

 新概念英语教学 2022-04-09







第36课讲的是有关巧合(Coincidence)的故事,为此我选了一篇有关Violet Jessop女士的传奇人生的文章,因为她先后在不同的重大轮船海难中幸存了下来,所以被称作“Miss Unsinkable(永不沉没的女士)”的



There’s one person who survived both the sinking of the Titanic and the Britannic. Not only that, but she was also aboard the Olympic when it had one of its accidents. This woman’s name is Violet Jessop.

In 1910, Violet became an employee of White Star Line and started working on the biggest civilian vessel of that time, the Olympic. On 20 September 1911, the Olympic collided with HMS Hawke, a British warship, specially designed to ram into other ships and sink them. The Olympic had its hull breached but still managed to sail into port. Violet Jessop was not harmed in the accident.

Several months after the Olympic mishap, Violet joined the crew of the RMS Titanic. The luxurious and now biggest ship in the world left Southampton on 10 April 1912 and struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean four days later. Two hours after the accident, the ship sank, and 1503 passengers lost their lives. The young stewardess boarded lifeboat 16 and was later rescued by RMS Carpathia, together with many other passengers. Miss Jessop was 25 years old when she survived the second ship accident.

When WWI began, the third of the Olympic-class luxurious ocean liners was employed by the British naval authorities as a hospital ship. On 13 November 1915, the Britannic was renamed as HMHS (His Majesty’s Hospital Ship) and was put under the command of Captain Charles Bartlett. The ship transported wounded soldiers from the Mediterranean back to Great Britain, and Violet Jessop was working as a nurse at the mobile hospital. The ship completed five successful voyages on this route, before suffering a tragic destiny similar to that of her sister, the Titanic. On 21 November 1916, the Britannic was in the Aegean Sea when she hit a mine planted by a German submarine. 57 minutes after that, the grandiose ship was already at the bottom of the sea. There were 1605 passengers on board, and 30 lost their lives. Violet Jessop found her way into one lifeboat and managed to survive her third maritime disaster.

When the war was over, Violet continued her employment at White Star Line. Before retiring in 1950, she worked for two more cruise companies: the Red Star Line, and again with the Royal Mail Line. She traveled around the world twice and had a short marriage. Violet earned the nickname “Miss Unsinkable” and died in 1971, at the age of 84, due to a heart failure.


1. civilian:平民的;民用的

2. vessel:舰船

3. collide:碰撞

4. hull:船身

5. breach:破裂

6. luxurious:豪华的

7. liner:邮轮

8. destiny:命运

9. submarine:潜水艇

10. grandiose:华而不实的

11. maritime:海事的;海的

12. heart failure:心力衰竭



1. Violet survived three of the accidents of the Olympic-class ships.

2. The Olympic bumped into another civilian vessel in 1911.

3. The RMS Titanic sank after six days of her departure from Southampton.

4. The Britannic hit a mine planted by the Germans in the Black Sea.

5. Violet had worked in three different cruise companies before her retirement.

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