

 Catti翻译解析 2022-09-07 发布于北京

Spain will experiment with four-day workweek, a first for Europe


Antonia Noori Farzan


March 15, 2021 at 11:40 p.m. GMT+8


For years, advocates for a four-day workweek have argued that a compressed schedule could lead to more productivity and a better work-life balance—a perspective that has gained credence in some countries amid the coronavirus pandemic, which has wrought drastic changes to the way people work.


Spain is about to find out firsthand whether it works. The country is poised to become one of the first to experiment with a 32-hour workweek, which would allow workers to spend less time at the office without any change in pay.


Exactly what the pilot program will look like is unclear: An individual with the industry ministry told the Guardian that nearly every detail was still up for negotiation, including how many companies will be involved and how long the experiment will last.


Will the coronavirus pandemic open the door to  a four-day workweek?


The test run was proposed by Más País, a left-wing party that has argued that longer hours don’t necessarily lead to higher productivity, and it is now in talks with the government to figure out the exact details of the arrangement. According to Spanish media outlets, the pilot program is intended to reduce employers’ risk by having the government make up the difference in salary when workers switch to a four-day schedule.

西班牙“更加国家”(Más País)左派政党提出了这项试行计划,并表示,延长工作时间不一定会提高生产率,为了确切搞清楚各项安排的细节工作,现在就要和政府去谈。据西班牙媒体机构报道,工人转为4天工作制后,会让政府来填补工资差额费用,以降低公司在试点计划中的风险。

 “Spain will be the first country to undertake a trial of this magnitude ,” Héctor Tejero, of Más País, told the Guardian. “A pilot project like this hasn’t been undertaken anywhere in the world.”

“更加国家”党派人士艾克多·特赫罗(Héctor Tejero)向《英国卫报》表示:“西班牙将成为首个实施这项重要试验的国家,类似试点项目从未在其他国家实施过。”

The experiment is expected to cost about 50 million euros ($59.5 million) and last three years. According to the Guardian, it could begin as early as this fall.


Although the push for a four-day workweek was already gaining support before the pandemic, the radical upending of office life has made the idea seem more viable to politicians around the world. So has the fact that furlough programs mean many employees are already being paid to work fewer hours a week — or not at all.


 In May, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern suggested employers should consider the switch to a four-day week “if that’s something that would work for your workplace .”


 The crisis has also led to an increased push to address burnout  and allow more flexibility for employees at a time when job duties frequently spill over i nto  home life. Until last year, workers in many European nations benefited from a “right to disconnect” that barred emails and phone calls after the end of the workday. But the switch to remote work has tested those limits, and some politicians feel there needs to be a sharper line drawn between work life and home life.


Proponents of a four-day workweek argue that allowing more people to work fewer hours could go a long way in addressing the high unemployment rates that have plagued so many countries throughout the pandemic. But many business leaders have been less than enthusiastic about cutting hours without cutting pay, which is where Spain’s proposal to cover some of the costs comes in.



1.compress (被)压缩;压紧

2.credence 可信性;真实性;信任;信念

 give credence to 相信…;    gain credence 得到认可

3.wrought(仅用于过去时)= caused sth to happen, especially a change 使发生了,造成了(尤指变化)(wrought是work过去式的旧式)

4.drastic = extreme in a way that has a sudden, serious or violent effect on sth 极端的;急剧的;严厉的;猛烈的


6.be up for… 打算;为…做好准备

7.test run = trial run = a test of how well sth new works, so that you can see if any changes are necessary(对新事物的)初步试验,试行;操作测试

8.make up the difference in … 弥补/填补…的差额/差距

9.upend = to turn sb/sth upside down 翻倒;倒放;使颠倒

10.viable = feasible = that can be done; that will be successful 可实施的;切实可行的

11.furlough --- If workers are given furlough, they are told to stay away from work for a certain period because there is not enough for them to do. (因无足够工作可做而) 停职 (某段时间)

12.burnout = the state of being extremely tired or ill, either physically or mentally, because you have worked too hard 精疲力竭;过度劳累

13.spill over into 渗透到;深入到

14.proponent = advocate = a person who supports an idea or course of action 倡导者;支持者;拥护者

15.plague = to cause pain or trouble to sb/sth over a period of time 给…造成长时间的痛苦(或麻烦);困扰;折磨;使受煎熬

16.poised = completely ready for sth or to do sth 有充分准备;准备好;蓄势待发





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