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Physiological and psychological stress responses to labor and delivery as expressed by salivary cortisol: a prospective study



方  法


结 果  

唾液皮质醇浓度由潜伏期至活跃期逐渐升高。分娩后2min内观察到了上升的最大值(从平均值1.06 μg/dl上升至1.67 μg/dl:升高了57%)。分娩后2h内,皮质醇浓度逐渐下降,并在分娩24h后达到非妊娠水平(0.16 μg/dl)。分娩期间和产后2h内皮质醇浓度高于非妊娠妇女平均浓度(0.5 μg/dl)。与非硬膜外麻醉的产妇相比,硬膜外麻醉的产妇在宫颈开全时(p=0.026)和产后2h(p=0.016)的皮质醇浓度较低。心理应激在潜伏期和宫颈完全扩张期达到峰值(平均值分别为4.56、4.29),产后即刻出现最大降幅(从4.29下降至2.04,下降了52%)。胎头吸引术分娩组脐带血皮质醇水平高于自然阴道分娩组(17±2 vs. 11±3.8,p=0.03)。

结 论



Miller N, Asali AA, Agassi-Zaitler M, et al. Physiological and psychological stress responses to labor and delivery as expressed by salivary cortisol: a prospective study.[J]. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2019. DOI:10.1016/j.ajog.2019.06.045

Background: Labor is considered a stressful event, yet no study has described the course of stress measured by cortisol during labor and postpartum . 

Objective: To describe the patterns of physiological and psychological stress during labor as measured by salivary cortisol concentrations and stress questionnaires and their correlation to obstetric and neonatal outcomes. 

Study Design: This prospective, observational study included 167 women with low-risk, singleton, term deliveries at a tertiary academic center. Physiological stress was evaluated by salivary cortisol measurements and emotional stress by questionnaire (Stress scale ranging from 0-10) during the latent phase, active phase and full dilation stages of labor, as well as 2 minutes, 2 hours and 24 hours after delivery. Cord blood cortisol and pH were also obtained. Modes of delivery, complications during labor and delivery, and early neonatal outcomes were evaluated. 

Results: Salivary cortisol concentrations increased gradually from latent phase to active phase. The maximum increase was observed within 2 minutes of the delivery (from an average of 1.06 μg/dl to 1.67 μg/dl: 57% increase). Within 2 hours after delivery, cortisol decreased and reached a non-gravid concentration after 24 hours (0.16 μg/dl). Cortisol concentrations during labor and up to 2 hours postpartum were above the average concentration of non-gravid women (0.5 μg/dl). Women with epidural anesthesia had lower cortisol concentrations at complete dilation (p=0.026) and 2 hours postpartum (p=0.016) compared to women without epidural. Psychological stress peaked during latent and full dilation phases (mean 4.56, 4.29, respectively). Maximum decrease from 4.29 to 2.04 (52%) occurred immediately postpartum. Cord cortisol was higher among women delivered by vacuum extraction compared to spontaneous vaginal delivery (17 ± 2 vs. 11 ± 3.8, p=0.03). 

Conclusions: This study reveals the course of cortisol concentrations during labor for low-risk pregnancies, with maximum increase immediately postpartum. Subjective stress levels decreased over the course of labor. Salivary cortisol portrays stress during labor and may be used as a reference to evaluate complicated pregnancies and to evaluate the role of cortisol during these deliveries. 




翻译:冯玉蓉  编辑:何幼芹  审校:王贵龙

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