
生活口语汇6 | 想知道我的 Chinese Zodiac 么?

 懒人英语晨读 2022-08-08 发布于上海


已知:Chinese Zodiac = 生肖属相

           Joe = 学霸老师

求:Joe = ?Chinese Zodiac


Class 6: 
Do you like your Chinese Zodiac?
"In some ways I think I resemble my Chinese Zodiac more than my astrological sign. I was born in the year of the dog. I think that I am a lot like the Zodiac dog. According to the Zodiac, dogs possess some of the best qualities out there. They are loyal to their families and friends, which means they are usually very obedient. They are guardians of the family, which means they protect and defend their loved ones. And of course they are playful. Those are all qualities that I strive for."




Useful Adjectives & Verbs


1. possess 拥有

Those states are the countries that possess nuclear weapons.

2. loyal 忠诚的

Jack has been a loyal worker in this company for almost 50 years.

3. obedient 温顺的,听话的

The majority of the citizens are obedient to the law.

4. protect 守护

It's important to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

5. defend 捍卫

Every citizen is expected to defend his/her homeland.

6. playful 开玩笑的,爱玩耍的

I have a playful pet dog. 

7. strive for 努力得到,争取

Honesty is something I will strive for in my entire life.

Native Expressions


1. born in the year of the xxx 是属xxx的(生肖)

I was born in the year of the monkey toobut probably 12 years older than you.

2. out there 在,有

Many fake sneakers are out there in this market.

Common Nouns


1. Chinese Zodiac 生肖属相

2. quality 质量;品质

3. guardian 守护者


And do you like your Chinese Zodiac?


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