
Selling a role to a candidate(好的留给你,猎头进!)

 老猎头网 2020-05-12

有猎头朋友问,有没有可以学习的英文相关的猎头书籍,看看国外比如欧美的对猎头的操作方式/如何寻访合适的候选人?如何说服候选人接受推荐的岗位,达到快速成单的目的?这里我们从《The Rich Recruiter》节选了Selling a role to a candidate这篇共大家学习交流。


In most sales positions you sell a service or product that doesn’t have a mind of its own. It doesn’t have an opinion, family commitments, work commitments, car breakdowns or any other obstacles that humans can bring. When selling products or services once you win a client you can, to a degree, deliver them with much more ease. If there are any issues, you can quickly resolve them with little disruption to the client’s business. Recruitment is very different, and candidates are one of the most challenging aspects of recruitment. There is nothing worse than going through the whole recruitment process only to have your candidate pull out at the last minute and turn down your job offer. This is frustrating for the client and heart breaking for you.

          However, this can be easily managed. My rule on this is: the less you have to persuade your candidate the easier the process will be. If your candidate is keen they’re more than likely to show up to the interview and they’re more than likely to accept the job. A common mistake is that you have to convince candidates to go to interviews and take jobs. While there is some sense and logic in persuading your candidates, it should be minimal. If you have to do a hard sell to the candidate it means they’re not that keen. When a candidate isn’t keen there’s a high probability that they’ll drop out at some stage in the process. This can cause you a great amount of stress, it’ll probably irritate your client and you’ll feel embarrassed. These feelings are only amplified if it’s the first time you’re recruiting for a client, especially one who’s taken you many months, even years to win.

So the first thing to remember is that you shouldn’t have to sell hard to convince your candidate to go to an interview. If they’re not that interested, move past them and save your client and yourself the hassle.

To sell a role to a candidate you must first understand your candidate. You’ll need to know: what excites them, what makes them get out of bed in the morning and where they want to go in their career. You’ll have the answers to these questions from your telephone interview. See the chapter on telephone interviews.

Once you know these qualities about your candidate you can then sell them the role. Remember a sale is about matching wants and needs with a service or product. So if your candidate wants career progression and the vacancy has career progression then sell it to them. If the candidate wants a friendly laid back environment and the vacancy is for a friendly company then sell it to them. There’s no point selling a dead end job to a candidate who wants progression, or to sell a progressive role to a candidate who wants to sit in a role for the next ten years.



The Rich Recruiter》,The Key to Faster Fills, More Candidates & Happier Hiring Managers》,【HR、猎头阅读都会受益匪浅】;另外一本叫《Executive Search Experts》,书中介绍了很多猎头实用工具,尤其客户要求英文沟通的,书里一些内容绝对可以帮到你!案头书,随时翻阅一定会大有长进。

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