
成长,始于观察优秀课堂——听陈贤德老师《My Bedroom》有感

 凌哥英语 2020-07-30




——听陈贤德老师《My Bedroom》有感

浙江省桐乡市实小集团春晖小学 汤惠芬

  最近,笔者有幸聆听了陈贤德老师执教的英语诗歌《My Bedroom》一课。陈老师上课看似随意,但他的教学理念颇为先进,课堂设计独有风格,吸引了学生学习英语的兴趣。听后笔者受益匪浅,特采撷几个片段与同仁们共赏。


T:Open your book , turn to page 38, let’s read together.

Ss:(Read the words about rooms and let’s chant/do)


  课前热身,很多老师会采用free talk,比如What’s your name? Nice to meet you.等等之类的问候语,拉近了与学生的距离,活跃课堂气氛。但陈老师却是与众不同,他用朗读热身,为新课诗歌做了简洁的铺垫,体现了新课程提倡的语言的学习是一个循环的过程,学生只有不断通过使用语言才能将其牢牢掌握。


a. Let's play a game.

T:What's this? 

S: This is one flower.

T: What colour is it?

S: It's orange.

S2: This is an orange flower. 

T: How many flowers are there in my hand? 

S1: One flower is in the hand. (板书 is)

S2:Two flowers are in the hand. (板书are)

T: There are some flowers in my pocket. Now there are some flowers in the classroom. Where are the flowers in the classroom? [学生已经开始在晃头找了,但是没找到]

T: There are two flowers near the window. [陈老师示范找到花,引导学生继续找。]

S1: Three flowers are in the desk. 

T: Three flowers for you.

S1: Thank you.

T: You're welcome.


T: There are two flowers behind the door. [板书behind]


  陈老师引出花朵时,通过追问引导学生输出完整的句子,充分挖掘学生已有的知识,丰富英语语言的完整性。引入花朵,再用实物花朵引导学生猜猜他手里有几朵花,口袋里有几朵花,连续的Guessing game激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动学生说英语的积极性,提高学生的动脑思考能力,也体现了任务型教学的理念。接着,从猜测口袋里有几朵花到猜教室里有几朵花,活动设计自然。当学生在教室里东张西望地找花时,陈老师自己示范找到花朵,告诉学生教室里确实有话,引导学生继续寻找。学生找到花朵并有意识的输出完整的句子以及正确使用is/are的用法。最后在门后找到花朵,教授新词behind,从词到句,采用bottom-up的教学模式。


陈老师设计在教室里找花过渡到房间里找花,引出新课主题My bedroom。

T:They are the pictures about different rooms, Can you read?

Ss: Living room, kitchen, study, bedroom.

T:There are the flowers in the bedroom. Where are the flowers?

S1: The flowers are in the living room.

S2: The flowers are in the study.

T: The flowers are in the bedroom. (板书bedroom)

[引出bedroom,呈现Bedroom A/B/C/D]

Bedroom A

T: I have some pictures about bedroom A, what can you see in the bedroom?

S1: The bed is in the bedroom.

S2: The windows are in the bedroom.

T: Are they small? Or big? 

S1: The big widows are in the bedroom.

S2: The big widows are in the bedroom.

Ss: The big widows are in the bedroom.         

Bedroom B

T: What do you see in the bedroom B?

S: I can see a bed and wall in the bedroom B.

T: What colour is it?

S1: The pink bed is in the bedroom.

Ss: The pink bed is in the bedroom.

T: And then?

S2: I can see a computer is in the bedroom.

T: Where is the computer? Do you like the computer? 

Bedroom C

T: What can you see in the Bedroom C?

T: What's this?

S: It's a picture. =photo[板书photo]

T/Ss: A photo is on the wall.

T: What's in the photo?

Ss: It’s a family

Bedroom D

T: What can you see in the bedroom D?

T: What's this? It’s a pillow.[板书 window--pillow]

S1: Two blue pillows are on the bed.

S2: Two blue pillows are on the big blue bed.


  陈老师通过游戏找花朵,引导学生在教室里找花进入房间中找花,直切本课主题bedroom。首先,陈老师呈现几幅不同房间的图片,引导学生看图回忆所学的单词kitchen, study, living room, bedroom,让学生感知home。其次,陈老师呈现4幅不同别样有特色的卧室图片,引导学生看图说说What can you see in the bedroom?通过观察Bedroom A/B/C/D 4个不同的卧室,学生出色地输出了The ______is/are in the bedroom,引导学生不断输出重点is/are,以及一连串地追问,示范学生输出完整的语句,让学生在头脑中建立完整的语用结构。再者,从Bedroom C/D中分别引出新词photo,pillow,陈老师采用当下流行的Phonics教学法教授新词,从picture引导photo, 词义相同,便于学生理解;从window到pillow,音形相似,便于学生认读。在这个环节,陈老师不仅机智处理了本课的新词,还有效操练了本课重点is/are。


[学生说说自己喜欢的房间以及理由,操练is/are,并引入big and nice, old and nice。]

T: Which bedroom do you like? For me, I like Bedroom A

S1: I like bedroom B.

S2: I like bedroom C.

S3: I like bedroom B.

S4: I like bedroom C.

T: I like Bedroom A. Big windows are in bedroom A.

S1: I like Bedroom D. A big window is in bedroom D.

S2: I like bedroom C. A photo is in bedroom C.

T: Look at the bedroom A, is it new? Is it nice?

T/Ss: The bedroom A is big and nice.

T: What about bedroom B? Is it new? What colour is it?

Ss: Bedroom B is old and pink.

