
比尔盖茨与妻子梅琳达离婚,《华尔街日报》回顾婚姻始末 | 华尔街日报精讲第973期

 英文杂志精选 2021-05-04


本文选自《华尔街日报》5月4日文章。北京时间5月4日凌晨,世界顶级富豪比尔盖茨与妻子梅琳达盖茨同时在推特上发表声明,宣布结束27年的婚姻,理由是“we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives(我们不再认为我们可以在人生的下一阶段作为夫妻共同成长)”。









Bill and Melinda Gates to End Marriage 比尔盖茨和梅琳达离婚
The Microsoft co-founder and his wife, who is co-chair of their philanthropic foundation, have been married 27 years
Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, who is co-chair of their philanthropic foundation, are ending their 27-year marriage, according to a statement posted on both their verified Twitter accounts.
微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)联合创始人比尔·盖茨和他的妻子梅琳达·盖茨(也是二人慈善基金会的联合主席)将结束他们27年的婚姻,二人在他们官方认证的推特账号上发布了此声明。
“After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage,” said the statement, which was signed by both people.
The couple have three children together and jointly formed the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which oversees the charitable ventures to which the billionaire philanthropist couple have devoted their fortune.
“We continue to share a belief in that mission and will continue our work together at the foundation, but we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple in this next phase of our lives,” they said.
Mr. Gates, 65, last year announced he was stepping down from the boards of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and Microsoft, the software company he founded in 1975 with childhood friend Paul Allen.
Mr. Gates built Microsoft into one of the most dominant forces in the then still emerging business of personal computing. In 2000, he handed the role of CEO to longtime colleague Steve Ballmer. He scaled back involvement in day-to-day operations of Microsoft in 2008, focusing more on the foundation’s work. He remained active at the Redmond, Wash.,-based company as its chairman until 2014, when Satya Nadella became CEO and Mr. Gates became a regular board member.
  • scale back: 减少、缩减
  • day-to-day operation: 日常业务
Mr. Gates’s personal stake in Microsoft is worth around $26 billion, according to FactSet.
At the foundation, Ms. Gates, born Melinda French, has played a high-profile public role on par with that of her husband. She has represented the organization both in remote places and political power centers.
  • born:这里是“原名”的意思
  • high-profile:高调的、知名的
  • on par with:与...一样
The foundation says it aims to fight poverty, disease and inequity and gives away billions of dollars annually in direct grants. It has committed more than $1.75 billion to back the global response to the Covid-19 pandemic, including efforts to produce 100 million doses of vaccines for poorer countries.
  • give away: 赠送、捐赠
Forbes said the organization is the world’s largest private charitable foundation.
Ms. Gates also created Pivotal Ventures in 2015, an investment company, independent of the foundation, working on advancing social progress in the U.S.
梅琳达还于2015年创立了Pivotal Ventures,这是一家独立于盖茨基金会的投资公司,致力于推动美国的社会进步
Mr. Gates and Warren Buffett in 2010 kick-started the so-called Giving Pledge to encourage U.S. tycoons to start making donations earlier in their lives, while they can still be involved in choosing how to spend it. The Giving Pledge has expanded with more than 200 people committing to the initiative from 25 countries.
  • kick-start:迅速启动、开启项目
2010年,盖茨和沃伦·巴菲特启动了所谓的“捐赠誓言”(Giving Pledge)活动,以鼓励美国大亨们在他们能够参与选择如何使用这笔钱的时候,尽早开始捐款。“捐赠承诺”已经扩大到来自25个国家的200多人承诺参与。
Mr. Gates is listed by Forbes as the world’s fourth wealthiest person—with a net worth of $130.5 billion—after Amazon.com Inc. founder Jeff Bezos, French luxury-goods tycoon Bernard Arnault and his family, and Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Elon Musk.
Most of the Gates family’s wealth is held by a personal investment firm called Cascade Investment LLC.
盖茨家族的大部分财富都由一家名为Cascade investment LLC的个人投资公司持有。
Mr. Bezos and his wife, MacKenzie Scott, divorced in 2019 after being married for 25 years, during which Mr. Bezos built one of the world’s most valuable companies.
Ms. Scott, who has devoted much of her time to philanthropic efforts, recently remarried. She said in a Medium post late last year that she had given away more than $4 billion of her fortune.
Ms. Gates, aged 56, grew up in Dallas and earned a master’s in business administration at Duke University before joining Microsoft, where she worked on developing multimedia products, according to the foundation’s website. Four months after starting at Microsoft, she met the then-CEO at a dinner during a business trip to New York. He asked her on a date when they ran into each other again in the Microsoft parking lot.
  • run into: 偶然碰见
She could be in line for half of the couple’s wealth, if they divorce in a so-called community-property state such as Washington, where Microsoft is based, or California, where they own property. The couple last year paid $43 million for an oceanfront home near San Diego in one of the largest deals recorded in the area.
  • be in line for: 很可能得到、有得到…的机会
  • community-property:夫妻共有财产


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