

 Catti翻译解析 2022-09-07 发布于北京


We will follow the trend of history. We will promote a new type of international relations, advocate peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom as the common values of humanity, and work with other countries for a community with a shared future for mankind.




注:“推动建设…”译文处理为“promote sth”,因为promote(= further the progress/development of sth)包含了“建设”这层意思。


一般会处理为“定语+名词”或“of”结构,但本段将其处理为“as”介宾结构,即“...as the common values of humanity ”


顺应历史潮流 follow the trend of history

推动构建新型国际关系 promote a new type of international relations

弘扬A,B,C的全人类共同价值 advocate A,B and C as the common values of humanity

同…携手构建… work with… for…(“构建”处理为介词“for”)


This year is the Year of the Ox in the Chinese zodiac, and ox symbolizes perseverance and strength. In the year ahead, with head-of-state diplomacy setting the direction, China’s diplomacy will create a more splendid chapter. A compassionate, committed and responsible China that stands by principles will bring more warmth and hope to the world and lend more confidence and strength to the pursuit of development for all.



lend---V-T If you lend your support to someone or something, you help them with what they are doing or with a problem that they have. 给予 (支持)


中国的牛年 the Year of the Ox in the Chinese zodiac

牛象征着坚韧和力量 Ox symbolizes perseverance and strength

新的一年 in the year ahead

元首外交领航定向 The head-of-state diplomacy sets the direction

谱写更精彩篇章 create a more splendid chapter

一个重情义、有定力、讲原则、敢担当的中国 a compassionate, committed and responsible China that stands by principles

为…注入更多信心和力量 lend more confidence and strength to…


TASS: China and Russia are comprehensive strategic partners of coordination. What’s the impact of the pandemic on Russia-China relations?


全面战略协作伙伴 comprehensive strategic partners of coordination

疫情如何影响了俄中关系 What’s the impact of the pandemic on Russia-China relations


In the face of the once-in-a-century pandemic, China and Russia have stood shoulder to shoulder and worked closely to combat both the coronavirus and the “political virus”. China and Russia standing together will remain a pillar of world peace and stability.The more unstable the world is, the greater the need for carrying forward China-Russia cooperation. China and Russia should be each other’s strategic support, development opportunity, and global partner. This is both an experience gained from history and an imperative under the current circumstances.

注:1. “背靠背”、“携手”、“共同”体现的是一种团结合作精神,“work closely”中包含了这层意思,所以译文山删除了“背靠背”、“携手”、“共同”。


面对世纪疫情 in the face of the once-in-a-century pandemic

肩并肩站在一起 stand shoulder to shoulder

紧密合作 work closely

始终是…的中流砥柱 remain a pillar of…

世界越是动荡不宁,中俄合作越要坚定前行。两国要互为战略依托,互为发展机遇,互为全球伙伴,这既是历史的经验,也是时代的要求。The more unstable the world is, the greater the need for carrying forward China-Russia cooperation. China and Russia should be each other’s strategic support, development opportunity and global partner. This is both an experience gained from history and an imperative under the current circumstances.





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