

 哀而有鉴的Zzz 2019-03-22



The theme of 2015 Milan Expo is “Nourish the planet, life energy; work together with food safety, food security and healthy living” to promote the balanced harmonious development between human and nature. When China Corporate Pavilion decided the theme of exhibition, they selected the imagery of “Chinese seed” to reflect the development and growth of Chinese business, also showing that Chinese enterprises pay attention to food safety and cherish the development goals of natural resources.


犹如种子般生机勃发 thriving like a seed


Under various limitation, the design concept of United Pavilion is set at “China Seed”. The overall shape of the architecture demonstrates as the attitude of “ Negative Yin and Yang, combination with inside and outside”. It express traditional Chinese philosophy through “square and round”, “curve and straight”, “inside and outside”, “false and fact”, “hard and soft”, “motive and quiet”.





建筑内部空间 internal space of building


The DNA structure which is the symbol of life explains the “shape” of lives. The tree shape steel structure barrel is the part of the whole structure, also it echoes the theme of seeds and life. The ramp around the barrel wrapped in curly translucent membrane formed the epidermis of the whole architecture, also the space steel structure system, supporting the whole pavilion with the central tree-shape barrel.




The exhibition space is established around the tree-shape structure barrel and internal green cinema, and the visitors’ route is organized along the ramp. The visitors’ route transforms between inside and outside, and at the same time reach the roof garden unconsciously. From any angle, the building can be seen inside and outside the natural convergence of space, air and light can enter the depths of the building. The Chinese water garden on the roof and Italian garden reflect the scene with each other. The two gardens with different style putting together transmits the meaning of Chinese and Italian cultural communication.



The white PVC membrane is selected as the building skin materials. With the large-scale steel structure cantilevered , the shape of the building looks light and elegant. The curtain at the entrance is open, the space of the pavilion is combined with inside and outside, up and down, also with the external Expo landscape.


结构设计的巨大挑战 huge challenge in structural design



The unique architectural modeling brings huge challenge to structural design—at the south-east entrance of architecture, a corner of epidermis is rolled up, in order to present the meaning of fission and germination. Also the north-west epidermis is rolled up, the under column-free space can be seen.

Main part on the ground has “steel frame structure + façade cantilevered truss” structure, the floor is pressure plate concrete floor slab.  Circle of cross inclined columns is arranged in the oval shape axis 2 combining with tree-shape columns, providing support for the auditorium and the Italian border garden floor.  Some steel columns are arranged in the 3-axis position, providing support for boundary beams and ramp beams, setting main beams between columns and façade truss, in order to form frame structure.



可持续发展的理念 Concept of sustainable development



The standard of sustainable development during Milan Expo is quite high. Around the center of the ramp, the pavilion presents relatively open semi-outdoor space on each floor common areas.

On the other side, at the inner side of the ramp, it reserves vertical ventilation lighting patio, and also the heat inside the building is taken away through the courtyard. It is suitable to the weather requirement when Milan Expo is held in the early summer time every year, and it shows the correct direction of efficient and ecological building. The building basically dismantled, using the whole recycled materials, the outdoor façade uses breathable microporous membrane and hollow glass.



一体化设计及BIM技术利用 Integrated design and BIM technology utilizes


From the beginning of the design, China Corporate Pavilion places the construction and structure under the same platform, to find a balance between architectural form and security of structure. At the same time, through BIM technology and collaborative design methods, architecture, structure, device, etc put under the same working platform. At the first time the mistakes and omissions are observed, the designers can quickly get the guide for the design, to raise the efficiency between structure, architecture and device.





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