T: What about bedroom C/D?

Ss: Bedroom C is big and nice.

Ss: Bedroom D is old and nice.

T: I like bedroom A/B/C/D. Do you like them?


T: I have a bedroom. Do you have a bedroom? I like my bedroom。

T:A white bed is in my bedroom. Big windows are in the wall. What about your bedroom? What colour is it? Is it yellow?

S1: A yellow bed is in my bedroom.

S2: A pink pillow is in my bedroom.

S3: A computer is in my bedroom.

T: Do you have a desk in your bedroom?

S3: Yes. A small desk is in my bedroom.


  陈老师引导学生通过说说A/B/C/D四个卧室里有什么,有效操练is/are以及引导学生观察图片和输出完整的句子。并且说说以自己喜欢Bedroom A 为例引导学生说说自己喜欢哪个卧室,理由是什么,要求学生观察图片后各抒己见,全面考虑课堂关注学生的想法以及给予学生表达思想的机会。陈老师引导学生观察图片,有意识地描述房间big and nice, old and nice,巧妙呈现本课句型,在潜移默化中培养学生观图表达能力。最后,陈老师呈现房间里物品的图片,单数复数物品都有:photo, bed, desk, shoes, door, pillows, toys,要求学生联系实际,说说自己的房间The ____ is/are in the bedroom,话题不仅符合学生的认知,还巩固了is/are,让学生感知英语能够渗透在实际生活中,唤醒学生的交际意识。



T:What's this? This is my bedroom. Do you like my bedroom?

S1: This is __my _ bedroom.

S2: You can see _a__small____ bed.

 S3: The desk __is___near__ the big windows.

S4: The bag _is  on__the chair.

  S5: The photo __is  near__ the bed.

  S6: The pillows _are on___  the bed.

  S7: The shoes __are under__ the desk.]

T:This is my bedroom. Is it nice? Is it clean? Do you like my bedroom?


T: Let's make it clean and nice. What can you do?

T: Let me clean the bed. [ 键盘打字]

S1/2/3///4: Let me clean _desk/bag/chair/window____. 


T: What's this?

Ss: This is a bedroom.

T: Is this your bedroom?

Ss: This is Mr Chen’s bedroom.


This is my bedroom, clean and nice.

You can see a blue bed, clean and nice.

My photos are on the wall. [陈老师引导Where are the photos?]

In the photos, I'm tall and strong.

My desk is under the big windows.

The shoes near it are my cat's pillows. 

My bag is behind the chair.

But my books are nowhere.

Where are my books, do you see? [学生猜猜书本在哪里]

I like my bedroom, clean and nice.


  陈老师采用的是bottom-up的教学模式,前面的各个环节为本环节打下了扎实的基础。在陈老师细心地引导下,学生已经会读、会认所有新词,而且他们能用新词灵活地说句子。陈老师呈现一张模糊的房间图片,引导学生根据自己的生活经验,把句子补充完整。模糊的房间图片,让学生之间存在了信息沟,激起了学生的动脑和思考,学生凭借实际经验把句子补充完整时,陈老师没有当场纠正学生的错误,对于学生的回答,陈老师给予充分的肯定,体现了新课程所提倡的多肯定学生,给予学生自由发挥的余地的理念。接着,陈老师呈现清晰的房间图片,学生看到房间里的物品与自己所想像的不一样,非常惊奇。陈老师引导学生根据清晰的图片,纠正原先的不对,不仅培养了学生的纠错意识,还符合学生接受知识的特点:每个环节要有新知识带给学生的求知欲。纠错之后,学生也看到了如此乱的房间,表示不喜欢,陈老师引导学生帮他整理房间,培养学生的动手能力。刚开始,学生不愿意帮陈老师,陈老师则采用了flower做奖励,开始有学生回答,当学生普遍举手时,但flower没有了,符合新课程提倡新课程标准提倡,评价要体现人文性,要能为课堂服务。随着前面的铺垫,最后完整的诗歌一段一段地呈现,陈老师引导学生自己读小诗,感受诗歌美。在小诗的难句The shoes near it are my cat's pillows.上,陈老师解释it这个代名词所指的意思。小学生的英语知识不太丰富,他们对代名词理解起来较为困难,陈老师充分考虑了学生的学情。


T: Today I have a poem for you. Let’s enjoy.

My Bedroom

This is my new bedroom, clean and nice.

You can see a white bed, clean and nice.

My photos are on the wall.

In the photos I’m tall and strong.

My desk is under the big windows.

The shoes near it are my cat’s pillows.

My bag’s behind the chair.

But my books are nowhere.

Where are my books? Do you see? 

I like my bedroom, clean and nice.

T: Let’s read again and enjoy the poem.

My Bedroom

This is my new bedroom, clean and nice.

You can see a white bed, clean and nice.

My photos are on the wall.

In the photos I’m strong and tall.

My desk is under the big windows.

The shoes near it are my cat’s pillows.

My bag’s behind the chair.

But my books are nowhere.

Where are my books? Do you see? 

I like my bedroom, nice and clean.

T:Now look at the pictures and say.

S1: My computer is on the desk.

S2: My toys are on the big bed.


    陈老师呈现新课诗歌My Bedroom,首先引导学生朗诵;其次,引导学生观察诗歌的押韵和节奏,并引导学生修改诗歌。最后陈老师呈现一张房间图片,旁边放了房间里的一些物品,并给了提示语My computer/toys ________.引导学生巩固复习介词和is/are的用法。看图填充My computer/toys/… ________.,此处陈老师采用“空白式”教学,培养学生的交际能力,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。




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