
高三英语 Unit eight.A person of great examination.

 宫商角徽羽 2019-08-09

   高三英语,   Unit eight.A person of great examination.


Jane and kate are leaving the swimming pool.

See you next Friday.

Next Friday?Why, what's happening?I'm going away for the weekend.

But you said you'd come out the dinner with me. We fixed it.

No, we didn’t fix anything.. We thought we might go out, but we said we'd check with each other first.And now I'm telling you I can't manage this Friday.Another time possibly, but not Friday.

You don't keep your word.Why did you tell me then? I've been looking forward to it.How can you change your mind at last minute?

I'm sorry about  that.

You just don't consider anyone but yourself.

That's not true. I don't want to argue about it anymore anyhow. I'll see you next week.

A fortnight later.

Kate, I'm sorry about that argument. I apologize for being so angry with you.

You were very angry.

Yes, I'm sorry about that.I think we just had a misunderstanding about the plan, but I was destroyed, did not to be going out. So I got angry and started shouting at you.

You certainly did.

I'm sorry to have done that. I didn't mean to be so rude.

It does matter.

I feel rather ashamed.

There's no need for that. We will have dinner another time.

Thanks ,I’d  like that.

         A person of great determination.

Many years ago I walked into a  bookstore in Cincinnati in search of some books that I wanted.Where I was there. A young boy of about 12 came into ask whether they had any geography books for sale.

“Plenty of them.”was the shop assistants reply.

“How much do they cost?”

“$1 each,young man.”

“Oh, dear, I didn't know they cost so much.”He turned to go out and had already opened the door,but then he paused and came back to the counter.”I'm only got 62 cents.”He said.”Will you let me have the book, and wait a little while for the rest of the money?”

How easily he looked up at the sales assistant for an answer. And how disappointed he looked when the man refused his request.Looking up at me with a weak smile. The boy left the store. I ‘followed him.

“And what now?”I asked.

“I shall try another place,sir”

“Do you mind if I come belong to and see how you get on.?”

“If you like.”He said in surprise, we went to four  different stores together and four times I saw the boys eager face turn to disappointment.

“Are you going to try again?”I ask.

“Yes sir.Unless I visit every bookstore in town, I shall not know whether I can get what I want.”

We entered the 5th store and the boy walked straight up to the counter and told the bookseller, just what he wanted and how much money he had.

Do you want the book very much?”Asked the bookseller.

“Yes sir very much.”

“Why do you want it so badly?”急切的,

To study ,sir. I can't go to school ,but when I have time I study at home,.All the other boys have geography books, and they will be ahead of me If I don't get one. Besides, my father was a sailor ,and I want to know about all the places he used to go to.

“Does he still go to these places?”

“He is died.”Replied the boy softly.A moment later he added.”I'm going to be a sailor too.”

“Are you young man.?”said  the bookseller with a curious look.

“Yes indeed sir. If I possibly can.”

“Where i'll tell you what i'll do. I'll let you have the new geography book. And you may pay me the rest of the money when you can. Or, I can let you have a second hand book, for 15 cents.”

“Are you sure that there are no pages  missing. And that it is just like the others, only second hand?”

“Yes. It is as good as new ones.”

“Well in that case, it ‘ll do just as well, and then I shall have 12cents left to buy some other book. I'm glad they didn't let me have one at any of the other places.”

At the boy's last remark, the bookseller looked at his curiously. I told him what I had seen and heard at the five other places. to the boy’s delight. The bookseller give him a nice new pencil and a some writingpaper.

“A present young man for your great  determination.”he said.”You are obviously a person of great courage.”

“Thank you, sir. It's very kind of.”

What is your name?

“William harry potter.”

I look into the boys heroes but eager face and asked him.” Do you want any more books?”

“Yes. More than I can ever get.”

I give him $2. “Take this money and buy yourself some more books.”

Tears of joy filled his eyes. For one moment ,I thought he was going to burst into tears. Thank you very much indeed,sir.  he said,” I hope that one day I shall be able to  repay you.”

He asked for my name and I told him, then I left him standing by the counter. So happy that I almost envied him.

Many years later, I was sailing to europe on a fine sailing ship across the atlantic .For the greater part of the voyage we had pleasant weather,but towards the end of our crossing a terrible storm came up and the ship would have sunk with all on board but for the efforts of the captain.

The ship started to leak and began to fill with water. The sailors were strong ,able, and willing.But after pumping for one whole night, they will losing the battle against the rising water and were on the point of giving up.

The captain,as soon as he realized the situation, took charge.He ordered the sailors back to the pumps and encouraged the years later to save the ship.His strong will doubled their efforts.How the man pumped like crazy.As the captain passed me, I asked him whether there was any hope of saving the ship.

He look at me. “Yes, sir” he said, “while my feet remain standing above the water level, there is hope.Neither I nor any of the sailors Will leave the ship, so long as it remains above the surface of the sea.We shall do everything we can to seize the ship. And if we fail, it will not be our fault.Then he turned to all the passengers and shouted,”To the pumps. Everyone of you.”

Three times during that day We were on the point of giving up. but the captain’s courage, determination and iron will forced us to continue ,and we went back to the pumps.”I will land you safe in liverpool. He cried. If you will stay strong and form with me.”

And in the end he did land us safe,but the ship sank soon after it reached the port of liverpool.The captain stood at the edge of the ship once it was safely tied up to the wall of the port and received the thanks of the passengers as they hurried off the ship.As I expressed to him my thanks, he held my hand firmly , looked into my eyes and said” sir,don't you recognize me?” I told him that I did not.

“Do you remember the boy who you followed when he had so much difficulty in buying a geography book, some 30 years  ago, in Cincinnati

Why yes I remember that boy very well his name was William hartley.

I am that same William hartley.

Goodness! I said, “what a good fortune that I traveled with you as my captain. The determination that 30 years ago got you that geography book has today saved our lives.

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