解放(奴隶、苦役等)

拓展: manumission n (农奴、奴隶等)释放

manuscript ['mænjuskrɪpt] < script = write >< man = hand > n 原稿; 手写稿

COLLINS: N-COUNT A manuscript is a handwritten or typed document, especially a writer's first version of a book before it is published. 手稿 [also 'in' N]

e.g.  If I was to have any hope of success, I couldn't just toss my manuscript across their desks. 如果我有一点成功的希望,我都不能只是把我的手稿扔到他们的书桌上。

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