
Plant Commun.:利用植物生长调节剂和根际细菌提高作物抗旱性:机理、应用和前景

 PaperRSS 2022-01-27




关注公众号:PaperRSS 植物进展

  Drought is one of the main abiotic stresses that cause crop yield loss. Improving crop yield under drought stress is a major goal of crop breeding, as it is critical to food security. The mechanism of plant drought resistance has been well studied, and diverse drought resistance genes have been identified in recent years, but transferring this knowledge from the laboratory to field production remains a significant challenge. Recently, some new strategies have become research frontiers owing to their advantages of low cost, convenience, strong field operability, and/or environmental friendliness. Exogenous plant growth regulator (PGR) treatment and microbe-based plant biotechnology have been used to effectively improve crop drought tolerance and preserve yield under drought stress. However, our understanding of the mechanisms by which PGRs regulate plant drought resistance and of plant-microbiome interactions under drought is still incomplete. In this review, we summarize these two strategies reported in recent studies, focusing on the mechanisms by which these exogenous treatments regulate crop drought resistance. Finally, future challenges and directions in crop drought resistance breeding are discussed.

关注公众号:PaperRSS 植物进展





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