

 Catti翻译解析 2022-09-07 发布于北京

Biden 'doing fine' after stumbling  once, twice, thrice  on steps of Air Force One

White House spokesperson blames windy weather after Biden loses his footing three times boarding presidential plane

David Smith in Washington

Fri 19 Mar 2021



戴维·史密斯 于华盛顿


Supporters of Joe Biden were tempting fate  when they claimed he had not put a foot wrong  during his first two months in office.


The US president managed to fall not once, not twice but three times on his way up a staircase to the Air Force One presidential aircraft on Friday.


A White House spokesperson blamed windy weather.


The triple  stumble came as Biden, at 78 the oldest person ever elected US president, was departing for Atlanta from Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.


About halfway up the red carpet ed stairs, Biden could be seen losing his footing    before stumbling three times, eventually ending up on his left knee while still holding the railing with his right hand.


The president got back up, gave his left knee a rub and ascended the rest of the staircase before turning and saluting US marines who had flown him by helicopter to the airport from the White House.


Officials insisted there was no damage done. Karine Jean-Pierre, the deputy White House press secretary, told reporters on Air Force One: “It’s very windy. I almost fell coming up the steps myself. He is doing 100% fine.”

事后,官员们坚称,总统身体无恙。白宫新闻副秘书卡琳·让-皮埃尔(Karine Jean-Pierre)在“空军一号”上向记者表示:“今天风很大,我登机时也差点摔倒。总统身体100%健康。”

Asked if the president was checked by a doctor, Jean-Pierre said only: “I just – all I know is – I can tell you is he’s doing fine. He’s doing great.”


The incident recalled concerns last November when Biden fractured  his foot after slipping while playing with his pet dog, a German shepherd  called Major.


His notorious verbal gaffes – this week he accidentally referred to vice-president Kamala Harris as “President Harris” – have also been seized on by conservatives as evidence of age-related decline.


Donald Trump Jr, the son of the former president, tweeted sarcastically  about Biden’s fall: “Pay no attention to the fact that the President of the United States is so frail  that he got knocked over repeatedly by a gust of wind. Nothing at all to see here, folks!”


Trump Jr also tweeted a spoof video in which his father strikes a golf ball which flies through the air and hits Biden on the head, knocking him over. “It wasn’t the wind folks,” he added.


But Biden is hardly alone in suffering the perils of having TV cameras watch his every move. Mike Pence, the former vice-president, stumbled while climbing the stairs to Air Force Two last June.


That same month Donald Trump gingerly  walked down a ramp at the US Military Academy at West Point, later explaining that he knew a fall would be exploited by watching media.


Jeffrey Wright, an actor and activist, tweeted: “I don’t care if Joe Biden trips on the Air Force One stairs stone drunk after an all-nighter, so long as he keeps pounding Covid with this vaccine rollout .”



1. stumble --- ~ (over/on sth) to hit your foot against sth while you are walking or running and almost fall 绊脚

2.thrice = (旧式用法) three times 三次;三倍

3.tempt fate/providence = to do sth too confidently in a way that might mean that your good luck will come to an end 玩命;冒险;鲁莽

4.put a foot wrong 犯错;做错事

5.lose one’s footing 未站稳;踩空;失足;不慎跌倒

6.give sth a rub 揉/搓/擦…

7.fracture = to break or crack; to make sth break or crack (使)断裂,折断,破裂

8.gaffe = a mistake that a person makes in public or in a social situation, especially sth embarrassing 失礼;失态;失言

9.seize on/upon sth --- to suddenly show a lot of interest in sth, especially because you can use it to your advantage 突然大为关注,抓住(可利用的事物)

10.sarcastically 讽刺地;挖苦地

11.frail = (尤指老人) physically weak and thin 瘦弱的

12.peril --- ~ (of sth)  the fact of sth being dangerous or harmful 祸害;险情(常用复数)

13.gingerly = in a careful way, because you are afraid of being hurt, of making a noise, etc. 谨慎地;小心翼翼地;轻手轻脚地

14.ramp = a slope that joins two parts of a road, path, building, etc. when one is higher than the other 斜坡;坡道

15.all-nighter = an activity or event that continues throughout the night 通宵达旦的事件或活动

16.pound --- ~ sth (to/into sth) to hit sth many times in order to break it into smaller pieces 捣碎;击碎

17.trip on/over sth 绊;绊倒

  trip sb up 使…跌倒;将…绊倒





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