
《走遍美国》听力素材(附音频 文本) | 练就纯正英语(U6-1)

 昵称14934981 2020-09-21

今天小听给大家带来的听力素材还是这份在大陆畅销数百万册、在全球 35 个国家同步使用的生活化美语教材——《走遍美国》。

《走遍美国》于 1991 年出版,随后被翻拍成教育情景剧 ,以美国人的日常生活为中心,涉及美国文化的方方面面,比较贴近现实英语交流环境。





戳蓝色文字可以回顾一下上一期《走遍美国》的对话情景《走遍美国》听力素材(附音频+文本) | 练就纯正英语(U5-3)






Ellen 和 Philip 在厨房里准备感恩节的晚餐。Philip 要做他拿手的甜点苹果派,他在准备材料的时候,发现他没有准备一种很重要的原料……


[00:06.21] OK, Philip. This is your third cup of coffee.
[00:10.16] We should get to work,
[00:11.12] or we won't be finished by dinnertime.
[00:14.73] I guess we must.
[00:16.42] We must.

[00:19.57] OK. The beginning of my famous Thanksgiving apple pie. 
[00:31.17] One apple. Two apples. Three apples. Four apples.
[00:37.58] Come on, Philip!
[00:39.08] Get busy with your famous apple pie.
[00:41.50] There's much more to be done.
[00:43.29] Now, the ingredients.
[00:43.95] What goes into my apple pie besides apples?
[00:46.40] Ah, yes. Flour, sugar, butter.
[01:02.19] Butter, nice and cold and hard.
[01:06.04] OK, here are the walnuts.
[01:08.23] Last but not least,
[01:09.84] the reason my apple pie is famous--cinnamon.
[01:14.54] Cinnamon ...
[01:18.84] Ellen, where's the cinnamon?
[01:20.42] If there is any cinnamon,
[01:21.53] it's in the cabinet with the salt and pepper.
[01:33.29] Salt, pepper, dill weed, garlic powder, cinnamon. Ellen? 
[01:39.78] Yes, Philip.
[01:41.24] Is it possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon?
[01:45.85] Yes, it is possible that we forgot to buy cinnamon.
[01:51.34] Well, how can I make my famous apple pie without cinnamon?
[01:55.29] Good morning.
[01:56.67] Oh, hi, Robbie. Good morning.
[01:59.05] Good morning. Robbie.
[02:00.97] Can you do me a favor?
[02:02.16] Sure, Dad. What?
[02:03.97] Remember my apple pie on Thanksgiving?
[02:07.46] What do you love about it?
[02:11.64] The apples?
[02:12.83] No. The sssss...
[02:14.83] Cinnamon.
[02:15.67] Right. We don't have any cinnamon.
[02:20.67] I'll go down to Henry's grocery. He's always open. 
[02:22.90] I'll get some for you.
[02:24.03] That's my boy! 
[02:27.10] Oh, put your heavy jacket on, Robbie.
[02:28.63] It's cold outside.

[02:33.59] Alexandra might call.
[02:35.66] Tell her I'll call her right back.
[02:37.43] OK.
[02:39.47] Thanks, Son.
[02:45.47] Uh, why does he always have to slam the door?
[02:59.64] Hello.... Hello, Alexandra. How are you? ... Fine.
[03:04.94] Robbie just went to the store. 
[03:06.78] He'll be back soon. 
[03:07.86] He said he'll call you.
[03:09.75] ... Oh, oh, I see.... Oh ... certainly.
[03:15.48] Well, do you have the phone number there?
[03:18.33] ... Oh ... I see.... Please, I know he wants to talk to you....
[03:24.09] Thank you,
[03:24.86] and happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too. 
[03:28.81] Try to come by later for dessert.... Bye. 

[03:34.53] That was Alexandra.
[03:35.93] She and the Molinas
[03:37.08] are going to spend Thanksgiving with their cousins.
[03:39.76] She doesn't have the phone number.
[03:41.56] Oh, Robbie will be disappointed.
[03:44.33] He'll be grouchy. 
[03:46.52] Maybe she'll call back. She promised.

[03:51.32] Here's your cinnamon, Pop.
[03:59.08] It was a dollar and sixty cents. 
[04:04.80] You forgot to ask me for the change.
[04:07.95] Or did you forget to give it to me?

[04:17.74] Thanks, Son.
[04:21.12] Alexandra called.
[04:22.85] I'll call her back.
[04:23.86] She said she'll call you later.
[04:25.36] She's not at home.

[04:37.72] You should have your breakfast, Son.
[04:39.34] Make you feel better.
[04:41.14] Protein, vitamins.
[04:42.87] She said she'll call back?
[04:44.41] Yes, she did.
[04:47.37] Good morning, everyone!
[04:48.75] Happy Turkey Day!
[04:52.17] What's wrong?
[04:53.40] Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
[04:58.44] What's gotten into him?
[05:00.44] He missed a phone call.
[05:02.78] From ...?
[05:03.67] Yes, Alexandra.
[05:07.47] It's nice to see young love.... Oh, to be young again!
[05:12.84] Where's the coffee?


Get busy with your famous apple pie.There's much more to be done. 

get busy with...,快点做,忙于。

Ah, yes. Flour, sugar, butter. 


Last but not least, the reason my apple pie is famous - cinnamon. 
last but not least,最后但也是很重要的。

That's my boy! 

'What do you say we…?' (你说我们……怎么样?),可以理解为在 say 后面省了连词 if,表示一种建议。此短语仅用于提非正式的建议。

Uh, why does he always have to slam the door? 
'slam the door ',“砰”的一声关上门。 

Try to come by later for dessert.
'come by',顺路拜访,串门。

He'll be grouchy.

You forgot to ask me for the change.
What's gotten into him? 
What's troubling/bothering him?
What's the trouble with him?
What's wrong with him?
What's the matter?
What's happened to him?
What's up? 



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