
A list of chinese dainty snacks

 Karen房 2021-02-25

A list of chinese dainty snacks–食谱翻译Part III

一月 9, 2013 | posted in: Company Blog | by admin


69、 牛肉肉末饼 A hamburger patty

70、一角饼 A quarter of a pancake

71、薄荷饼 A peppermint patty

72、绿豆糕 Bean paste cake

73、蛋卷 Chicken egg rolls

74、面窝 Chinese doughnuts

75、鸡仔饼 Chicken in a round flat cakes

76、鸡丝卷 Chicken silk wraps

77、烧饼 Clay oven rolls/ Sesame seed cake

78、糍粑 Cooked glutinous rice cake pounded into paste

79、皮蛋酥 Crisp preserved egg/Preserved Egg Cakes

80、蛋挞 Custard Tarts

81、酥油饼 Crisp fried cake

82、锅盔/馕 Crusty pancake

83、点心/ 甜点 Dessert/light refreshments/ mousse/ past ry

84、豆干 Dried tofu

85、油条 Deep-fried dough sticks/ Fried bread stick

86、鱼肉卷 Flaked fish

87、麻花 Fried dough twist

88、油条 Fried dough sticks

89、油饼 Fried wheat cake

90、汤包 Fried bale

91、汤圆 Glue pudding/rice ball/sweet dumplings/sweet s oup balls

92、鱼丝炸春卷 Fried fish &leek roll/ The fish silk dee p-fries spring roll

93、油煎饼 Fried pancakes

94、萝卜糕 Fried white radish patty

95、糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes

96、芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls

97、狗不理包子 Goubuli steamed dumpling/ Goubuli Stuffe d buns

98、火腿末米粉布丁ham risotto

99、冰肉千层酥 Ice meat/Multi-Layer Cakes

100、长寿桃 Longevity Peaches

101、麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu/ Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce

102、肉圆子 Meat balls

103、奶皮子 Milk silk- skin

104、月饼 moon cake

105、奶油冻 Mousse

106、千层饼 Multi-layer steamed bread

107、油豆腐 Oily bean curd

108、牡蛎煎 Oyster omelet

109、煎饼 pancake

110、小笼馒头 plain wheat roll in small cage

111、虾片 Prawn cracker

112、酥皮莲蓉包 Puff pastry lotus wrap

113、红豆糕/豆沙糕 Red bean cake

114、鲜肉粽子 Rice dumplings with fresh meat

115、米粉糕 Rice cake

116、元宵 Rice glue ball

117、筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding

118、烧鸡干捞面 Roasted Chicken Noodle

119、碗糕 Salty rice pudding

120、芝麻大饼 Sesame pancake

121、虾球 Shrimp balls

122、臭豆腐 Smelly tofu/ Stinky tofu

123、麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd

124、春卷 Spring rolls

125、牛羊肉泡馍 Steamed bread/ steamed buns with beef/ mutton

126、馒头 Steamed buns

127、肉包子 Steamed buns with meat stuffing

128、蟹仁小笼包 Steamed dumplings stuffed with crab meat

129、肉包子 Steamed dumpling with pork/mushrooms and bamboo shoots

130、小笼蒸包 Steamed meat buns

131、割包 Steamed sandwich

132、香甜玉米饼 Sweet corn cake

133、芋头糕 Taro cake

134、甜果馅饼 Tart

135、三鲜豆皮 Three fresh bean skin

136、腐皮海鲜卷 Tofu skin with seafood wraps/bun

137、糖葫芦 Tomatoes on sticks

138、爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin

139、蛋奶烘饼 Waffle

140、华夫饼 Waffle

141、白糖焦饼 Whites burnt round flat cake

142、萝卜糕 White Turnip Cakes

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