
盛雅莉| PEP 3B U4 Where is my car? B Let's talk教学设计

 凌哥英语 2022-04-25


用于PEP4BU3 Weather (ar, al)的趣味语音故事(内含你想不到的语音知识)

PEP 3B U4 Where is my car? B talk教学设计

桐乡市濮院小学教育集团毛衫城小学  盛雅莉



本课选自人教版英语三年级下册Unit4 Where is my car? B部分的对话课,本单元讨论的话题是“寻找物品”,本节课通过Mike在外出前,在家询问妈妈帽子在哪里,妈妈帮着一起找的场景,最后终于找到了帽子。




1. 知识与能力目标

能在实际情境中灵活运用以下句型:Where is ... ? Is it ... ? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
能够在情境中运用常见交际用语:Have a good time.

2. 情感目标





能够用正确的语调朗读句型“Is it ...?”


Step 1 Warm up

Free talk
T: Look, this is my book. I want a volunteer .You can put the book around here. Who can?  1, 2, 3, OK?            
S1: OK.
T: Where is the book?
S1: It’s ....(on the desk)
T: Oh yes, it is on the desk.(板书It is …) 
   Now look, is it on the desk?  (教师将书放到桌下,板书Is it…?)
Ss: No. 
T: No, it isn't. 教师带读。

【设计意图】通过学生放书本,教师提问的方式复习旧知:Where is the ... ? It is...再由句型It is ... 引入新句型Is it ...?的学习,更便于学生的理解。同时真实的情境能消除学生的紧张感,增进师生间的距离,又能活跃课堂气氛,同时为新课的教学做了铺垫。

Step 2 Presentation & Practice

(1) Guessing game 1 学生藏,老师猜。
 T: Now, let’s play a guessing game. This is a pencil. I want a volunteer .You can put the pencil around here. Who can? 
T: One, two, three. Is it ...?
S1: No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 并教读。

(2) Guessing game 2教师藏,学生猜。
 T:Let's play another game.
This time, I'll put the toy dog. And you can guess. Now, close your eyes. 1, 2, 3. Open your eyes please. Where is the toy dog? Can you guess? 
S1: Is it on the pencil box? 
T: No, it isn’t.
S2: Is it in the toy box?
T: No, it isn’t.
S2: Is it on the toy box?
T: Yes, it is.
T:Look, it's on the toy box.

【设计意图】通过藏东西猜位置的游戏,学生熟悉感知句型Where is …? Is it …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 真实的游戏情境激发了学生的学习乐趣。

(3) Group Work


T: This time, let's work in group of 4. One put the thing, and the others guess. 

(4) Let’s talk

① Think and guess 
T: Look at the cap. Where is it?
S1: It’s on the toy box. 
T: But, where is Mike’s cap? Can you guess? 
S2: Is it on the chair?  


② Watch and answer
T:Now, let's watch and answer the question.
Q: Where is Mike's cap?
T:So, where is Mike's cap?
S1: It's in the toy box.
③ Listen and imitate
T: This time, let’s follow the tape. 
Have a good time. — Be happy.
④ Try to read
T: Now, I’ll give you 2minutes, try to read it.
⑤ Try to talk


T: This time, let’s try to talk. (用思维导图,引导学生把故事复述出来。)
⑥ Act it out
T: Now, let's act it out. 


Step 3 Production

(1)Make a new dialogue
T: Another day, comes Miss White, she says, "Boys and girls, let's go camping." So they says, _______! 引导学生说Great!
T: But Mike can't find his map. He says, Uh-oh,______________? 引导学生说:Uh-oh, where is my map?
T:Now, it's your turn. Can you help Mike find his map?



(2)Think and say

 Mike can’t find his ____ and _____. (cap and map)
T: What will you say to Mike?
Mike, please put ____________. (Mike, please put your map in your bag...) 


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