

 英文杂志精选 2021-03-15




TikTok time-bomb 抖音定时炸弹
TikTok’s silly clips raise some serious questions
About geopolitics of data, internet incumbents and the perils of online information
  • peril: 危险
IF THIS ARTICLE were a TikTok video, it would already be almost over—and you would be smiling. TikTok’s 15-second clips are all the rage among teenage netizens. The app was downloaded more than 750m times in the past 12 months, more than Facebook plus its sister services, Instagram and WhatsApp, combined. Fun aside, TikTok raises serious questions—about data geopolitics, the power of internet incumbents and who sees what online.
  • clip: 剪辑、短视频;抖音短视频就可以用“clips”

如果这篇文章是一段TikTok的视频,那么它已经快结束了——你应该在 傻笑。抖音的15秒短视频在青少年网民中风靡一时,在过去12个月里,这款应用的下载量超过7.5亿次,超过Facebook及其姊妹服务Instagram和WhatsApp的总和。撇开乐趣不谈,TikTok引发了严肃的问题——关于数据地缘政治、互联网在位者的力量、以及谁能在网上看到什么信息。

TikTok is YouTube on steroids. It bombards users with self-repeating clips. It forms a genre of quick-hit entertainment: a prank, a dare, a teenager looking pretty. Most are produced by adolescents, with easy-to-use editing tools. The app makes money from adverts and commissions on digital tips. It may one day generate revenue from e-commerce, like its Chinese sister app, Douyin. Both are owned by ByteDance, a Beijing firm valued at $75bn, more than any other private startup.
  • on steroids: 以更有力或极端的方式,加强版
  • quick-hit: 快速命中、快速流行
  • prank: 恶作剧


The China connection has Washington in a tizzy. On November 1st it emerged that America’s government has opened a national-security review of ByteDance’s takeover in 2017 of Musical.ly, an app developed in China, which later became TikTok. On November 5th congressmen lambasted ByteDance for not showing up to a hearing.
  • in a tizzy: 处于紧张不安中


Hawks argue that TikTok gives the government in Beijing access to data on millions of Americans and that it censors content the regime does not like. If America’s sanctions on Huawei, a maker of telecoms gear, are about disentangling electronics supply chains, its assault on ByteDance is an attempt to keep the data flows of America and China separate. ByteDance rejects these accusations, saying that non-Chinese user data sit on non-Chinese servers, and that decisions about what not to show American users are made in America.
  • disentangle: 理顺、清理出...、解开...的结



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