

 砥砺行1 2019-05-27

















结果:内侧的松弛度有明显的变化,从第一次手术后即刻的平均2.4°±1.6°增加到了第二次测量时的3.8°±1.4°(p < 0.001),但外侧软组织的松弛度没有明显变化(从第一次的5.6°±2.4°到第二次的5.7°±2.1°)。术后即刻松弛度与内侧和外侧软组织的前后松弛度变化量间不存在相关性(R = −0.53, p < 0.001)。



Residual medial tightness in extension is corrected spontaneously after total knee arthroplasty in varus knees

PURPOSE: Although soft tissue balancing is considered important for successful total knee arthroplasty (TKA), it is unclear whether the laxity and balance achieved intraoperatively change postoperatively. A recent study demonstrated anaesthesia significantly influenced knee joint laxity after TKA; however, there has been no comparison of the varus-valgus laxity immediately after TKA and in the postoperative period under the same anesthetic conditions. Therefore, quantitative stress arthrometric studies were conducted under identical conditions to identify changes in coronal ligament laxity after TKA spontaneously.

METHODS: A consecutive series of 28 knees with varus of more than 5° in 28 patients undergoing staged bilateral TKAs was prospectively evaluated. Postoperative varus-valgus laxity was measured immediately after surgery, with the patient still under spinal anaesthesia; and again at the time of the contralateral TKA, again under anaesthesia. The mean time between the first and second operations was 9.7 ± 7.3 months.

RESULTS: Mean medial laxity significantly changed from 2.4° ± 1.6° just after the first operation under anaesthesia to 3.8° ± 1.4° just aftercontralateral TKA under anaesthesia (p < 0.001), but no significant change occurred in lateral laxity (5.6° ± 2.4° just after the first operation and 5.7° ± 2.1° after contralateral TKA, n.s.). Significant negative correlations were identified between laxity immediately after surgery and the amount of laxity change on both the medial (R = - 0.63, p < 0.001) and lateral sides (R = - 0.53, p < 0.001).

CONCLUSION: Spontaneous soft tissue correction occurs after TKA. The findings from this study provides a rationale that it is not necessary for surgeons to perform the medial soft tissue release until the soft tissue tension is equalized on both the medial and lateral sides which has the risk of excessive release leading to instability. In situations where the surgeon is confronted with a knee that becomes too tight or too loose depending on the insert thickness, it is recommended to choose the thicker insert with the understanding that the knee will initially have a slightly tighter medial compartment that will loosen over time. The results of this study provide technical considerations that can help a surgeon achieve adequate postoperative stability.

文献出处:Tsukeoka T, Tsuneizumi Y. Residual medial tightness in extension is corrected spontaneously after total knee arthroplasty in varus knees. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018 May 4. doi: 10.1007/s00167-018-4967-6.





方法: 从2017年9月至2018年9月对314例膝关节和髋关节置换术患者进行回顾性研究。分别于术前即刻、术后5pm(手术当天DOS)、9pmDOS和术后1d(术后第一天POD)测定血糖水平。高血糖患者按:严格标准≥126 mg/dl、中间标准≥137 mg/dl和宽泛标准≥180 mg/dl三种血糖阈值评定是否为高血糖。对每个测血糖时间段进行描述性统计,并对所有时间点的血糖平均值和高血糖患者数量进行调整后比较。

结果:术前患者平均血糖值为105.7±2.1mg/d(±95%CI),术后即刻为117.3±2.5mg/dL,术后当日5pm为138.6±4.3mg/dL,9pm为142.9±4.3mg/dL9pmDOS,第二日清晨为116.7±3.1mg/dL。糖尿病组和非糖尿病组在5pm和9pm的血糖值均显著高于其他时间点(P<0.001)。在所有的三种高血糖阈值中,9 pm时高血糖者血糖值最高:严格标准=205(65.3%),中间标准=177(56.4%),宽泛标准=90(28.7%)。

结论:TJA患者术后大部分血糖升高,与传统观点认为的POD 1相比,术后当日晚9pm可能是检测糖尿病和非糖尿病患者是否高血糖的最敏感时间。

Optimal Timing of Glucose Measurements After Total Joint Arthroplasty

Introduction: Postoperative glucose levels after total joint arthroplasty (TJA) are important to  monitor, as hyperglycemia has been linked to complications such as periprosthetic joint infection. The purposes of this study were to identify how postoperative glucose values vary during the perioperative period and determine the optimal time to check glucose levels to best evaluate for hyperglycemia.

