
25天和我学口语 | DAY 06《American College Slang》口语地道表达

 wenxuefeng360 2020-06-14


buzzkill:a person or thing that ruins an enjoyable event or moment(扫兴的人或物,这个单词我是不是曾经在讲一个句式里面讲到过?点我查看DAY 02 比如你要去看某某某的演唱会,你超级期待,但是路上堵车堵了好久,你就说That was a buzzkill!)

control freak:a person who feels the need to control every event or activity, causing other people to be annoyed(控制狂,控制欲老强了,类似的表达还有neat freak,用来说一个人有洁癖,在一个词后面加上freak表示有某种怪癖)

couch potato:电视迷(非常形象,一个人坐在沙发上看电视,就像一个笨重的土豆,类似的,还有internet potato,就是 网迷,网虫,比如你成天在家打游戏,你的老母亲就说:Get up and do some chores! You’re turning into such an internet potato!

drag:a boring person or thing(drag 本意是 拖,拉,拽,你想象一个人把一根木头从一边缓慢地拖到另一边,是不感觉贼无聊?比如你家有个邻居一直在说他家怎么怎么好,你就小声嘀咕:He’s such a drag! I just can’t stand him!)

drama queen:a person reacts with too much emotion to everyday situations and problems(有点像我们说的 戏精,但这个短语有点贬义的意思,有点做作,逢场作戏,比如你一个同事故意和你的上司说了坏话,但是得知你被处罚的消息之后,又假装来安慰你,你知道真相之后,就气愤地说:What a drama queen!

dump someone:to end a romantic relationship(把别人甩了,dump就是 倒垃圾,扔掉 的意思,比如你男友老是和别的女生来往,你朋友就劝你:You should dump him.

all about:关于(有点难解释啊,其实就是 加强语气,比如你忘记了你好友的生日,你就说:I forgot all about it, and you have every right to hate me! 前面这句用来自责时很管用,也是我在《致命女人》里学哒。再比如,你给好友帮了个大忙,你朋友止不住谢谢你,你就开心地说:You shouldn’t have. I’m all about a nice guy. 前面第一句表示 不用谢,也是很地道的表达)

hit it off:to be friendly with each other quickly(俩人关系一下子就变好了,比如你以为A和B在闹矛盾,今天却看见他俩在一起吃饭,你就惊讶地说:A and B really hit it off! 另外,想想我昨天是不是讲过hit的一个短语,还记得吗?点我查看DAY 05

look on the bright side:to see the positive part of a situation(往好了想,比如你朋友最近工作特别忙,你就安慰她:Look on the bright side:You will absolutely get a bonus, huh?)

That’s tough!:difficult(这个短语算是学值了!意思就是太难了!当然,主要感叹别人的困境,感叹自己的应该也可以,比如你朋友做了一晚上的毕设,结果电脑突然死机了,你得知这个消息就说:That's tough!

think one is all that:too think too much oneself, to have an overly high opinion ofoneself(自高自大,自以为是,比如有个人趾高气昂,谁也看不惯,你就厌恶地说:He thinks he's all that.或者He thinks he's better than he really is.

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