

 张海露Eric 2022-03-24

今天 2022 年农历 2 月 22 日,也是我 32 岁生日。

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone 时,被一个细节触动。年轻的 Julie 被告知得了癌症。她不舍这个世界,不舍那些爱她的人,她也不舍得自己:

“You want to hear something?” she continues. “I’m also going to miss myself. All those insecurities I’d spent my life wanting to change? I was just getting to a place where I really like myself. I like me. I’m going to miss Matt, and my family, and my friends, but I’m also going to miss me.”

I was just getting to a place where I really like myself. 32 岁,我大概就是这样一种状态。也有不安、焦虑、烦恼,但越来越接受它们是生活的一部分。我喜欢这种状态。


The Midnight Library 有一段话,也特别喜欢:

It is quite a revelation to discover that
the place you wanted to escape to is the exact same place you escaped from. That the prison wasn't the place, but the perspective.

只要有了 escape 这个概念,那就注定无处可逃——短暂的平静后又是无尽的折磨。Chaos 无处不在,我们的本能是活下去,获得安全感,但欲望没有尽头,到头来还是慌张焦虑。

睡个好觉。多运动,至少每周有 1-2 小时有氧运动。



生活快一点慢一点,都没有关系。30 岁后,我感觉自己不再追求标准答案、最佳选项,也不担心吃亏、浪费。做每一件想做的事,说每一句想说的话。接受被误解被讨厌被不在乎——许多都只是我们自己的评判,许多也不在我们掌控之中。
32 没有什么能定义我。我是谁? father, husband, teacher, life-time learner; motorcycle crash survivor, camper van lifer, loafer; blogger, vlogger, doer, dreamer, jobless by choice......每一天我都有新的我。

或者说,“我”本来也不存在,我们用一个个选择一次次尝试找到存在的意义和生命的 purpose。

8 年了,谢谢读到这篇的你。祝我生日快乐。愿我们一起努力热爱,认真生活。心态上无比知足,行动上无限进步🎂

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