

 zqbxi 2019-12-17



       译:孔子家境贫寒 身世低贱。等他成年后,曾经担任季氏家仓库小吏,粮物出入公平;他曾经担任牧场管理员而使牲畜壮、繁殖快。他因此而升任为司空。后来他离开鲁国,在齐国遭到排斥,在宋卫收到放逐,在陈 蔡之间饱受困厄。孔子长9尺6寸,人们都称他为 “长人”而认为他非同凡响。鲁国善待他于是他返回鲁国 


Since Confucius Ren Guoxiang, adopt a series of New Deal, qi was panic, fear after lu strong qi. Doctor li qi 鉏 power to prevent the Confucius, qi beauty eighty chosen men, dressed in gorgeous costumes, dancing "recreation" dance, along with a pattern of horse thirty, gifts to the monarch, lu asked Confucius lu was deported. After the public get beauty, all the pleasures, many days in court hearings, no longer credit Confucius. The year after the big offerings, according to etiquette, nobles shall give countries may dispense flesh. But in the old behest, but don't take the flesh to Confucius's home. Confucius felt frustrated, he led the disciples YanHui, zi lu, lu zi gong, dozens of people, such as jean left, started from career for fourteen years. Confucius 55 years old this year.

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