
A donkey fell into a well 驴掉进井里

 Gathertime 2021-04-29

     A donkey  fell  into a well  cried for hours .But the farmer didn't know how to help it.

     Finally, the farmer thought  the donkey was too old and the  well needed to be 
covered up anyway, so he wanted to buried dirt and rubbish into well decrease the time donkey painful.
     He asked  his neighbours  to help him.   They began  to  shovel  dirt and rubbish into the well. The donkey cried harder.   But a  few minutes later, it became quiet. The farmer looked into the well, and he was surprised by what he saw.
     The donkey was saved it shaked of stand on the dirt and rubbish they shovel to it .一头驴掉进井里哭了几个小时,但农夫不知道如何帮助它。最后,农夫认为驴子太老,想埋垃圾到井里减少驴痛苦。他问他的邻居来帮助他。他们开始铲泥土和垃圾。驴哭叫更难受了。但几分钟后,它变得安静。农夫往里面看,他惊讶他所看到。驴抖掉身上的垃圾土站在他们上面









Rabbi and wounded donkey

It is said rabbi at the age of 40 didn't read any book. And he married a rich wife, his wife advised him go to Jerusalem, to study the scriptures.

"I'm forty years old," he said to his wife, "what can I learn? I better don't make a fool of myself."

"I do something to show you," his wife said, "give me the donkey wounded lead back."

Aquino led to her the donkey, she put dust and herbal cover wounds on the donkey, the donkey looks a little funny.

First day, they took it  to the market, people see laughing at it . The second day, people see feel ridiculous. But on the third day, people no longer feel ridiculous.

"Go to study the scriptures," Mr Aquino's "People would laugh at you today, tomorrow they will not, until the day after tomorrow, they would say: 'he has his truth. '"

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