
重庆荣盛鹿山府 / 麦微景观 – mooool木藕设计网

 玩酷stone 2020-09-15

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Thanks MW’LANDSCAPE ARCHIECTURE for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by MW’LANDSCAPE ARCHIECTURE.



MW Landscape: The design searches for the secret land in the fairy Lushan Mountain, east of Central Park, at the foot of Lushan Mountain – Museum of Modern Art.




Time constantly changes and goes by. But we are always drawn by a worry-free life in the Garden of Eden depicted in the Bible. Ultra-modern techniques and lines interpret the “landscape” in the dream. We intend to create the blending and transformation of different spaces and interpret the essence of landscape design.


▼鸟瞰 Aerial view



The Fairy Lushan Mountain, exploring modern artistic urban life. Visitors are lost in the shade of the trees with birds flying ahead, indulged in the garden in the fairy mountain. We follow the footprints of the deer, search the Garden of Eden in the heart, and perceive artistic life…



漂亮于形,空间为质  在有限的场地空间中,利用流动,灵动的线条,实现各种空间的奇妙碰撞,不同的空间表达不同的情感,创造空间逻辑的叙述性。那“形与本质”结合的设计是怎样的呢?

The design creates a beautiful shape and uses space as quality in the limited space. The flowing and flexible lines realize the wonderful collision of various spaces. Different spaces express different emotions and create a logical narrative of space. What is the design that combines “form and essence”?



探寻 Explore


The direction of the heart, the return of dreams, the ease and comfort of living, are like a mysterious power growing out of the water, triggering curiosity, and imagination.


▼主入口夜景灯光效果 Entrance night view


追寻 Search


Invite the Garden of Eden that travels through the gates of the world. Space suddenly opens and builds the light and shadow transformation.



秘境 Secret Realm


Cross the time path, explore the secret garden of the Garden of Eden, and depict the artistic life. The exquisite artistic conception courtyard creates an atmosphere of skylight and cloud. The semi-enclosed space combining light and curve is the of art



▼通透的连廊下光束随行 The accompanying light beams and transparent corridors run through the landscape space


星云 Nebula


Under the star creek, people can quietly feel the beauty of the landscape. The accompanying light beams and transparent corridors run through the landscape space like clouds and flowing water, forming a vivid space and warming the dust of freedom…



星林 Star Forest


Coming home with the moon, people can feel the tranquility of the home, With a pot of tea, friends sit under the shade of the trees. By the water, the space is full of tranquil atmosphere, comfortable and elegant.



寄语 Message:


The modern world is full of challenges and everyone is a warrior. We hope that every returnee can perceive a beautiful life as the Garden of Eden here. We hope the design of Lushan Mansion reminds people not only a beautiful design work but also an unlimited possibility. People can feel the designer’s logic and order of the space of constantly thinking and exploring. The hashtags like “Internet celebrity”, “cool”, “beautiful” are not our ultimate goal. We are constantly pursuing the exploration of space, beautiful shape design, and reasonable design that can be implemented. It is MW’s pursuit and attitude towards every project.


▼项目视频 Video




摄影师: 三棱镜建筑景观摄影 & 卢俊江工作室

Project name: Chongqing Risesun Lushan Mansion
Completion: August 2020
Area: 4877 square meters
Location: Guifu Avenue, Yubei District, Chongqing, China
Chief designers: Gan Weiwei, Jin Liangliang
Design team: Yuan Qiang, Chen Jingfeng, Jiang Qinling, Zhao Liangying, Yang Yuting, Xie Lin, Yao Peng, Zhang Xu, Zheng Peng, Gao Yizhi, Liu Lijun, Lin Ying, Lin Taoyu
Client/Developer: Risesun Development Chongqing Company
Architectural design: Shanghai Shuishi Architectural Planning and Design Co., Ltd.
Interior design: Chongqing Mixiu Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Construction: Chongqing Sencheng Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd.
Photo credit: Prism Image & Lu Junjiang Studio


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