
Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(87)肺动脉高压2.

 麻花慧慧子 2022-01-27


Case 20. Pulmonary Hypertension 

Goals of the anesthetic management: Goals are directed toward maintaining the stability of pulmonary and systemic arterial pressure, the maintenance of normal sinus rhythm, and the appropriate volume status, oxygenation, and ventilation.


1. exacerbate [ɪɡˈzæsə(r)beɪt] v.加剧 // Economic crises expose and exacerbate structural weaknesses. 经济危机暴露并加剧了经济结构的弱点。

2. routine [ˌruːˈtiːn] n.常规;例程;adj.常规的;例行公事的;

3. hemoglobin [ˌhiːməˈɡləʊbɪn] n.【生化】血红素;血红蛋白

4. electrolyte [ɪˈlektrəlaɪt] n.电解质;电解液

5. central venous pressure (CVP) 中心静脉压

6. nitrous oxide [ˌnaɪtrəsˈɒksaɪd] n.氧化亚氮

7. narcotic [nɑː(r)ˈkɒtɪk] n.麻醉品;麻醉性镇痛药;adj.致幻的;麻醉的 → narcotize ['nɑːkətaɪz] v.(使)麻醉 // the essence of apple blossom narcotizes the air. 苹果花香精使空气变得醉人。

8. end-tidal carbon dioxide 呼气末二氧化碳

9. spontaneous respiration 自主呼吸

10. precipitate [prɪ'sɪpɪtət] v.使…突然降临;加速(坏事的发生);使突然陷入(某种状态) // Presume, from the woman who precipitated your separation. 我猜,是导致你们分居的女人打来的。

11. The pulmonary circulation is a low-pressure circulation. 肺循环是一种低压循环。

12. Elevation of the pulmonary vascular pressure can result from cardiac and respiratory disorders such as primary pulmonary hypertension, congenital heart disease, acquired valvular dysfunction, cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, acute and chronic thromboembolism, chronic respiratory disease, collagen vascular disorders, and end-stage liver disease.


Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) 特发性肺动脉高压 is a rare disorder characterised by raised pulmonary-artery pressure in the absence of secondary causes.

Congenital [kən'dʒenɪt(ə)l] adj.先天的;天生的 A person can be born with valve disease (congenital) or develop a problem later in life (acquired). Sometimes the cause of valve disease may be unknown.

Acquired valve disease 后天性心脏瓣膜病includes problems that develop with valves that were once normal. Acquired disease can be the result of infection, such as infective endocarditis (/ˌɛndokɑr'daɪtɪs/心内膜病 ) and rheumatic fever (风湿热).

Cardiomyopathy [ˌkɑːdɪəʊmaɪ'ɒpəθɪ] n.心肌病;〔医〕心肌疾病

myocardial infarction na.【医】心肌梗塞 Myocardial infarction is defined as sudden ischemic (/is'ki:mik/缺血的) death of myocardial tissue.

thromboembolism  [ˌθrɒmbəʊ'embəlɪzəm] n.【医】血栓栓塞

collagen vascular disorders ([ˈkɒlədʒ(ə)n] n.胶原蛋白) 胶原血管病 collagen-vascular disease are commonly used to describe such conditions when a patient exhibits chronic, immune-mediated deterioration ([dɪˌtɪərɪə'reɪʃn] n.退化) of connective tissue structures in a systemic distribution. 胶原蛋白是一种纤维蛋白,起到黏合剂的作用,有助于保持结缔组织、肌腱和骨骼的形状和结构。当免疫系统发生故障并改变胶原内部的稳态时,一种被称为胶原血管疾病的疾病就会发生,并导致许多不同的症状和疾病。

13. right ventricular afterload 右室后负荷

14. preload [ˌpri:'ləʊd] n.前负荷;预加载荷 v.预载;预装

15. contractility [kən'træktɪbɪlɪtɪ] n.收缩力;收缩性

16. hypoxia [haɪ'pɒksiə] n.缺氧;低氧 Hypoxia is a condition in which tissues of the body do not receive sufficient (/sə'fɪʃnt/足够的) oxygen (O2) supply.

17. hypercarbia [haɪpə:'kɑ:bɪə] n.高碳酸血症 Abnormally increased arterial carbon dioxide tension. [hyper- + G.kapnos, smoke, vapor]

18. acidemia [æsɪ'di:mɪə] n.【医】酸血症 a condition in which the hydrogen-ion concentration in the blood is increased.

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(86)肺动脉高压1.

intemperate /ɪn'temp(ə)rət/ adj. 不温和的,过度的,无节制的,放纵的 1.这种植物可以在极端的气候里存活。2.记者因其痛斥市长的过激言论而道歉。

opine /o'paɪn/ v. 以为,想 // They feel like they have the right to opine on who I should be, what I should be . 就我应该是谁、应该成为什么样的人,他们认为自已有权发表意见。

winsome adj.可爱的 迷人的 动人的

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