Methods: A retrospective study was conducted from September 2017-September 2018 on 314 knee and hip arthroplasty patients. Blood glucose levels were collected immediately preoperatively, immediately postoperatively, 5PM day of surgery (DOS), 9PM DOS, and postoperative day (POD) 1 morning. The total number of hyperglycemic patients was assessed at three glucose thresholds: strict ≥126mg/dl, intermediate ≥137mg/dl, and lenient ≥180mg/dl. Descriptive statistics were performed for each glucose time period, and adjusted comparisons were made between the mean glucose values and number of hyperglycemic patients at all time points.  

Results: Mean (±95% CI) glucose values were 105.7±2.1 mg/d L preoperatively, 117.3±2.5mg/dL immediately postoperatively, 138.6±4.3mg/dL 5PM DOS, 142.9±4.3mg/dL 9PM DOS, and 116.7±3.1mg/dL POD1 morning. The 5PM and 9PM values were significantly higher than all other time points in both diabetics and nondiabetics (p<0.001 for all). For all three hyperglycemia thresholds, the highest number of patients were hyperglycemic at 9PM DOS: strict=205 (65.3%) patients; intermediate=177 (56.4%) patients; and lenient=90 (28.7%) patients.

Conclusion: The majority of TJA patients are hyperglycemic postoperatively, and 9PM on the  night of surgery may be the most sensitive time for detecting hyperglycemia in both diabetic and nondiabetic patients, in contrast to traditional POD1 levels. 

文献出处:Varady NH, Schwab PE, Jones T, Collins JE, Fitz W, Chen AF. Optimal Timing of Glucose Measurements After Total Joint Arthroplasty. J Arthroplasty. 2019 Jan 9. pii: S0883-5403(19)30011-7. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2019.01.004.






结果:与传统方法相比,应用机器人辅助的单髁置换病例术后疼痛评分更低(p < 0.001),阿片类镇痛药用量更少(p < 0.001),达成直腿抬高的时间更短(p < 0.001),物理治疗次数减少(p < 0.001),出院时膝关节最大屈曲角度增加(p < 0.001)。同时,机器人辅助的单髁置换病例出院时间更短(42.5小时(SD 5.9) vs 71.1小时(SD 14.6); p < 0.001),而术后90天内的并发症率无明显差异。





An assessment of early functional rehabilitation and hospital discharge in conventional versus robotic-arm assisted unicompartmental knee arthroplasty:A Prospective Cohort Study

Aims:The objectives of this study were to compare postoperative pain, analgesia requirements, inpatient functional rehabilitation, time to hospital discharge, and complications in patients undergoing conventional jig-based unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) versus robotic-arm assisted UKA.

Patients and Methods:This prospective cohort study included 146 patients with symptomatic medial compartment knee osteoarthritis undergoing primary UKA performed by a single surgeon. This included 73 consecutive patients undergoing conventional jig-based mobile bearing UKA, followed by 73 consecutive patients receiving robotic-arm assisted fixed bearing UKA. All surgical procedures were performed using the standard medial parapatellar approach for UKA, and all patients underwent the same postoperative rehabilitation programme. Postoperative pain scores on the numerical rating scale and opiate analgesia consumption were recorded until discharge. Time to attainment of predefined functional rehabilitation outcomes, hospital discharge, and postoperative complications were recorded by independent observers.

Results: Robotic-arm assisted UKA was associated with reduced postoperative pain (p < 0.001), decreased opiate analgesia requirements (p < 0.001), shorter time to straight leg raise (p < 0.001), decreased number of physiotherapy sessions (p < 0.001), and increased maximum knee flexion at discharge (p < 0.001) compared with conventional jig-based UKA. Mean time to hospital discharge was reduced in robotic UKA compared with conventional UKA (42.5 hours (SD 5.9) vs 71.1 hours (SD 14.6), respectively; p < 0.001). There was no difference in postoperative complications between the two groups within 90 days’ follow-up.

