
寄宿学校SAO申请系统文书全解析 | 建议收藏

 宛丘2019 2019-09-25

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美国传统寄宿高中250所有余,其中近200所高中都可以通过SAO系统申请。SAO系统申请需要学生完成学生文书(Student Statement)及部分学校(10所左右)需要完成自己的补充文书(Supplement)。


What reading have you enjoyed most in the past year and why?   


  1. 选书最好是英文小说,最好带有一定文化深度的小说;不能只是中文翻译版的科幻小说。

  2. 注意选书是去年看过的书,不是小时候看过,或者现在正在看还未看完的书。

  3. 选书是符合自己个性的,让自己很感动或给自己启发特别大的书。我们会教如何'Writing for Reading“的阅读小说方法及写书评的方法。

  4. 切记进行“百度或豆瓣书评”的翻译。


Describe an academic or extracurricular achievement of which you are most proud of or a challenge you have faced. if you select an achievement, what did it take to accomplish this achievement? If you select a challenge, what did you laern from it and how did you overcome it?                                                                  


  1. 学术成就最好不要提托福和SSAT备考,这本身就不是招生官想要看到的内容。

  2. 课外活动成就最好是公认很棒的一个活动,比如某比赛世界级别的奖项,或一个发自内心的公益项目;结果一带而过,关键是要展示完整的过程。

  3. 挑战可以是学术挑战或活动挑战。挑战本身是一个个人化的感受,每个学生对同样一个事情的舒适圈的承受度是不同的,关键是写清楚自己通过怎样的心路历程、做了什么事情,去克服了这个挑战。


Each person has a unique set of character skills they learn and develop over time. These characteristics affect they way they think, feel, and behave. Examples are things like cooperation, open-minded, curious, thoughtful of others, responsible,etc. Take a moment to think about the character skills that make you who you are. Describe one of your character skills and a time or situation when that skill came in handy.   


  1. 这是更新后的SAO学生文书的新问题,也是一个比较难回答的问题,要学生理解自己。

  2. 这个问题可能需要家长的协助,将学生可能已经不记得的小时候的事情用于启发学生。

  3. 这个问题的解答关键在于找到自己一个“蜕变”的时刻,这个“蜕变”对自己今后(在美国)有什么正面的影响。

  4. 这个回答的内容要条理清晰地写出来,不要冗长废话,不着重点;不要假大空。


What are the reasons you want to attend an independent school? What do you believe you will contribute to a school community?                                                  


  1. 这是一个特别好的问题,要学生成熟地思考去美高读书这个重大的决定。

  2. 这是一个关于学生教育经历和教育认同感的问题;看看学生是做好足够的功课有很强的欲望才申请美高还是只是盲目逃避国内的学业。

  3. 对社区的贡献是一个基本的概念,需要学生了解他们可以做和愿意做什么。



(1)Describe a person you admire or who has influenced you a great deal.        


(2)If you could spend the day with any 2 people - real or fictional, living or not, famous or not - who would those 2 people be and why would you choose them? How would you spend your day and what topics would you talk about?


(3)Explain the impact of an event or activity that has created a change in your life or in your way of thinking.  


(4)You have found a time-machine and traveled  40 years into the future where you are able to meet and interview your future self. What did you do in the years following high school? Where do you find yourself living in the future and what is your life like?               


(5) Imagine you are spending the weekend with your family in a location with ZERO technology-no phone, TV, computer, video, radio, etc. How will you spend your weekend? Describe some of the activities you will do to pass and enjoy the time.


  1. 这个小文章有两题也是SAO系统更新后的新问题。

  2. 选其中一个自己最得心应手、可以侃侃而谈的问题,需要学生结合自身的感悟、思考、爱好等来写。






1.   What is your favorite book?

2.   What is your favorite movie/TV show?

3.   What is your favorite song or musical artist?

4.   What is your favorite food?

5.  Which extracurricular activity that you have not yet tried would you like to try at Peddie? Why?

6.   What superpower or extraordinary ability do you wish you possessed?

7.   Do you have any pets? If so, tell use about them.

8.   Are you a morning person or a night owl? Why?

9.  What characterstics or quality do you admire the most in your best friend?



1. You have been chosen to teach the Pro Vita class of your dreams. Please write the course description that will appear in the catalog.

2. You have the ability to travel in time. What time period would you visit, where would you go and what would you do there?

3. You are back at Berkshire for your 20th reunion. Describe your journey since graduation.

4. Tell us about a challenging moment in your life and what strengths you used to face this adversity.

5. How would your favorite teacher describe you and the impact you would have on the Berkshire community?


St. Mark’s(部分)

1. Briefly discuss your strengths and weaknesses.

2. We all face obstacles in our lives. Describe a specific challenge you have faced and explain what you learned from this experience.

3. In the space provided, please tell us briefly about yourself by completing the following statements.

I am happiest when... 

My greatest fear is...

Three words to describe me are:

My favorite academic subject is __________ because...

My favorite musician, group, or composer is __________ because...


Northfield Mount Hermon 

1.   Please list other schools to which you are applying:

2.  Please tell us about the extracurricular activities in which you currently participate, including art, drama, music, and athletics.

3.   What does the NMH mission mean to you?

4.  If you could solve one global issue at home or abroad, what would it be and why?


Western Reserve Academy

1. What are your goals for high school?

2. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your future?

3. Tell us about a time when you had to make a difficult choice.

4. What is the most significant problem facing the world? How would you solve it?



1. The Stevenson community is guided by values of safety, trust, respect, belonging and inclusion. Please select two to three values that resonate most deeply with you and share how you promote and live these ideals within your community.

2. When was the last time you had to be brave? How did you overcome the challenges you faced and what did you learn in the process?

3. Can you think of a place which holds a special meaning to you; an environment where you feel connected on multiple levels? Describe this place and share how it has helped define your perceptions of yourself as well as the world around you.


George School

1.  George School encourages students to embrace the Quaker goal of “letting their lives speak.” This means being open-minded, open-hearted citizens of the world who are able to take on challenges and lead by doing. We expect students to “talk the talk and walk the walk.” What do your actions “speak” about you? Recommended response length: 150 words.

2. George School is a remarkable place where teachers, staff and students will challenge you, laugh with you, listen to you, and learn with you. Given the important role you will play in this exchange, what should we know about you to make sure you thrive at George School? Recommended response length: 150 words.



Describe your educational experience to date and what now interests you about The Athenian School. In what ways do you think you could contribute to The Athenian School.

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