
【探泌】Eur Urol:尿路结石的药物排石治疗—未来趋势和知识缺口

 青云巷一周齊華 2019-09-07


为促进输尿管结石排出,避免不必要的外科干预,多个指南建议使用药物排石治疗(medical expulsive therapy,MET)。由于不同研究之间结果相互矛盾,使得药物排石治疗存在争议。

对此,发表于《European Urology》杂志题为《Medical Expulsive Therapy for Urinary Stones: Future Trends and Knowledge Gaps》的文章评价了药物排石治疗对输尿管结石的作用及其发展方向。


Context: Medical expulsive therapy (MET) for ureteral stones has become a controversial area due to the contradictory results of high-quality trials and meta-analyses.


Objective: We aimed to review the literature to evaluate the value of and future directions for MET for ureteral stone disease.


Evidence acquisition: A literature search of the MEDLINE database and the Cochrane Library was conducted to collect articles about MET for ureteral calculi published up to 28 October 2018. A total of 524 articles were screened. Sixty-nine publications that met the inclusion criteria for this review were chosen. Among the primary research articles on MET with stone clearance as the primary outcome, seven responded to high-quality requirements of Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing the risk of bias in randomised trials.


Evidence synthesis: The vast majority of randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials without a high or an unclear risk of bias did not find a benefit of MET for increased ureteral stone passage rates. This is in contrast to results of meta-analyses that are skewed by low-quality trials.


Conclusions: The strength of evidence for the benefit of MET in ureteral stones is low, even for distal ureteral stones >5 mm. In the absence of further high-quality data, individual clinicians are required to decide for themselves whether to believe high-quality single trials or meta-analyses. 


Patient summary: We evaluated the value of and future directions for medical expulsive therapy (MET) for ureteral stone disease. We found that outcomes varied between studies. Individual clinicians are required to decide for themselves which studies to believe. Alpha-blockers as MET may retain a role in a selective group of well-counselled patients with larger stones who understand the side effects and off-label use.




原作者指出,目前证据非常复杂,多数高质量研究结果并不支持MET,还有一些研究存在较高偏倚风险,使得研究结果不能完全反应真实情况,需要更多的高质量数据来证明MET的益处。今后研究重点应在MET对无症状输尿管结石、<10mm的输尿管多发结石、>10mm的输尿管单发结石的作用,以及结石的形状、体积及最大直径。还应包括患者的性别、年龄(包括儿童)、种族、解剖学因素、同侧支架置入或手术史、肾积水情况以及结石成分,上述因素在既往研究中通常未报告或是作为排除标准。总之,现有证据表明在临床工作中医生应与患者充分沟通药物的副作用和超说明用药后,方可选择性使用MET。MET适用于所有患者的时代已经结束(原文为the era of MET for all comers is over)。


1.De Coninck V, Antonelli J, Chew B, Patterson JM, Skolarikos A, Bultitude M. Medical Expulsive Therapy for Urinary Stones: Future Trends and Knowledge Gaps. Eur Urol. 2019




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