
雅思口语| 5-8月新题 Part 1: Computer电脑

 Sharon黄文琪 2022-05-11 发布于上海

oh man 天哪

Hello? Can you help me? My computer! Oh man...你好,你能帮帮我吗?我的电脑,天哪!

calm down 冷静

It’s okay, calm down. What happened?没事的,冷静。怎么了?

turn on my laptop 打开笔记本电脑

monitor  显示器

go black 黑屏

I turned on my laptop and it broke! I mean, the monitor went black!我刚打开笔记本电脑,它就坏了,就是,显示器黑屏了!

have a virus 中毒了

Ok, it sounds like you might have a virus.好的,听起来像是中毒了。

has a bad program 有程序损坏

It has a bad program on it.  有程序损坏了。

crash 崩溃

Maybe that’s why it crashed.  所以它才崩溃了。

run an anti-virus program 运用一个抗病毒软件

safely remove any unwanted spyware or Trojans /'trəudʒəns/安全地移除不想要的间谍软件或木马

I recommend that you run an anti-virus program in order to safely remove any unwanted spyware or Trojans.我推荐你运用一个抗病毒软件,这样可以安全地移除不想要的间谍软件或木马。

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