

 医者qwrrtyuiop 2020-08-05

【1】 Hong‑Ru Li, Shao‑Xi Cai,Yu‑Sheng Chen etc,Comparison of Talaromyces marneffei Infection in Human Immunodeficiency Virus‑positive and Human Immunodeficiency Virus‑negative Patients from Fujian, China. Chinese Medical Journal. 2016;129:1059-65。

【2】李英,卢斯汉,胡荣欣等. 861例艾滋病合并马尔尼菲蓝状菌病的临床分析.热带医学杂志. 2018,Vol.18,No.7. 939-942,950。

【3】Rathakarn Kawila, Romanee Chaiwarith,and Khuanchai Supparatpinyo,Clinical and laboratory characteristics of penicilliosis marneffei among patients with and without HIV infection in Northern Thailand:a retrospective study. BMC Infectious Diseases.2013 13:464。

【4】Peter R. Williamson. Role of laccase in the virulence of Talaromyces marneffei: A common link between AIDS-related fungal pathogens? . VIRULENCE. 2016, VOL. 7, NO. 6, 627–629。

【5】Richard J. Wang, MD1, Robert F. Miller, MBBS etc. Approach to fungal infections in HIV-infected individuals: Pneumocystis and beyond. Clin Chest Med. 2017 September ; 38(3): 465–477。

【6】 都泓莲,邓存良,肖科等. 艾滋病合并播散性马尔尼菲蓝状菌病10例临床分析.四川医学,2018,Vol.39,No.9.1015-1018。

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