
Metro English - 233 - Vienna 维也纳

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

World Cities  - Vienna  维也纳

Strolling around Austria’s biggest city, dubbed the City of Music, is like simultaneously stepping back in time and stepping up in class. You can trace the footsteps of Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, or Schubert—or waltz along to their compositions at one of the town's many balls. (When you're done, don't forget to refuel with some Viennese coffee and a hot dog.) Read on for more facts to file away about Vienna.
1.A military camp called Vindobona was set up where Vienna is now around 50 CE, but the first documents bearing the name Wenia surfaced in 881. It was mentioned as a town in 1137 and the town charter was granted in 1221.

2. Napoleon occupied Vienna in 1805 and again in 1809, and both events affected Ludwig von Beethoven. The first interrupted the premiere of what ended up being his only opera, Fidelio. And during Napoleon's May 10, 1809 siege, the prodigy, who was beginning to lose his hearing, hid in his brother Carl's basement with pillows over his ears lest the sound of the shells falling outside cause even more damage.
拿破仑于于1805年和1809年两次占领维也纳,这两件事都影响了路德维希 冯 贝多芬。第一次占领中断了他的唯一歌剧“菲德里奥”的首演。在拿破仑1809年5月10日的围攻中,这个开始失聪的天才躲在他哥哥卡尔的地下室里,耳朵上蒙着枕头,以避免外面的炮弹声造成更大的伤害。

3. Vienna’s Spanish Riding School, or Spanische Hofreitschule, has kept the renaissance tradition of Haute École equestrian alive for more than 450 years. The name of the institution refers to the horses introduced in the 16th century from Spain’s Iberian Peninsula—today's Lipizzaner stallions are descendants of these.
维也纳的西班牙骑术学校(Spanische Hofreitschule)将上柯尔马术的文艺复兴传统保留了450多年。这个机构的名字是指16世纪从西班牙伊比利亚半岛引进的马,今天的利比扎纳种马就是这些马的后代。
4. The famed Vienna Boys Choir’s roots date as far back as 1498. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart worked with the choir and Franz Schubert was once a member. In 1918, the group became a private institution, and their imperial uniforms switched to sailor suits. Now, there are more than 100 boys between the ages of 10 and 14 from 30 countries split into four, giving more than 300 performances a year.
5. Over the course of a century, Vienna's population has hovered between 2 million (its peak, in 1910) and 1.48 million (in 1987). As of October 2014, there were approximately 1.8 million inhabitants.

6. The snowglobe was invented in Austria in 1900 when Erwin Perzy was trying to improve on the light bulb—he added water and semolina flakes, in the hopes that the light would bounce off them and cast a brighter glow. That didn't happen, but the effect was striking. Mass production began in Vienna in 1905 by his company, Original Vienna Snow Globes, and the flakes are still falling today. Now run by his grandson, Erwin Perzy III, the family business has made customized globes for Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and First Daughters Sasha and Malia Obama.
7. The 521 square miles of the Vienna Woods, or Wienerwald, are home to 2,000 plant species and 150 bird species. At least two endangered species—Ural owls and green lizards—have made the forest home.
8. The Austrian city has been home to the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) since 1965. And although the United Nations is headquartered in New York City, one of its primary offices is in Vienna as well. The building serves as home base for the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency and Office on Drug and Crime.
9. Vienna is the second most livable city on the planet after Melbourne, Australia, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit’s study ranking 30 factors, ranging from safety and education to infrastructure and healthcare.
10. Almost 3 million people a year visit the city’s most famous church, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, or Stephansdom, built in the 12th century. Thirteen bells hang from the tallest tower, which stands 448 feet high and is accessible by climbing 343 steps. But it’s the Pummerin bell, in the 224-foot-tall tower, that happens to be the second-largest free-swinging European chimed church bell. Composers Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart have both worked in the church.

11. The Vienna Philharmonic’s New Year’s Concert is one of the hottest tickets in town, with prime seats costing as much as $1200. Names must be selected by a random drawing to have the opportunity to purchase tickets—and the entry period closed on February 29.
12. Coffee is about more than just caffeination for Austrians—it’s part of their heritage. In fact, in 2011, Viennese coffee houses, which originated in the 17th century, were put on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list, as they are a place “where time and space are consumed, but only the coffee is found on the bill.”

13. Vienna has bragging rights as the only world capital that produces “significant quantities” of wine within its city limits. With 1730 acres of “wine-growing surface,” there are more than 320 vintners. Eighty-five percent of the wine produced is white wine grape varietals.
14.  By 2050, life expectancy in the city will be 89 years old for women and 85 for men. Comparatively, life expectancy in 2013 was 81 in the country and 71 years globally.
15. The 13-mile Danube Island was open in 1981 to reinforce Vienna’s flood protection system and has become a prime recreation center, with an 820-foot family beach, a (free!) 53,820-square-foot waterpark, and a climbing park where guests can ascend 33 feet into the air.
16. Austria’s largest palace, Schonbrunn, has been one of Vienna’s most visited sites since 2003. But you can still make the experience personal. The 1798-square-foot, two-bedroom Grand Suite is available for rent—with rates around $1500 a night. But really, how do you put a price on the ability to say you’ve stayed overnight in the former imperial home of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress “Sisi” Elisabeth?

17. If splurging on a palatial stay isn’t up your alley, the gardens around Schonbrunn Palace are equally majestic—and free. Open to the public since 1779, the Baroque-style gardens include a labyrinth, a zoo, Roman ruins, Neptune’s Fountain, and a Gloriette atop a hill with a sprawling view of the entire grounds.
18. When ordering a hot dog from one of Vienna’s trademark hot dog stands, get ready to answer whether you prefer the sweet kremser mustard or spicy estragon. Vendors may shorten it to süss (sweet) or scharf (spicy). One of the most popular kiosks is the old city’s Würstelstand am Hohen Markt.
当你在维也纳的一个招牌热狗摊上点一个热狗时,准备好回答你是喜欢甜的克伦瑟芥末还是辛辣的埃斯特拉贡。摊主可能会将其缩短为süss(甜)或scharf(辣)。其中一个最受欢迎的摊子是老城区的Würstelstand am Hohen Markt。

有关维也纳,推荐一部叫做“The Piano Teacher”的影片,中文译名或许称作《钢琴教师》,是法国女演员Isabella Huppert伊莎贝尔于佩尔2001年主演的一部法语片。本片获得过2001年戛纳电影节的评审团大奖,最佳女演员奖和最佳男演员奖。我记得片中的音乐,以及围绕音乐的一些讨论。


simultaneously  同时

prodigy  神童

Choir  唱诗班

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十二月份,Metro English的主题是World Cities - 说一说你此生注定要去的那些城市吧。说不定,你可以就此找到你的人生目的地。

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