

 英语时代 2020-05-09

Despite the Academy's unanimous vote four years ago,to double the number of women and diverse members of the Academy by 2020.


For a fourth year in a row no female director has received a nomination in the category of Best Director.


"Don't you tell me what I can't do!"


Cynthia Riva was the only non-white actor to receive a nomination for best performance for Harriet.


Others such as Jennifer Lopez in Hustler's,Lupita Nyong'o in Us,and Eddie Murphy in Dolemite Is My Name were excluded.

《舞女大盗》中的詹妮弗洛佩兹、《我们》 中的露皮塔.尼永奥和《我叫多麦特》中的艾迪.墨菲等人都被排除在外。

The reason behind this set back.


The percentages are still like overwhelmingly white and male.


I think it's like 64% male and 84% white.

我认为,获奖者中, 男性占64%,白人占84%。

Cynthia Fuchs is associate director of Film and Video Studies at George Mason University.


She says the Academy is making strides but not fast enough.

她表示, 奥斯卡委员会正在取得进步,但速度还不够快。

It's a long time issue in Hollywood, a money-making machine reluctant to invest in films about minorities and women.


But Fuchs points to box office successes like Black Panther and Get Out, featuring an extensive black cast and Bong Joon-ho's South Korean film Parasite which received six Oscar nominations this year.


Most people around the world actually think it is the best version.


Fuchs says nominees are often Hollywood insiders who can afford extensive advertising campaigns,such as filmmaker Martin Scorsese nominated for the Irish Man,and Quentin Tarantino for his Hollywood nostalgia Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


Many of its insiders have gained momentum from the buzz generated by receiving coveted awards before the Oscars,such as the BAFTA's, SAG Awards, Golden Globes and Critics Choice Awards.


Money-making films such as Todd Phillips' billion-dollar box office hit, Joker,will be more on people's radar than a small independent film says Fuchs.


And while the Academy is slowly warming up to minorities and women,it may be too little too late as younger generations are tuning out leading to lackluster Oscars ratings,says Richard Craig media expert at George Mason University.

乔治梅森大学的理查德.克雷格是媒体专家,他表示,虽然奥斯卡正在慢慢地向少数族裔和女性敞开怀抱,但由于年轻- -代不再关注奥斯卡,奥斯卡的收视率变得低长, 敞开怀抱可能为时已晚。

I think they're just going in the different avenues.I think the academies are going to ship.


Maybe we'll see more streaming in regards to categories or somethings, actually,but I don't know yet.


Cynthia Fuchs agrees more and more streaming companies are producing and showcasing diverse smaller films,allowing their subscribers for a relatively small monthly fee access to film work from all over the world, and all that from the comfort of one's couch or anywhere really, using mobile technology.


People watch movies in a variety of ways now.


And people who make movies watch movies in а variety of ways now.


Not everybody goes to the theater. So Netflix is aware of that.

不是每个人都去电影院。所以,Netflix意识到 了这一点。

Amazon Prime is aware of that. Hulu is aware of that.

Amazon Prime意识到了这一点, Hulu也是。

Disney is aware of that. Everybody is aware of that.

迪斯尼很清楚这一点, 每个人也都知道这一点。

Fuchs says as more and more movies are being produced outside the Hollywood system.


Hollywood's traditional role as the epicenter of the film industry could be waning,and so could the Oscars, if they don't reform soon enough.



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