

 hercules028 2021-12-09



2.(an)apple of love :直译为“爱情的苹果”,(转指)番茄,西红柿

3.Stolen apples are the sweetest:直译为“偷吃的苹果最甜”,(喻)物极必反

4.Apple and orange :直译为“苹果和桔子”(喻)风马牛不相及

5.Apple of Sodom:直译为“所多玛的苹果”(喻)金玉其外,败絮其中

9.The ass and the wolf :直译为“驴和狼”,(喻)恩将仇报的人

10.Axe to grind :直译为“有斧子要磨”,(喻)另有图谋,别有用心

12.babes in the woods :直译为”林中的孩子“,(喻)不谙事故

13.bacon-brains/chaw-bacon 乡下佬,土包子

14.hold the bag :直译为“拿着袋子”,(喻)两手空空,代人受过

15.a bag of bones/wind (喻)骨瘦如柴/夸夸其谈的人

16.behind the eight ball:直译为”在八号球后方”,(喻)前景不妙,处境不利

18.the bear and the kettle :直译为“熊和水壶”,(喻)愚蠢是最可怕的敌人,庸人自扰

19.bear cat:直译为“熊猫”,(喻)力大勇猛的汉子

20.bear watching 大有可观,前途无量,危险莫测

21.beauty and beast 直译为“美女与野兽”,(喻)不相称的婚配

22.the Procrustean bed :直译为“普洛克洛斯之床(喻)逼人就范之物,死框框

23.a bed of roses :直译为”玫瑰床”,(喻)安乐窝

25.lie on a bedof thorns (喻)如坐针毡,坐立不安

26.look for a needle in abottle/bundle of hay (喻)大海捞针

28.a stumbling block:直译为”绊脚的障碍物”,(喻)绊脚石

29.cut blocks with a razor:直译为“剃刀砍木头”,(喻)用非其当

30.blue blood:直译为“蓝色的血液”,(喻)高贵血统,金枝玉叶

31.blue stocking 女学者,女才子

32.talk a blue streak 喋喋不休

33.blue nose 拘谨的人

34.sweep the board :直译为“打扫(或收拾)桌面”,(喻)大获全胜

35.make no bones about :直译为“确定其中没有骨头”,(喻)毫不掩饰,毫不隐晦

38.over shoes over boots 将错就错,一不做、二不休

39.draw the long bow 直译为“拉长弓”,(喻)吹牛

41.whipping boy :直译为“挥鞭的男孩”,(喻)替罪羊

42.hold out the olive branch :直译为“伸出橄榄枝”,(喻)建议讲和

44.brand from the burning:直译为“从火中取出烧着的木块”,(喻)大难得救之人

45.get down to brass tacks :直译为“放到黄铜平钉上”,(喻)言归正传

46.Where there is muck,there is brass:直译为“哪里有污垢,哪里就有钱财”,(喻)富者不洁,洁者不富

47.cast the bread upon the water(s):直译为“把面包扔到水面上”,(喻)行善

48.Bread is the staff of life (喻)人是铁,饭是钢

50.a drop in the bucket (喻)沧海一栗,九牛一毛,杯水车薪

51.the rain is coming down inbucket/it is raining cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

52.as firm as rock 坚如磐石

53.as lean as a rack 骨瘦如柴

54.as mad as wet hen 暴跳如雷

55.as blind as a bat 鼠目寸光

56.to have a hand like a foot 笨手笨脚

57.as dumb as a fish 默不作声

58.as cool as a cucumber 泰然自若

59.as scared as a rabbit 惊慌失措

60.as like as two peas 一模一样

61. Every bean has its black:直译为“每粒豆都有他的黑点”,(喻)每个人都有自己的缺点

62. spill the bean :直译为“把豆子撒出去”,(喻)不慎泄密,说漏嘴

63.to fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼

67.to be dead drunk 烂醉如泥

68.to be on thin ice 如履薄冰

69.a bull in a china shop:直译为“闯进瓷器店的公牛”,(喻)鲁莽闯祸的人

70.bite the bullet:直译为“咬子弹”,(喻)下决心渡难关

71.nothing but a spent bullet 强弩之末

72.beat about /around the bush :直译为“拨打草木丛”,(喻)拐弯抹角,旁敲侧击

73.Good wine needs no bush 酒香不怕巷子深

74.cakes and ale 吃喝玩乐

75.cake-eater (俚)花花公子

76.The camel going to seek horn lost his ears:直译为“去寻找犄角的骆驼失去了耳朵”,(喻)偷鸡不成蚀把米

77.strain at a gnat and swallow acamel:直译为“滤出蠓虫,吞下骆驼”,(喻)小事拘谨,大事糊涂

78.burn the candle at both ends 浪费精力、钱财,骄奢淫逸

80.not worth the candle 得不偿失

81.to hold a candle to the Devil (喻)为虎作伥

85.the cask of Danaides:直译为“达那伊德斯之桶”,(喻)无底洞

86.Castle in Spain:直译为“西班牙的城堡”,(喻)空中楼阁,世外桃源

88.The cat shuts its eyes whenstealing cream 掩耳盗铃

89.All crows under the sun are equallyblack—evil people are bad all over the world 天下乌鸦一般黑

90.Cats are all grey in the dark=Whencandles are out cats are all grey:英雄莫问出处

91.The cat among the pigeons人为刀俎,我为鱼肉

92.a cat may look at a king小人物有小人物的权利;地位虽不同,人权应平等

93.Opportunity seldom knocks twice机不可失,时不再来

95.carry/send coals to Newcastle=carryowls to Athens 多此一举

96.by cock and pie (喻)老实说,说句天地良心话

99.A prophet is not without humoursave in his own country:直译为“先知除了在自己的家乡不是不受敬重的”,(喻)本地姜不辣,墙内开花墙外红

101.crocodile tear:直译为“鳄鱼的眼泪”,(喻)假慈悲

102.much cry and little wool:直译为“叫喊声多而羊毛少”,(喻)雷声大,雨点小

103.between cup and lip:直译为“在杯唇之间”,(喻)天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福;差之毫厘,失之千里

104.let the dead bury their dead:直译为“任凭死者埋葬死者”,(喻)既往不咎,不记旧仇

105.dead men tell no tales (谚)死人不会告密

106.Everyone for himself and the deviltakes the hindmost:直译为“人都只顾自己而魔鬼捉住最后面的,(喻)落后遭殃;人不为己,天诛地灭

107.The die is cast:直译为“骰子已经掷出”,(喻)木已成舟,大局已定

108.The milk is spilled 覆水难收

109.a dog in the manger:直译为“牛槽里的狗”,(喻)占着茅坑却不拉屎的人

110.He who has a mind to beat his dogwill easily find his stick(谚)欲加之罪,何患无辞

111.Hungry fogs will eat dirty pudding (谚)饥不择食

112.You can never scare a dog away froma greasy hide (谚)江山易改,本性难移

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