

 Catti翻译解析 2022-09-07 发布于北京


 As I have just said, China follows an independent foreign policy of peace. Regarding the situation in Ukraine, China believes that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be observed, and the legitimate security concerns of all countries should be taken seriously. On that basis, China makes its own assessment, and is prepared to work with the international community to play a positive role for an early return to peace. The current situation in Ukraine is indeed disconcerting. Utmost efforts should be made to support Russia and Ukraine in carrying forward negotiations despite the difficult situation to produce a 

peaceful outcome. We support and encourage all efforts that are conducive to a peaceful settlement of the crisis. The high priority now is to prevent the tense situation from escalating or even getting out of control.There is consensus about this among the international community, including the parties concerned. 


1. 奉行独立自主的和平外交政策

follow an independent foreign policy of peace.

2.主张:也可处理为“advocate”(sb advocates that sth should be done)


observe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter


The legitimate security concerns of all countries should be taken seriously.

(1)合理安全关切 legitimate security 

concerns (legitimate---for which there is a fair and acceptable reason 正当合理的;合情合理的)

(2)…得到重视 sth is taken seriously (重视 attach importance to…;set store by…;prioritize…)


make one’s own assessment on that basis


be prepared/ready to play a positive role for an early return to peace

(1)重返和平 a return to peace; peace returns(动词)

7.令人担忧的 disconcerting (making people feel anxious, confused, or embarrassed. 令人不安的; 令人困惑的; 令人尴尬的);或者,也可用“concerning”表达此意。

8. 应当尽最大努力支持俄乌双方克服困难进行谈判,谈出和平的结果。

Utmost efforts should be made to support Russia and Ukraine in carrying forward negotiations despite the difficult situation to produce a peaceful outcome.


(2)应尽最大努力做… utmost efforts should be made to do sth; …should make utmost efforts to do sth


(4)谈出和平的结果 produce a peaceful outcome

9. 一切有利于和平解决危机的努力我们都支持和鼓励

We support and encourage all efforts that are conducive to a peaceful settlement of the crisis.



all efforts that are conducive to a peaceful 

settlement of the crisis 

(conductive=making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible 有助/益于…的)


10. 当务之急要避免紧张局势升级甚至失控

The high priority now is to prevent the tense situation from escalating or even getting out of control.

(1)当务之急 the high/top priority

(2)避免紧张局势升级甚至失控prevent the tense situation from escalating or even getting out of control

11. 国际社会和各方对此都是有共识的。

There is consensus about this among the international community, including the parties concerned/involved. 

  (1)直译的话可以处理为“The international 

community including the parties concerned/ involved has reached consensus about/on this”,只是结构上有点“头重脚轻”。另外,“国际社会”和“各方”是包含与被包含关系,所以不能处理为并列名词。





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