
How to work a jumper top down

 唯美的书馆 2020-03-05

How to work a jumper top down

Tags: beginner,

Several of our jumpers are worked top-down, and this is primarily because it provides more flexibility in terms of adjusting the jumper to personal measurements or preferences. It is easier to adjust the length of sleeves, body and especially the yoke. Working top-down also makes it easier to try the piece on while working.

In this lesson we show you how to work a jumper with a simple raglan increase. Start by picking the pattern you want to knit and use this lesson to guide you. If you want to work on a pattern with a different kind of raglan just follow the instructions for increases in you pattern - you’ll notice that the principle of top-down is the same as in this example. Similarly, this technique can also be used when working a round yoke, just follow the increase instructions for the round yoke instead of the raglan showed here.

Additionally, If you’re working a jacket top-down the technique will be the same, but you’ll work the piece back and forth on needle, starting mid front (a marker at the back will not be necessary).

Let’s get started

1) We have started this example by casting on 48 stitches and working 3 cm rib (knit 2, purl 2), before starting the raglan increases.

After the rib edge, continue in stocking stitch and place a marker mid-back. Continue by placing 4 marker threads for raglan in the transition between body and sleeves (from 1. mark to 1. marker thread = half back piece. From 1. to 2. marker thread = 1. sleeve. From 2. to 3. marker thread = front piece. From 3. to 4. marker thread = 2. sleeve. The remaining stitches between 4. marker thread and 1. mark = half back piece).

2) Start increasing for raglan on each side of the 4 marker threads.

3) Increase as follows: start 1 stitches before marker thread, make 1 yarn over on right needle.

4) Work 2 stitches (marker thread sits between these stitches), make 1 yarn over on right needle.

5) First increases (yarn overs) before and after 1. marker thread is now complete. Repeat increases at each marker thread (=8 stitches increased on round).

6) On next round, knit the yarn overs twisted (work in the back loop of stitch) to avoid holes.

7) Continue with pattern, and increase for raglan as explained.

8) When all increases for raglan are complete, continue working until you reach the measurements for where piece is divided for body and sleeves.

9) Divide piece for sleeves and front/back piece, and finish each part separately. Work until 1. marker thread (=half back piece).

10) Place stitches between 1. and 2. marker thread on a thread/stitch holder (= 1. sleeve).

11) Cast on new stitches under sleeve.

12) Work stitches between 2. and 3. marker thread (=front piece).

13) Place stitches between 3. and 4. marker thread on a thread/stitch holder (= 2. sleeve).

14) Cast on new stitches under sleeve (same number of stitches as cast on under 1. sleeve).

15) Work remaining stitches on back piece (until 1. marker).

16) Work the body in the round, follow instructions for increases, decreases, length and rib edge in your pattern. If you’re unsure about the length of piece, or considering shortening/lengthening it, you can easily try the jumper on while working (TIP: when trying the piece on, distribute stitches over several circular needles to minimise the risk of losing any stitches).

17) Work sleeves: place stitches from one of the threads/stitch holders back on the needle.

18) Cast on new stitches under sleeve, see picture A) or pick up 1 stitch in each stitch of the stitches cast on under the sleeve, see picture B) - see pattern for exact number and place a marker. The piece is now measured from here.

19) Work the length stated in the pattern, place a new marker in the middle of the new stitches cast on. Decrease 1 stitch on each side of the marker.

20) Work until 2 stitches remain before the stitch with marker, slip 1 stitch onto right needle, knit 1, pass the slipped stitch over (= 1 stitch decreased).

21) Work stitch with marker.

22) Knit 2 stitches together (=1 stitch decreased).

You have now decreased 1 stitch before and 1 stitch after marker (= 2 stitches decreased).

23) Follow instructions in pattern regarding the number of decreases and cm/rounds in-between each decrease.

24) When both sleeves have been completed, sew the hole under sleeves.

When the body and sleeves are completed according to the pattern, remove all markers and marker threads, and fasten all strands. The jumper is now finished!

Still haven’t chosen a top down pattern? Find some inspiration below:

Comments (24)

Fiorina 31.01.2020 - 19:34:

Interessante tutorial. C'è una spiegazione simile per la tecnica bottom - up?

DROPS Design 04.02.2020 - 10:08:

Buongiorno Fiorina. Purtroppo un tutorial simile per la tecnica bottom up non è disponibile. I nostri modelli sono però tutti accompagnati da video che descrivono le varie tecniche usate per realizzarli (lavorazione in tondo, in piano, come cucire le singole parti e così via). Buon lavoro!

Marina 19.01.2020 - 22:09:

Salve, ho lavorato e quasi finito un maglione top down ma ho cambiato idea sullo scollo e vorrei fare un dolcevita piuttosto del semplice girocollo. Come faccio a riprendere le maglie Del collo e fare il collo alto? (la lavorazione dello scollo e’ a coste 2/2 che vorrei mantenere sul dolcevita). Ho già provato a fare il tutto ma si vede uno strano errore da dove riprendo a lavorare (le coste sembrano inclinate o comunque sbagliate). C’è un qualche trucco? Grazie mille, Marina

Laurence 15.01.2020 - 11:03:

Bonjour, Pouvez-vous me dire s'il est possible de se baser sur un modèle "bas en haut" pour tricoter de "haut en bas" ? Merci pour votre réponse

DROPS Design 16.01.2020 - 09:38:

Bonjour Laurence, probablement, il vous suffit peut être d'inverser les explications pour commencer par le nombre de mailles rabattues et augmenter au lieu de diminuer ou vice versa, mais attention au point fantaisie/motif, car tricoté de bas en haut au lieu de haut en bas peut en modifier/altérer le résultat. Votre magasin DROPS saura vous apporter toute aide personnalisée complémentaire, même par mail ou téléphone. Bon tricot!

