

 雨雨的一隅之地 2021-07-25




John Quincy Adams, “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish”.

George Eliot, or also known as Mary Anne Evens, my favorite author. She wrote, “The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men”.

Camus, “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer


积极的思考有没有帮助呢?还是有的,但是这类书籍却抹掉了非常关键的,也是必不可少的部分,包括努力、持久、甚至是失败。(That does away with the hard work, with the persistence, with the failure that is necessary, part and parcel of a successful, happy, fulfilling, human life.

人们的大脑有一个习惯,就是喜欢一致性(The mind does not like when there is a discrepancy between what is inside and what is outside),比如我想把TOEFL考到100分,但是我现在只有80分的水平,那怎么办?一般来讲我们有这么几种办法:

第一、承认自己不行,距离目标差20分(Update schema, Change the original thought

第二、直接忽略,不管了(Ignore or discard in external information

第三、认为考到100分也没啥,80分也不错(Seek confirmation

第四、努力考到100分(Creating a new reality

爱迪生在发明灯泡之前就做了至少5000次实验,都没有成功,有一次一个记者劝爱迪生,说你都失败5000次了,放弃吧。爱迪生则说,我并没有失败5000次,我其实成功了5000次,成功之处在于我发现了5000种不够理想的材料。这就是爱迪生,他获得了很多成功,也同样经历很多失败。No coincidence, but the most successful, creative scientist in history is also, as far as we know, the scientist who failed the most times.

Learn to fail, or fail to learn. 

从爱迪生对待“失败”的态度我们也可以看出来,成功的人往往对既定的事实有不同的理解,记者,包括绝大部分人认为这是失败,但爱迪生却认为可以从中学习到东西,进而继续实验下去。(But the interpretation, still, what if I learn from it? I’ve gone even better this time. I’ve shown what doesn’t work. And they continue.

积极理解、对待事物的人可以活得更长久!People who interpret things positively or more optimistic actually live longer.


看到这里大家应该觉得,好像哈佛大学的积极心理学并没有什么了不起呀,以上的这些我都知道,就像近几年常听到的一句话:“懂得很多道理,但依旧过不好这一生”。伏尔泰说过:"Common sense is not that common." Tal教授最开始也和同学们强调,他所讲的并不是大家不知道的事儿,他希望在结课的时候,同学们跑过来告诉他:"Thank you for reminding me of something that I've already known." 

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