

 昵称50368963 2019-08-30


A new study has found that mentally stimulating activities like using computers, playing games, making crafts and participating in social activities are linked to a lower risk or delay of age-related memory loss called mild cognitive impairment (MCI).


They may struggle to complete complex tasks or have difficulty understanding information they have read, whereas people with dementia have trouble with daily tasks such as dressing, bathing and eating independently. However, there is strong evidence that MCI can be a precursor of dementia.


"There are currently no drugs that effectively treat mild cognitive impairment, dementia or Alzheimer's disease, so there is growing interest in lifestyle factors that may help slow brain aging believed to contribute to thinking and memory problems — factors that are low cost and available to anyone," said study author Yonas E Geda, MD of the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, and a member of the American Academy of Neurology.

美国神经病学学会成员、亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市梅奥医疗中心医学博士、该研究的作者Yonas E. Geda表示:“目前还没有能够有效治疗轻度认知障碍、痴呆或阿尔茨海默病的药物,因此,人们对于生活方式因素的影响越来越感兴趣,这些因素可能有助于减缓大脑衰老,人们相信特定生活方式有助于解决思考和记忆问题,并且改变生活方式的成本很低,任何人都可以参与。”

"Our study took a close look at how often people participated in mentally stimulating activities in both middle-age and later life, with a goal of examining when such activities may be most beneficial to the brain."


- Findings -

- 研究发现 -

❶ Researchers found that using a computer in middle-age was associated with a 48 percent lower risk of MCI.


❷ Engaging in social activities, like going to movies or going out with friends, or playing games, like doing crosswords or playing cards, in both middle-age and later life were associated with a 20 percent lower risk of developing MCI.


❸ Craft activities were associated with a 42 percent lower risk, but only in later life.



Those who engaged in two activities were 28 percent less likely to develop memory and thinking problems than those who took part in no activities, while those who took part in three activities were 45 percent less likely, those with four activities were 56 percent less likely and those with five activities were 43 percent less likely.



I knew it. Now I have a source to prove that mentally demanding games are a good brain exercise!



I knew spending over eight hours on the internet was not for nothing!



It makes sense that using your brain makes it stronger. Just like what happens with muscles. For example, reading is a task where the brain is used — therefore, learning video games is even a harder training. There is a fact about nuns' brains: because they read so many biblical books, Alzheimer's didn't hit them at all.


But it should be noted that reading itself isn't a complex task. Being able to analyze, debate and form rational ideas while reading is the key. Reading is only as complex as the material you're engaging with.




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