
手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

 啊pp家长 2020-05-03


Perseverance is the key to build health. There is high need for Baduanjin exercise in messages of the backstage, we will illustrate it today!


Baduanjin exercise was originated before Song dynasty and reached its peak time in Ming and Qing dynasty. It contains eight postures. One can play it once every morning to keep health. The thin can keep fit and the overweight can lose weight. The movement teaching video is made by the Health China and doctors of the Guangdong provincial hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. You can start to learn from the video now!

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——Preparation posture

① 站立平视前方

stand and look ahead straightly

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

② 两臂摆起,掌心向后

arms lift slightly and palms backward

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③ 小臂内收,掌心朝向腹部,膝关节微微弯曲

lower arms adducted, palms face to the belly, keens bend slightly

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——First posture

① 两掌五指在腹前交叉

hands crossed in front of the belly

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② 掌心缓缓向上托起,直至肘关节伸直

palms lift up slowly until the elbows stretch straight

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

③ 双手缓缓落下,划过轨迹呈弧线,回到预备式

arms put down slowly like a arc and back to the preparation posture

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

· 配合呼吸动作

regulate respiration


inhale when palms lift up


inhale-chin adducted-holding breath for 1-2 seconds- exhale


put hands down meanwhile


exhale-inhale-inhale-chin adducted-holding breath for 1-2 seconds- exhale

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——Second posture draw bows left and right resembling shooting eagle owl

① 左脚迈开,与肩同宽,两掌向上交叉与胸前

left leg apart with shoulder width, palms crossed in front the chest

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

② 左掌成八字,右手屈指,空心握拳

left palm straightens, right palm makes hollow fist.

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③ 左手向身体左侧推出,右手肘向右拉平

pushes left arm to the left side, right elbow tretches horizontally

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.


knees bend slightly to horse stance meanwhile

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

④ 自然掌,左腿慢慢伸直

hands relax, left leg straitens slowly

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

⑤ 在你右边画一道彩虹

draw a rainbow on your right

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⑥ 回到预备式,接下来做反方向

back to preparation posture and start the other side.

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手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——Third posture: one arm to regulate spleen and stomach

① 左手掌心朝上,右掌掌心朝下

left palm faces upward , right palm faces downward

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left palm rises slowly and turn over in front of the face

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

② 左掌心朝下自然下放,回到预备式

left palm puts down naturally and back to preparation posture

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——Forth posture: look backward to avoid disease and injury

① 两腿伸直,双臂自然落下

straighten legs and drop arms

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② 两臂外展,掌心朝外,眼睛看向左后方,停顿2秒

abduct arms, palms out, eyes look the left, keep the posture for 2 seconds

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

③ 双臂内旋回收,停留于胯旁,膝关节微弯曲

rotate the arms inward, stay by the side of the hip, knees slightly bent

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

· 配合呼吸动作

regulate respiration


inhale when look backward- hold breath for 1-2seconds until the limits


inhale when withdrawing posture-inhale-hold breath for 1-2 seconds –exhale

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——Fifth posture: shaking head and tail to release heart-fire

① 左腿微弯曲,右脚向右迈开一步,约两倍肩宽距离

the left leg is slightly bent and the right foot takes a step to the right about twice the width of the shoulder

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

② 双掌上托至头顶上方,同时伸直双腿

palms over head and straighten legs

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

③ 双臂缓缓落下,双腿半蹲成马步,掌心落于膝关节

arms drop slowly, legs squat into a horse stance, palms on the knees

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

④ 重心左移,右腿伸直,上身向左前方俯身

gravity center shifts left ,right leg straitens, upper body bends to the left and forward

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⑤ 上身由左向右,重心移到右脚,左腿伸直,背部保持挺直

the upper body moves from left to right, the gravity center shifts to the right foot, the left leg is straight, the back remains straight

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

⑥ 当身体转到最右边时,头向后摇,头顶尽量朝后,回正

head shakes when the body turn until the rightmost, the vertex should be backward as far as one can, then back to the start position

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

· 配合呼吸动作

regulate respiration


inhale while lean down, exhale while the head shaking ahead, inhale while the head shaking aback, exhale while withdrawing horse stance

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——Sixth posture: hands rub the back to legs to stabilize kidney

① 掌心向下,双手下压

palms down, hands press down

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meanwhile, knees straighten ,palms lift over the head, looks forward

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

② 双臂屈肘向下回收,指尖相对

bend your arms down at the elbows with fingertips facing each other

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③ 手腕旋转至掌心向上,顺着胸部下沿滑至背部

rotate wrist to palms upside , palms slide from the chest to the back

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arms akimbo palms on the back

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④ 双手沿脊柱、臀部、腿部两侧下滑至脚面,停留2秒

hands slide down from the spine to the instep, keep for 2 seconds

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

⑤ 两掌向前伸至耳旁,随之用手臂带动上身直立

palms stretch forward by the ear side, arms drive the upper body straight

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

· 配合呼吸动作

regulate respiration


inhale while arms up, exhale while arms down


inhale while rotate wrist, exhale while lean down


inhale while body up, exhale while body down


inhale while rotate wrist, exhale while lean down, inhale while body up

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——Seventh posture: Making fist and glaring eyes to enhance strength

① 左脚向左迈开一步,略比肩宽,半蹲成马步;握拳紧贴于腰侧,大拇指握在拳心

left foot makes a step left side with a distance slightly wider than shoulder-width and gestures in horse stance; palm makes fist by the waist with thumb in center

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

② 左拳向前冲出,与肩同高,瞪眼看向拳头

left fist rushes forward as high as the shoulder , glaring eyes look at the fist.

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③ 伸开手掌,拇指朝上,内旋手掌,虎口向下

palms spread, thumbs up, palms rotate inside , thumb down

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

④ 左掌划一圈至手心向上,变拳,大拇指握在手心

the left palm moves in a circle to palm up, makes a fist with thumb in center

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

⑤ 左拳屈肘回收至腰侧,目视前方,开始反方向

left arm bends to withdraw left fist to the waist, eyes look forward, then the other palm

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.


left foot goes back to close to right foot when finish the final posture. fists changes into palm and place naturally by the bodyside

· 配合呼吸动作

regulate respiration


inhale while punching-hold breath while rotating palms- exhale while withdrawing fist


nhale while punching-hold breath while rotating palms- exhale while withdrawing fist

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——Eighth posture: shaking the back to cure all disease

① 挺直腰背,脚跟提起,停留2秒

straighten back, lift heels, hold for 2 seconds

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

② 脚跟瞬间下落,轻震地面

shakes the earth while heels down

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

· 配合呼吸动作

regulate respiration


inhale while heels up- hold breath for 1-2seconds- exhale while heels down


inhale while heels up- hold breath for 1-2seconds- exhale while heels down

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

——closing posture

① 正位站立,双臂抬起,与跨同高

stand upright with arms raised at the same height of hip

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.

② 两臂内收,两掌相结于肚脐下,全身放松,气沉丹田

arms adducted, palms crossed below the navel, relax the whole body, QI goes to the abdomen

手把手教学,你们要的八段锦来啦! Baduanjin exercise is here.


Notes: the right hand is on the top for males; while the left hand is on the top for females, breathe naturally for 2-3 times, then arms place down naturally


Baduanjin exercise emphasized on abdominal breath which is deep and slow. We highly recommend practicers to relax breathing and muscles consciously. Practicers should try to use the consciousness to guide the movement and integrate breath, respiration and movement. Practicers also should guide QI to generate

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