

 海绵有理想 2022-05-18 发布于吉林


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近年来,混合效应回归模型(mixed effects regression modelling)开始越来越频繁地出现在应用语言学的研究中。混合效应回归模型是一种兼测固定效应(fixed effect)和随机效应(random effect)的回归模型。简单来说,固定效应就是模型中的自变量,随机效应则是其他一些随机特征,比如个体差异、群体差异等。




 1. 原理介绍 1

 2. 原理介绍 2

 3. 实证研究 1

 4. 实证研究 2

 5. 实证研究 3

原理介绍 1


Linear models and linear mixed effects models in R: Tutorials 1 and 2


Tutorial 1: Linear models and linear mixed models are an impressively powerful and flexible tool for understanding the world. This tutorial is the first of two tutorials that introduce you to these models. The tutorials are decidedly conceptual and omit a lot of the more involved mathematical stuff. The focus is on understanding what these models are doing... and then we’ll spend most of the time applying this understanding. The idea is to bootstrap your knowledge as quickly as possible so that you can start with your own analyses and then turn to more technical texts if needed. This tutorial will take you about 1 hour (possibly a bit more).


Tutorial 2: This tutorial serves as a quick boot camp to jump-start your own analyses with linear mixed effects models. This text is different from other introductions by being decidedly conceptual; I will focus on why you want to use mixed models and how you should use them. While many introductions to this topic can be very daunting to readers who lake the appropriate statistical background, this text is going to be a softer kind of introduction… so, don’t panic! The tutorial requires R – so if you haven’t installed it yet, go and get it! I also recommend reading tutorial 1 in this series before you go further. This tutorial will take you about 1 hour (possibly a bit more).


Winter, B. (2013). Linear models and linear mixed effects models in R with linguistic applications. arXiv:1308.5499. 



Bodo Winter博士


Bodo Winter,加利福尼亚大学美熹德分校认知与信息科学博士,现任伯明翰大学认知语言学助理教授。研究方向主要包括手势体态、像似性、隐喻、数量认知、语料库语言学、数据可视化。

原理介绍 2


(Generalized Linear) Mixed-Effects Modeling: A Learner Corpus Example




Abstract: This methods showcase article provides a detailed overview of a mixed-effects modeling analysis of corpus data on the use of that in object and subject complementation by native speakers of English compared to its use by German and Spanish learners of English.

We emphasize that we do not claim that our illustrations are the only way to carry out these analyses, but the strategy outlined above has yielded satisfactory results.” (Bates et al., 2018, p. 5)

Key words: mixed-effects modeling; generalized linear modeling; regression; that-complementation


Gries, S. T. (2021), (Generalized linear) mixed-effects modeling: A learner corpus example. Language Learning, 71(3), 757-798.




Stefan Th. Gries教授


Stefan Th. Gries,加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校教授。研究方向主要包括语料库语言学、统计方法在语言学中的运用、认知语言学、构式语法、语料库语言学与法律。

实证研究 1


Motivation, Comprehensibility, and Accentedness in L2 Spanish: Investigating Motivation as a Time-Varying Predictor of Pronunciation Development



Abstract: This study examined relationships between language learning motivation and the longitudinal development of second language (L2) pronunciation. Twenty-six English-speaking learners of Spanish recorded a simplified picture description task 5 times over a year-long period spanning their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semesters of Spanish language instruction. Learners also completed a quantitative motivation survey based on the L2 Motivational Self System and an open-ended questionnaire on their language learning beliefs once per semester, yielding 3 measurements. Eighteen native Spanish listeners rated the learners’ clips for comprehensibility and accentedness. Although mixed modeling of the motivation data revealed a slightly negative trajectory for motivational subcomponents, qualitative analyses of individual patterns indicated that learners were beginning to formulate and evaluate language learning goals that were set into a larger framework of personal and professional objectives. Mixed effects models of the pronunciation data demonstrated that both comprehensibility and accentedness improved over time. When the quantitative motivation measures were integrated into the modeling process as time-varying fixed effects, effort was significantly related to accentedness, which suggests that effort may have played an increasingly important role in shaping learners’ pronunciation over time.

Key words: pronunciation; comprehensibility; accentedness; Spanish; motivation; longitudinal research


Nagle, C. (2018), Motivation, Comprehensibility, and Accentedness in L2 Spanish: Investigating Motivation as a Time-Varying Predictor of Pronunciation Development. The Modern Language Journal, 102, 199-217.