Solveig Jensen 09.01.2020 - 07:09:

Jeg har lige strikket den første trøje oppefra model moonlight jakke-lign. Synes dig halsudskæringen falder lige lovlig bred - kan jeg rette op bagefter eller starte forfra?

DROPS Design 27.01.2020 - 07:47:

Hei Solveig. Du kan evnt strikke en ny vrangbord helt til slutt, der du felller en del masker slik av vrangborden blir strammere. Eller evnt hekle en rad med kjedemasker på bakstiden ved overgangen mellom vrangborden/bolen, slik at det strammer seg litt. God Fornøyelse!

Mona 06.01.2020 - 14:40:

Finnes det något mønster att sticka oppifrån och ned på alpakka på pinner 2,5 til 3,5?

Manuela Päßler 21.12.2019 - 11:09:

Welche Länge an Stricknadeln nimmt man?

DROPS Design 02.01.2020 - 16:43:

Liebe Frau Päßler, am Anfang beginnt man oft mit 40 cm Stricknadel (oder mit Nadelspiel wenn der Umfang weniger als 40 cm ist), dann können Sie mit einer längeren Nadeln (60 cm oder/und 80 cm) weiter stricken, dh wenn mann nicht genügend Platz für alle Maschen hat, dann kann man eine längere Nadeln benutzen. Viel Spaß beim stricken!

Lucia 28.11.2019 - 08:35:

Scusate volevo scrivere se volessi uno scollo più profondo sul davanti come dovrei fare? grazie

Lucia 28.11.2019 - 08:32:

Se volessi lo scippo più profondo sul davanti come devo fare? grazie

DROPS Design 12.01.2020 - 20:26:

Buonasera Lucia, può scegliere un modello con questa caratteristica nel nostro catalogo oppure rivolgersi al suo rivenditore DROPS di fiducia. Buon lavoro!

Rosamaria Cellerino 21.11.2019 - 22:21:

Grazie per tutte le spiegazioni, le idee che mi regalate!!! Lavoro per i miei nipotini ed i cani!!!Complimenti!!!

Mari 11.11.2019 - 07:37:

Spiegazione molto chiara che mi ha ha dato lo spunto per fare un maglione senza tutorial Per me una grande soddisfazione Grazie !!!!!!

Gry Gerhardt 10.11.2019 - 22:52:

Hei! Strikker Warm Fall Drops 186-35. Lurer på hvordan jeg følger diagrammet A1 og A2 når jeg strikker ovenfra og ned? Begynner jeg på toppen av diagrammet?

DROPS Design 18.11.2019 - 09:54:

Hei Gry. Du begynner nederst på diagrammene. Uansett om det skal strikkes ovenfra og ned eller nedenifra og opp, så starter man et diagram nederst til høyre. God Fornøyelse!

Patrizia 09.11.2019 - 09:50:

Dea, osservando la foto al punto 15, si riescono a contare le maglie, 16 m per il davanti, 16 per il dietro, 8 per ciascuna manica.

Hege 23.10.2019 - 13:21:

Synes denne var veldig god. Besøk meg også gjerne på http://strikkehege./

Anita 23.10.2019 - 09:28:

Hvorfor skal det øke 56 masker når vi kommer til vrangbord på Winter Carnival genser? Da blir jo vrangborden videre enn bolen. Strikkes ovenfra og ned Normalt er jo å øke etter vrangbord

DROPS Design 25.10.2019 - 10:35:

Hei. Det økes for å unngå at vrangborden som skal strikkes, trekker arbeidet sammen. Mvh DROPS Design

Reidun Pettersen 02.10.2019 - 07:43:

Skal strikke olafurgenser i str. M og har økt masker og skal dele inn og da jeg kommer til maskene etter 8. Merke,skal d være 19 masker. Og da vi starter skal d være 18 masker kan dette være riktig?..

DROPS Design 03.10.2019 - 14:48:

Hej Reidun, Skriv dit spørgsmål ind på selve opskriften, skriv hvor du er i opskriften, så er det letter for os at sætte os ind i dit problem :)

Isabelle 28.09.2019 - 17:18:

Bonjour, J'ai testé vos explications pour tester le pull de haut en bas avec des aiguilles circulaires... je m'en sors pas trop mal dirons nous ;) Je souhaiterais faire un pull en fausse côtes anglaises en top down mais je ne trouve pas de modèles sur votre site... Pouvez vous m'aider ? Merci beaucoup

DROPS Design 30.09.2019 - 13:05:

Bonjour Isabelle, vous trouverez ici quelques modèles tricotés en côtes anglaises et de haut en bas, y compris quelques pulls. Bon tricot!

Houdré-Soubielle 09.09.2019 - 18:21:

Comment faire quand il y a une pointe sur le devant et le dos .je ne comprends pas les explications

DROPS Design 10.09.2019 - 10:04:

Bonjour Mme Houdré-Soubielle, la technique peut être différente en fonction du modèle, pouvez-vous poser votre question sur le modèle que vous tricotez? Il sera ainsi plus facile de vous répondre. Bon tricot!

Isabel 27.08.2019 - 11:15:

¿cómo seleccionar trabajos tejidos de abajo hacia arriba? El traductor invierte el orden automáticamente y sólo selecciona labores tejidas de arriba para abajo

DROPS Design 10.11.2019 - 18:04:

Hola Isabel. De momento solo tenemos la etiqueta para seleccionar los modelos realizados de arriba abajo.

FiorellaLibra 31.07.2019 - 14:33:

Non sao

Giselle 13.05.2019 - 04:22:

Dica maravilhosa,eu já havia desistido de tentar.


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