

 英语老师覃冠平 2021-11-12

如果你家养了一头牛,而且还是一头cow(奶牛),Cow又每天没月不断产奶(milk),把milk变现(cash),那么,你家这头cow是不是可以称作You have a cash cow?

所以,可以根据不同语境把英语a cash cow翻译成中文“你家开有金矿啊?”等时髦的中文表达,其实就是过去人们说的“摇钱树”,“一铺养三代”等等表示“很有钱”的意思。

不过,从加强自身英语语言理解能力和英语表达能力角度出发,如果你是用中文“开金矿”,“摇钱树”来学会英语a cash cow什么意思,我却是把它说成下面你都能理解也会说的“高中英语”:

1. Well, if you call someone or something a cash cow, you mean that it makes a lot of money.You're very rich and very wealthy.

a cash cow就是make a lot of money(A cash cow means making a lot of money,you are very rich and wealthy),这句英语你不会说吗?

既然它可以用来理解同样的英语cash cow的含义,而且还都是我们学过的英语,为什么不把它们用起来却偏偏“说”中文“摇钱树”呢?

如果make a lot of money太口语化了,我们可以说的更书面些(对你的英语作文有用):

A cash cow means a product that provides a steady income or profit.

我们还可以把a cash cow说得“拓展”一些,从business角度表达:

2. Well,when we say:This product is our cash cow in our company,we mean This product has a large market share.

这样“用”英语能对你今后用英语跟人讨论a cash cow话题“有(英语)话可说”有帮助吧?

什么是a maket share吗?


我说英语:a market share is the percentage you have in the market for a product.Is it 10 percent? Is it 20 percent? and so on.

现在轮到你用英语a cash cow“说英语”1. Investment in houses in China is a cash cow.2. A player like Rooney is a potential cash cow to many people.

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