Charles Nagle博士


Charles Nagle,乔治城大学西班牙语及应用语言学博士,现任爱荷华州立大学副教授。研究方向主要包括研究方法论、二语习得、二语语音研究。

实证研究 2


The role of working memory in young second language learners’ written performances



Abstract: This study investigated the role of working memory (WM) in the second language (L2) writing performance of young English language learners. It also examined how L2 writing achievement relates to task type and grade level and whether the effect of cognitive abilities varies across different task types and grade level. The participants were 94 young learners (Grades 6 and 7) in Hungary, who performed four writing task types as part of the TOEFL® Junior™ Comprehensive test-battery and completed cognitive tests that assessed their WM functions. Participants scored high on the email writing and integrated Listen-Write tasks. Irrespective of WM functions, on average learners in Grade 7 outperformed those in Grade 6 on the Listen-Write task and the Email task. Students gained lower scores on the non-academic version of an editing task than on most other types of tasks. WM functions had no significant relationship with L2 writing scores, except for the academic editing task. In Grade 7, the effect of WM was not significant on the integrated Listen-Write task, but it resulted in the change of expected score. Learners with high working memory in Grade 6 showed somewhat more consistent performance across tasks than did learners with low working memory.

Key words: working memory; young learners; writing assessment; testing writing; individual differences


Michel, M., Kormos, J., Brunfaut, T., & Ratajczak, M. (2019), The role of working memory in young second language learners’ written performances. Journal of Second Language Writing, 45, 31-45.




Marije Michel博士


Marije Michel,格罗宁根大学副教授。研究方向主要包括任务教学法、二语习得、二语教学法、数字化二语教学、眼动研究等。

Judit Kormos教授


Judit Kormos,兰卡斯特大学教授。研究方向主要包括心理学视角下的二语习得、有特殊教育需要的语言学习者研究。

Tineke Brunfaut教授


Tineke Brunfaut,兰卡斯特大学语言学及英语语言学教授。研究方向主要包括语言测试、二语阅读、二语听力。

Michael Ratajczak


Michael Ratajczak,兰卡斯特大学博士生。研究方向主要包括阅读、二语习得、语言测试、行为科学。

实证研究 3


The Effect of Pre-reading Instruction on Vocabulary Learning: An Investigation of L1 and L2 Readers’ Eye Movements



Abstract: This study examined the effect of pre-reading vocabulary instruction on learners’ attention and vocabulary learning. We randomly assigned participants (L1 = 92; L2 = 88) to one of four conditions: pre-reading instruction, where participants’ received explicit instruction on six novel items and read a text with the items repeated eight times; reading-only, where participants simply read the same text with the novel items repeated eight times; reading-baseline, where participants read the same text with the repeated items replaced by known (control) words; and instruction-only, where participants received explicit instruction on the novel items and read an unrelated text. Eye-tracking was used to measure amount of attention to the vocabulary during reading. We assessed knowledge of the target vocabulary in three immediate posttests (form recognition, meaning recall, and meaning recognition). Results showed that pre-reading instruction (plus reading the text) led to both more vocabulary learning and a processing advantage. Cumulative reading times were a significant predictor of meaning recognition scores.

Key words: vocabulary learning; reading; pre-reading instruction; eye-tracking


Pellicer-Sánchez, A., Conklin, K., & Vilkaitė-Lozdienė, L. (2021), The effect of pre-reading instruction on vocabulary learning: An investigation of L1 and L2 readers’ eye movements. Language Learning, 71, 162–203.




Ana Pellicer-Sánchez博士


Ana Pellicer-Sánchez,诺丁汉大学应用语言学博士,现任伦敦大学学院应用语言学及对外英语教学副教授。研究方向主要包括运用眼动探究二语阅读、二语词汇加工、词汇习得。

Kathy Conklin教授


Kathy Conklin,诺丁汉大学心理语言学教授。研究方向主要包括多词单位习得与加工、二语词汇习得、一语及二语词汇激活。

Laura Vilkaitė-Lozdienė博士


Laura Vilkaitė-Lozdienė,维尔纽斯大学助理教授,博士后研究员。研究方向主要包括心理语言学、二语(词汇)习得、语言测试、语言教学法。



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