Conclusion: Robotic-arm assisted UKA was associated with decreased postoperative pain, reduced opiate analgesia requirements, improved early functional rehabilitation, and shorter time to hospital discharge compared with conventional jig-based UKA.

文献出处:B. Kayani, S. Konan, J. Tahmassebi, F. E. Rowan, F. S. Haddad. An assessment of early functional rehabilitation and hospital discharge in conventional versus robotic-arm assisted unicompartmental knee arthroplasty: A Prospective Cohort Study. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2019; 101-B: 24–33.






方法:通过MRI对25例I期及II期股骨头坏死髋关节进行评估。以3D MRI测量骨头坏死面积的结果为基准,与肉眼评估及其它评估坏死区范围的参数进行比较,包括Kerboul坏死角、坏死指数、坏死调整指数。

结果:3D MRI测量显示患者股骨头坏死容积在2.2-59.2%。3D MRI测量结果与股骨头坏死面积参数间存在粗糙的相关性,其中股骨头坏死指数比Kerboul坏死角要更接近3D MRI测量结果。肉眼直接观测每张MRI的评估结果与测量参数间准确性无差异。

结论:简单的肉眼直接观测每张MRI可以较为准确地评估股骨头坏死的面积,满足临床需要。股骨头坏死面积参数测量可以用于评估预后和治疗,但是不够精确,不同方法间存在差异。3D MRI测量坏死区容量的方法最为准确。通过现有的技术及软件可以简化其操作,相比其它股骨头坏死面积参数的测量,并不会耗费更多的时间和精力。当临床研究及发表文章需要非常精确的测量数据时,应首选3D MRI方法。

通过在MRI冠状位位T1相进行股骨头坏死容积的测量。a 股骨头坏死区域的轮廓;b 整个股骨头的轮廓;c 股骨头坏死区与整个股骨头的轮廓

Lesion size measurement in femoral head necrosis

BACKGROUND: Management of patients with early stages of osteonecrosis of the femoral head remains controversial. Uniform use of an effective method of evaluation and classification, including both stage and lesion size, would allow for comparison and would significantly improve treatment of patients. There is no consensus on how best to determine lesion size. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare accuracy and ease of use of different techniques for determining the size of femoral head lesions.

METHODS: Twenty-five hips with stages I or II osteonecrosis were evaluated with radiographs and MRI. 3-D MRI measurements of lesionsize were used as the standard against which to compare visual estimates and angular measurements: necrotic angle of Kerboul, index of necrosis, and adjusted index of necrosis.

RESULTS: 3-D measurements (necrotic volume) showed regular progression from 2.2 to 59.2% of the femoral head. There was a rough correlation with angular measurements; index of necrosis was closer than the necrotic angle. Visual estimates from serial MRI images were as accurate as angular measurements.

CONCLUSIONS: Simple visual estimates of lesion size from serial MRI images are reasonably accurate and are satisfactory for clinical use. Angular measurements provide some indication of prognosis and treatment; however, they have limited accuracy, with considerable variability between techniques. 3-D MRI volumetric measurements are the most accurate. Using current techniques and software, they are easier to use, requiring similar time and effort to angular measurements. They should be considered for clinical research and publications when the most accurate measurements are required.

文献出处:Steinberg ME, Oh SC, Khoury V, Udupa JK, Steinberg DR. Lesion size measurement in femoral head necrosis. Int Orthop. 2018 Jul;42(7):1585-1591. doi: 10.1007/s00264-018-3912-0. Epub 2018 Apr 25.







图1 不同亚组间疾病分布的不同

结论:大多数(> 80%)中青年患者的髋部疼痛的诊断,对于许多基层医师尚存在困难。主要包括股髋撞击综合征(FAI),髋关节发育不良(HD),腰椎源性疼痛和脊柱关节炎(SpA)这四种疾病。本研究可以提供髋关节疼痛病例漏诊误诊的反馈信息,并提示基层医生需要熟悉这4种疾病的诊断方法。

Causes of Chronic Hip Pain Undiagnosed or Misdiagnosed by Primary Physicians in Young Adult Patients: a Retrospective Descriptive Study

BACKGROUND: Hip pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint in general practice. Although comprehensive diagnostic approach on hip pain is mandatory for adequate treatment, un- or mis-diagnosis is not rare in primary care. The aim of this study was to analyze descriptively un- or mis-diagnosed hip pain cases referred from primary care to a tertiary hospital, especially in young adults ≤ 50 years old.

METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed a consecutive cohort of 150 patients (≤ 50 years old) with chronic hip pain (≥ 6 weeks), which was not diagnosed or misdiagnosed based on the information provided on the referral form.

RESULTS: Overall an average 32 cases/month were referred due to hip pain without a diagnosis or with an incorrect diagnosis. Among them, 150 patients were enrolled in this study and 146 (97.3%) could be allocated to a specific disease by using data from routine clinical practice. Four common final diagnoses were femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome (55.3%), hip dysplasia (HD, 13.3%), referred pain from the lumbar spine (9.3%), and spondyloarthritis (SpA, 7.3%). In patients with FAI syndrome, 37 (44.0%) had pincer-type FAI and 33 (39.8%) had combined-type. Although the pain site or gender was not tightly clustered, the distribution of final diagnosis was significantly different according to hip pain location or gender. Especially, SpA or HD was not observed in younger women subgroup or elder men subgroup, respectively, when stratified by the mean age of participants.

CONCLUSION: Most (> 80%) young patients with hip pain, a difficult issue to diagnosis for many primary physicians, had FAI syndrome, HD, spine lesions, and SpA. This study could give a chance to feedback information about cases with un- or mis-diagnosed hip pain, and it suggests that primary physicians need to be familiar with the diagnostic approach for these 4 diseases.

参考文献:Lee YJ, Kim SH, Chung SW, Lee YK, Koo KH. Causes of Chronic Hip Pain Undiagnosed or Misdiagnosed by Primary Physicians in Young Adult Patients: a Retrospective Descriptive Study. J Korean Med Sci. 2018 Dec 11;33(52):e339. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2018.33.e339. eCollection 2018 Dec 24.







3D statistical model of the pelvic ring - a CT-based statistical evaluation of anatomical variation

The pelvic ring is a highly complex construct with a central role for human stability and mobility. The observable interindividual differences in skeletal anatomy are caused by anatomical variation in the innominate bones as well as the sacrum, further to differences in the spatial arrangement of these bones to each other. The aim of this study was to generate a 3D statistical model of the entire pelvic ring in order to analyse the observed interindividual differences and anatomical variation. A series of 50 anonymized pelvic CT scans of uninjured Japanese adults [30 males, 20 females, average age of 74.9 years, standard deviation (SD) 16.9 years] were processed and analysed, resulting in a 3D statistical overall mean model and separate male and female mean models. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the overall statistical model predominantly showed size variation (20.39%) followed by shape variation (14.13%), and a variation of the spatial arrangement of the sacrum to the innominate bones in different anatomical peculiarities (11.39 and 8.85%). In addition, selected internal and external pelvic parameters were manually measured with the objective of further evaluating and quantifying the observed interindividual as well as the known sex-specific differences. A separate statistical model of the grey value distribution based on the given Hounsfield unit (HU) values was calculated for assessing bone mass distribution, thus an indication of bone quality utilizing grey values as a quantitative description of radiodensity was obtained. A consistent pattern of grey value distribution was shown, with the highest grey values observed between the sacro-iliac joint and the acetabulum along the pelvic brim. Low values were present in the sacral ala, in the area of the iliac fossa as well as in the pubic rami next to the symphysis. The present model allows a differentiated analysis of the observed interindividual variation of the pelvic ring and an evaluation of the grey value distribution therein. Besides providing a better understanding of anatomical variation, this model could be also used as a helpful tool for educational purposes, preoperative planning and implant design.

文献出处:Arand C, Wagner D, Richards RG, et al. 3D statistical model of the pelvic ring - a CT-based statistical evaluation of anatomical variation. J Anat, 2018.




