
加拿大最后一块完整冰架无法熬过这个夏天 | 经济学人精讲第732期

 英文杂志精选 2021-03-15




A shortened shelf life  缩短的冰架生命期
Canada’s last intact ice shelf breaks up
The fate of a rare “epishelf lake” is unknown
  • epishelf lake:  一个漂浮的冰架(冰川向海的延伸,最终汇入海洋)可能会阻塞峡湾的入口,形成一种独特的湖泊,称为“epishelf lake”

Aug 15th 2020 | OTTAWA
THE LAST whole ice shelf in Canada’s Arctic was no match for this summer’s heatwave. In northern Ellesmere Island temperatures since May have been 5⁰C warmer than the 30-year average of 0-1⁰C. On July 30th-31st, the 80-metre (260-foot) thick Milne ice shelf, which juts out from the island’s north-western coast, split in two. A slab measuring 80 square km (31 square miles), more than 40% of the shelf’s surface area, broke away. By August 3rd the wandering wedge of ice split again. The two strays will now drift on the Beaufort Gyre current as they melt away (see map).
  • no match for: 无法抵挡
  • jut: 伸出、突出
A century ago Ellesmere’s northern coast had one 8,600 square km shelf, a floating island of ice driven onto shore some 4,000 years ago. During the 20th century it broke apart. The Milne shelf is the biggest remaining constituent. Derek Mueller, a geography professor at Carleton University in Ottawa who began documenting the ice shelves’ erosion in 2005, has seen the smaller ones collapse. Until now the Milne shelf had been protected by the high walls of the narrow 30km fjord along which it stretches.
The breakaway block, a frozen chunk of the Arctic Ocean, will not itself raise sea levels. But the shelf’s disappearance would remove a stopper that prevents melting glacial water from seeping into the ocean, notes Luke Copland, a glaciologist at the University of Ottawa.
  • seep into: 流入、渗入


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