

 章小明 2022-07-08 发布于江苏

1. My pleasrue. 我很荣幸;别客气;非常高兴为您服务。

2. It's my pleasure.同上。

3. It's my pleasure to be here.很高兴可以参加今天的活动 。

4. Of course. My pleasure. 应该的,别客气。

5. I owe you.我欠你的。I'm so sorry. I owe you one.对不起 这次算我欠你的(对不起,我欠你一个人情)。" What do I owe you? " I asked. " 我该付你多少钱?" 我问道。How much do I owe you? - Twenty yuan.我该给你多少呢?-二十块。

6. Are you still mad at us? 你还生我们的气吗?

7. woud you like to try your luck? 你不想碰碰运气吗?

8. It is important to keep calm when you are facing danger. 面临危险保持镇静很重要。

9. He is a man of both the pen and the sword. 他是个文武双全的人。

10. No wonder you're so adept at it. 难怪你这方面这么好。

11. I'd better get off the phone. 我得挂电话了。

12. Having though it over, I decided not to accept the job. 经过仔细考虑,我决定不接受这份工作。

13. Go farther and you've had it. 你再往前走一点试试!(你在走一点,你将有麻烦。)

14. I needed something that I could do bit by bit,day by day. 我的方法需要从一点一点,日积月累做起。

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