

 美丽的大树 2020-05-10


芋头糕、萝卜糕、金瓜糕 是星马人经常早餐和茶点吃的糕点。我们喜欢沾上特制的叁巴辣椒酱或甜酱,再配上一杯浓浓的咖啡乌(就是不加奶只加糖的黑咖啡),实在是简单又风味十足的点心。



Steamed Yam Cake, Steamed radish cake and Steamed pumpkin cake were my all time favorites for breakfast and teatime.

This version of steamed cake is using black eye peas and homemade ground rice, Steamed black eye peas cake is a little rarer and is most likely only found homemade even back home in Malaysia.

At the time of shelter in place and when we are told to limit our grocery shopping trips, dried pulses like black eye pea are really good choice of protein to have and have a long shelf life! This steamed cake can be made with few dried ingredients at home. Delicious and very comforting food indeed.

250 克 眉豆 (泡水三个小时洗净备用)
30 克 虾米 (泡软切碎)
50 克 红葱头 切片炸成葱酥 (或买来的葱酥,大约 2大勺)
4-5 朵 干香菇 (泡发切碎)
80 克 肉末/五花肉  (可用腊肠代替)
300 克 籼米  (陈米)洗净泡水三个小时备用
2 大勺 木薯粉/粟米粉
1/4 小勺 五香粉
1/2 小勺 胡椒粉
1 1/2 小勺 盐 或 适量
800 克 水

250 g of Black eye peas
2 tbsp Dried shrimp (soaked in hot water, washed, and chopped)
50 gm of shallot for fried shallot or (ready made fried shallot 2 tbsp)
4-5 Dried mushroom(Soaked and chopped)
80 g Minced/bacon  (You can use some chopped chinese sausage instead)
300 g of Aged rice ( I used Basmati, any long grain aged rice will do)
2 tbsp Tapioca flour/Corn starch
1/4 tsp Chinese five spices
1/2 tsp White pepper powder
Salt to taste (Around 1.5 tsp)

800 ml of water


1. 把眉豆和米洗净泡水至少三个小时,泡过夜也不怕。

2. 泡好的眉豆沥干水份再加1杯水入蒸锅蒸45分钟,取出沥干水备用。眉豆用蒸的形状保持的比较好,做出来的糕比较好看。

3. 籼米沥干水份后和300克水倒入破壁机里搅拌至顺滑,加2大勺薯粉/玉米淀粉再稍微搅匀即可。

4. 把香菇、虾米和红葱头切碎和切片。

1. Clean and soak rice and black eye peas for at least 3 hours, you can also soak them overnight and make the cake in the morning.

2. Drain the soaked black eye beans and add 1 cup of water,steam the beans for 45 minutes, drain and set aside. Steaming retain the shape of the beans in comparison to boiling.

3. Drain the rice and place rice in a mixer with 300 g of water and grind until smooth. Add 2 tbsp of tapioca/corn starch and run the mixer 2-3 pulses to mix it into the grounded rice.

4. Slice or chop the mushrooms, dried shrimps and shallot.


5. 把肉末/腊肠入锅爆香,锅里再加入一点食油加热把红葱片加入炒香,加入香菇和虾米一起炒香。 

6. 把蒸好的眉豆倒入锅里一起炒至水分蒸发后加入食盐、五香粉和胡椒粉炒香。

7. 倒500克水到锅里煮滚,把搅拌好的米糊缓缓倒入锅里,中小火一边煮一遍搅拌至米糊成团,铲子炒不动的时候即可。

8. 把炒好的粉团装到抹了油的盆子里,在粉团表面抹一点油,用保鲜纸盖着然后慢慢压平整。

9. 把糕放到蒸锅里大火蒸60-70分钟。蒸好的眉豆糕不要马上拿出来,冷却后倒扣切块和叁巴酱或甜酱一起吃。

5. Heat some oil in a cooking pan and add minced meat/chopped Chinese Sausages, cook until oil releases, add the sliced shallot and fry until fragrant.

6. Add chopped mushrooms and dried shrimps. Add the cooked black eye peas and cook together until all liquid evaporated, season with salt, five spice powder and white pepper powder.

7. Add 500 ml of water to the pan and bring to boil, slowly pour the grounded rice mixture in , keep stirring until the liquid solidified, when the spatula feels hard to move and the rice dough become somewhat stiff, it is ready for steaming.

8. Oiled am 8 inches baking pan and place the dough in the pan, with the help of a cling film or disposable gloves, slowly spread a little vegetable oil over the dough and firmly pressed the dough into the pan. Make sure the surface is flattened out evenly.

7. Steam the yam cake for 60-70 minutes, do not take the cake out once its done, let it cool before slicing and serving with some sambal belachan or Hoisin Sauce.



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