
亚当·查姆 我以植物性饮食一年内战胜了心脏病

 空中漫谈王新 2020-02-26
         亚当·查姆  2019年4月16日
       我开始了解《餐叉胜于手术刀》和《中国研究》,还有布伦丹·布赖泽和许多其他重要的以植物为基础的影响者。发现植物性饮食改变了我的思维方式,也改变了我的生活。我立刻放弃了肉类、奶制品和高度加工的食品,开始了以植物为基础的全食物生活方式。这种新的生活方式持续了大约一年之后,我去做了一次检查。令医生大为惊讶的是,我的肿瘤缩小了,这在一流的多伦多医院是闻所未闻的。最重要的是,我的动脉已经清理干净,显示出惊人的红色血液流经我的身体,不仅带来了氧气和能量,还治愈了我。我清楚地知道是什么导致了这个明显的奇迹: 我的新饮食。
       我已经进入了健康和健身的世界,作为一名高中健康和体育教师、私人教练,我意识到增加营养到我的职业生涯是我的下一步。我通过电子康奈尔的T. 柯林·坎贝尔营养研究中心获得了植物性营养证书。和妻子一起,我开始了植物培训播客。每天我都会发布一些植物性的内容,或者与客户一对一的合作,指导他们完整的植物性饮食生活方式和运动旅程,不管他们是在准备第一次5千米还是第一次铁人三项。

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I Went Plant-Based and Conquered Heart Disease in a Year
By Adam Chaim, April 16, 2019

I grew up as an athlete, which was awesome. Hockey was my main sport, and I played every day as a kid. I loved volleyball, too, and I could play with the big boys no matter what court or field I walked onto.

As an adult, athletics continued to play a big role in my life: I became a personal trainer and physical education teacher, and I competed in adult pickup league hockey. Hanging with the boys and eating pub food would usually follow games. In general, I was eating “well,” or at least I thought I was. Although I was a bit heavier than I am today, I seemed quite healthy on the outside. Nothing could bring me down, as far as I was concerned. I was in great shape—and I’d just found out that I was going to be a dad for the second time. I had everything a man could ask for.

Life-Changing Pain
Then one day in 2009, a sharp shooting pain through my chest and arm brought me to the emergency room. A few tests later, the doctors discovered that I had a tumor on my kidney that was totally unrelated to the pain I’d felt that day.

Over the next six months, as my baby grew in my wife’s belly, confusion, anger, and fear grew in me.

Initially, the doctors told me that I’d live to 40 if I was lucky. After more testing, they eventually found that the tumor was benign, but they feared that it could eventually turn cancerous and wanted to remove it. That would have meant losing that kidney.

Through additional testing, the doctors discovered that my arteries were extremely blocked and damaged. A 35-year-old athlete with heart disease—not something most people would expect. Medication and surgery were not options that I wanted to consider, so I began to research alternatives.

Plant-Powered Recovery
I became familiar with Forks Over Knives and The China Study, along with Brendan Brazier and many other important plant-based influencers. Discovering a plant-based diet changed my way of thinking and, in turn, my life. I immediately gave up meat, dairy, and highly processed foods and embraced a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle.

After about a year of this new lifestyle, I went in for a checkup. Much to my doctor’s amazement, my tumor had shrunk. This was unheard of in our top-notch Toronto hospital.

And on top of that, my arteries had cleared up, showing the amazing red blood flowing through my body, bringing not only oxygen and energy but also healing. I knew exactly what was responsible for this apparent miracle: my new diet.

Leveling Up and Paying it Forward
This transformation gave me a new outlook on my own life. It changed my values. It changed what I teach my children. It changed the way I interact with people. It also changed my emphasis from team sports to individual sports, and I quickly became addicted to endurance athletics. To date, as a plant-based athlete I have completed two Ironman races and a 50-mile trail run. I’m now 44, and my stamina and strength far surpass their levels before my 35th birthday.

Since I was already in the health and fitness world as a high school health and physical education teacher and personal trainer, I realized that adding nutrition to my professional life was my next step. I earned my certificate in plant-based nutrition through the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at eCornell.

Along with my wife, I started The Plant Trainers Podcast. Every day I am putting out plant-based content or working with clients one-on-one, coaching them on their WFPB lifestyle and athletic journeys, whether they’re preparing for their first 5K or their first Ironman.

I’d like to give a shout-out to all those before me who paved the way for individuals to improve their quality of life through plants.                                            

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