

 公众号王不留 2021-11-22

感谢 @Kevin Yang@先见之明@静@福星高照 的指导,现对最后一句的翻译总结如下:

Whether they will be, and when, remains as clear as the Delhi sky.

1. Whether they will be, and when, 这是一处省略句。

对应前一句"Then the Supreme Court waded in too, ruling that all non-essential travel should be curbed and offices closed. ",


Whether they will be curbed, and when offices closed, remains as clear as the Delhi sky.

2. remains as clear as the Delhi sky.  按字义是“像德里的天空一样晴朗”,实际上,德里的空气非常糟糕,这里其实用到了“反讽”手法。






Help wanted: quitting cigarettes

This week the World Health Organisation published its latest data on smoking. It estimates that tobacco causes 8m premature deaths a year—more than twice the official number of deaths from covid in 2020 (though that number is probably higher). This year the WHO promoted measures to help the world’s 1.3bn smokers to quit. Only 4% of cold-turkey attempts to ditch cigarettes are successful. A doctor’s advice, helplines, apps and medications such as nicotine patches can double the success rate. In countries that provide such help, like Britain, the health benefits are substantial over time. Nearly two-thirds of Brits who have ever smoked say they have quit.

Missing from the WHO’s recommendations are e-cigarettes, on the grounds that they are addictive and contain some harmful ingredients (though far fewer than combustible cigarettes). But many countries view e-cigarettes as useful aids to stop smoking. England’s National Health Service may soon become the first to prescribe them to smokers free of charge.

Help wanted: quitting cigarettes


This week the World Health Organisation published its latest data on smoking. It estimates that tobacco causes 8m premature deaths a year—more than twice the official number of deaths from covid in 2020 (though that number is probably higher). This year the WHO promoted measures to help the world’s 1.3bn smokers to quit. Only 4% of cold-turkey attempts to ditch cigarettes are successful. A doctor’s advice, helplines, apps and medications such as nicotine patches can double the success rate. In countries that provide such help, like Britain, the health benefits are substantial over time. Nearly two-thirds of Brits who have ever smoked say they have quit.


premature 未成熟的 ;  过早的 ;  提前的 ;  早产的 ;  草率的 ;  仓促的 ;  早产的婴儿 ;  过早爆发的炮弹 ;  过早发生的事物 

more than 比…更;比…更重要 ;  超出需要;超乎寻常 

smokers 吸烟者 ;  smoker的复数 

ditch 沟 ;  渠 ;  摆脱 ;  抛弃 ;  丢弃 ;  使在海上紧急降落 ;  迫降 

cigarettes 香烟 ;  纸烟 ;  卷烟 ;  cigarette的复数

helplines 服务热线 ;  helpline的复数 

medications 药 ;  药物 ;  medication的复数 

such as 例如 ;  像 ;  象…这样 ;  诸如…之类 

nicotine 尼古丁 ;  烟碱 

over time 随着时间的过去;超时

Brits 英国人 ;  Brit的复数



cold turkey,不是指“冷了的火鸡”。而表示“突然戒毒时的不适”:一种强制戒除上瘾物的方法,快速但是很不愉快,比如戒除药物、毒品或酒精等,指的是彻底完全地戒除,再也不去碰。因此,也可以引申为“戒掉”。


答案众说纷纭。比较靠谱的说法是在戒除毒瘾的时候会出现强烈的戒断反应,经常会出现皮肤变苍白,并且出现鸡皮疙瘩,看起来像“cold turkey”。






Missing from the WHO’s recommendations are e-cigarettes, on the grounds that they are addictive and contain some harmful ingredients (though far fewer than combustible cigarettes). But many countries view e-cigarettes as useful aids to stop smoking. England’s National Health Service may soon become the first to prescribe them to smokers free of charge.


Missing from 在…中缺少的 

recommendations 正式建议 ;  提议 ;  推荐 ;  介绍 ;  推荐信 ;  求职介绍信 ;  recommendation的复数 

on the grounds 由于

addictive 上瘾的 ;  使人入迷的 

harmful 有害的 ;  导致损害的 

ingredients 成分 ;  原料 ;  因素,要素 ;  ingredient的复数 

combustible 易燃的 ;  可燃的 ;  可燃物 

cigarettes 香烟 ;  纸烟 ;  卷烟 ;  cigarette的复数

countries 国 ;  国家 ;  地区,区域 ;  全国人民 ;  国民 ;  全民 ;  country的复数 

useful 有用的 ;  有益的 ;  实用的 ;  有帮助的 ;  好的 ;  合格的

National Health Service 国民医疗服务体系

prescribe 开药方 ;  规定 ;  给…开 ;  让…采用 ;  开 ;  命令 ;  指示 

smokers 吸烟者 ;  smoker的复数 

free of charge 免费的


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