目的:三维(3D)计算机断层扫描图像目前可用来制作3D模型,以便于骨科的术前设计,但3D模型制作过程耗时较长且花费较高。对于慢性桡骨头脱位的患者,我们设计了一种图像重叠的方法,采用选定的3D CT图像和相关软件,可以简化手术截骨位置的选择。

方法:我们研究了5名单侧桡骨头脱位的患者(2名为创伤性,3名为先天性)。这些患者基于传统影像学检查接受了手术治疗,但是他们同时有术前和术后完整的3D CT检查图像:我们将基于这些3D CT图像进行此项研究。基于术前术后的3D CT检查图像,每名患者有3组3D打印的骨模型:其中2组为患者术前的情况,1组为患者术后的情况。其中1组术前骨模型使用图像重叠法进行截骨和固定的选择。最后我们对此3组模型进行术前术后的旋转弧进行研究。



图一:我们采用常规的测试仪器和特定的固定终板来固定骨模型,测量其旋转弧度。(A)旋后位 (B)中立位 (C)旋前位。




图五:在最大差异的旋转平面上选择截骨点。A,将患侧的桡骨和尺骨分开,B,选择同一旋转平面的正常前臂的图像,在同一个Microsoft PowerPoint窗口中,将患侧的桡骨和尺骨与健侧重叠放置,使其远端重叠,(C)使其近端重叠,标记患侧骨骼与健侧未重叠部分。我们仅保留骨骼远端和近端准确的重叠部分,去除其明显的偏离部分,D,我们将患侧图像的剩余部分滑移到健侧,并将患侧的骨骼图像与健侧的重叠,保证其两端最佳重叠。通过检查患者前臂的旋转的量(包括延长或短缩)来确定矫正的量。然后将截骨区域通过钢板螺钉进行固定。

A Graphic Overlay Method for Selection of Osteotomy Site in Chronic Radial Head Dislocation: An Evaluation of 3D-printed Bone Models

Purpose: Three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography imaging is now being used to generate 3D models for planning orthopaedic surgery, but the process remains time consuming and expensive. For chronic radial head dislocation, we have designed a graphic overlay approach that employs selected 3D computer images and widely available software to simplify the process of osteotomy site selection.

Methods: We studied 5 patients (2 traumatic and 3 congenital) with unilateral radial head dislocation. These patients were treated with surgery based on traditional radiographs, but they also had full sets of 3D CT imaging done both before and after their surgery: these 3D CT images form the basis for this study. From the 3D CT images, each patient generated 3 sets of 3Dprinted bone models: 2 copies of the preoperative condition, and 1 copy of the postoperative condition. One set of the preoperative models was then actually osteotomized and fixed in the manner suggested by our graphic technique. Arcs of rotation of the 3 sets of 3D-printed bone models were then compared.

Results: Arcs of rotation of the 3 groups of bone models were significantly different, with the models osteotomized accordingly to our graphic technique having the widest arcs.

Conclusions: For chronic radial head dislocation, our graphic overlay approach simplifies the selection of the osteotomy site(s). Three-dimensional-printed bone models suggest that this approach could improve range of motion of the forearm in actual surgical practice.

文献出处: A Graphic Overlay Method for Selection of Osteotomy Site in Chronic Radial Head Dislocation: An Evaluation of 3d-Printed Bone Models. H. T. Kim, T. Y. Ahn, J. H. Jang, K. H. Kim, S. J. Lee, and D. Y. Jung, J Pediatr Orthop (2015).





最新进展:众所周知的DDH危险因素包括家族史、女性性别和胎儿臀位。最近的证据表明,出生体重增加也是一种危险因素,而早产可能降低该风险。筛查包括对所有婴儿进行体格检查,并在出现异常发现或危险因素时进行影像学检查。前6个月的治疗包括Pavlik吊带,成功率为70-95%。失败的危险因素包括股神经麻痹、吊带限制髋关节活动、无法复位的髋关节、7周龄后开始治疗、右髋关节脱位、Graf IV型髋脱位和男性患儿。如果使用Pavlik吊带的复位治疗失败,可使用坚硬挽具治疗,如其也失败,可考虑闭合复位。如果髋关节仍然不能复位、非同心圆复位或不稳定,则需要考虑切开复位。证据不支持延迟髋关节复位直到出现骨化核。



IHDI(International Hip Dysplasia Institute)髋关节发育不良的分类。Hilgenreiner线为两侧Y形软骨顶部的连线,Perkin线从髋臼的外侧缘垂直于Hilgenreiner线划出,对角线从Hilgenreiner线和Perkin线的交点的45度划出。股骨颈干骺端上缘中点的位置(H点)可用于确定髋关节(I-IV)的分级。I级为正常髋关节,H点位于Perkin线上或内侧,II级为半脱位髋关节,H点位于Perkin线与对角线之间(包括对角线),III级为半脱位或脱位髋关节,H点位于对角线与Hilgenreiner线之间(包括Hilgenreiner线),IV级为脱位髋关节,H点高于Hilgenreiner线。

Developmental dysplasia of the hip: an update on diagnosis and management from birth to 6 months

Purpose of review: Our understanding of the epidemiology, diagnosis, and management of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is evolving. This review focuses on the most up-to-date literature on DDH in patients from birth to six months of age. 

Recent findings: Well known risk factors for DDH include family history, female sex, and breech positioning. Recent evidence suggests higher birth weight is a risk, whereas prematurity may be protective. Screening includes physical examination of all infant hips and imaging when abnormal findings or risk factors are present. Treatment in the first six months consists of a harness, with 70–95% success. Failure risk factors include femoral nerve palsy, static bracing, irreducible hips, initiation after seven weeks of age, right hip dislocation, Graf-IV hips, and male sex. Rigid bracing may be trialed if reduction with a harness fails and closed reduction is indicated after failed bracing. If the hip is still irreducible, nonconcentric, or unstable, open reduction may be required following closed reduction. Evidence does not support delaying hip reduction until the ossific nucleus is present. 

Summary: DDH affects 1–7% of infants. All infants should be examined and selective screening with imaging should be performed for abnormal physical exams or risk factors. Early treatment is associated with optimal outcomes. 

 文献出处:Ishaan Swarup,Caitlin L Penny, Emily R Dodwell. Developmental dysplasia of the hip: an update on diagnosis and management from birth to 6 months .Curr Opin Pediatr 2018;30(1):84-92 doi:10.1097/MOP.0000000000000574.









图2. 描述髋臼和股骨X线照片参数。一个右侧股骨头骨骺滑动男孩的单髋X线片。

图3. 一个女孩左侧股骨头骨骺滑脱(SCFE)的骨盆前后位X线片。

图4. 一位左侧股骨头骨骺滑脱(SCFE)的男孩立即行原位骨骺固定术后的骨盆前后位X线片。

Acetabular morphology in slipped capital femoral epiphysis: comparison at treatment onset and skeletal maturity

Purpose: To investigate changes in acetabular morphology during the follow-up of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) and search for factors associated with acetabular dysplasia at skeletal maturity.

Methods: We evaluated 108 patients with unilateral SCFE (mean age at slip, 12.3 years sd 1.7) to skeletal maturity, with a minimum follow-up of two years (median 4.5 years; interquartile range 3.2 to 6.2). Acetabular parameters obtained from initial and most recent radiographs included the lateral centre-edge angle (LCEA), Tönnis angle (TA) and acetabular depth-width ratio (ADR). Acetabular dysplasia was considered for LCEA < 20° or TA > 10°. Femoral parameters consisted of the most recent head diameter, neck-shaft angle, neck length, articulotrochanteric distance and alpha angle.

Results: At SCFE onset, the affected hip showed a slightly lower LCEA (26.4° sd 6.1° versus 27.3° sd 5.7°; p = 0.01) and ADR (330 sd 30 versus 340 sd 30; p < 0.001) compared with the uninvolved hip. At final follow-up, the affected hip showed lower LCEA (24.5° sd 7.6° versus 28.8°sd 6.6°; p < 0.001) and ADR (330 sd 40 versus 350 sd 40; p < 0.001), and TA was larger (5.5° sd 5.4° versus 2.3° sd 4.2°; p < 0.001) compared with the uninvolved hip. Acetabular dysplasia was observed in 27 (25%) of 108 hips with SCFE. Femoral head overgrowth, age at slip and SCFE severity were independent factors associated with acetabular dysplasia (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: Acetabular coverage and depth are not increased in SCFE, and the acetabular coverage tends to decrease up to skeletal maturity. A potential disturbance in the acetabular growth and remodelling exists mainly for young children with severe SCFE, and a potential for acetabular insufficiency may be observed at the diagnosis and follow-up of SCFE.

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