

 钰涵谈名人 2022-10-04 发布于湖北

Chu culture and ancient Greek culture -- the representative of ancient world civilization



more than 2,000 years ago , when many countries were still in the wild age, two countries in Asia and Europe created brilliant civilizations, deeply affecting the history and culture of the east and the west. 


 It was the state of chu during the spring and autumn period and warring states period and the Mediterranean Greece in Europe.   


These two countries have absorbed many cultural lengths, while retaining their unique cultural forms and cultural characteristics.


In literature, philosophy, music, architecture, astronomy, dance, painting, sculpture, sports, silk and other fields These two countries have reached amazing outstanding achievements!  


National spirit: they are patriotic, beautiful, romantic, free, unique.    


The history of struggle is almost the same: the state of chu and Greece 。



 It is hard to start  create a nation, strive for self-improvement, and become a great country from a tribe. At the end of the western zhou dynasty, the chu people were still a weak tribe, and began the road to entrepreneurship in a forest.  It is this kind of hard work spirit that has become the foundation of the strong and strong state of chu and the model of hard entrepreneurship in the history of the Chinese nation.


  Greece has no fertile river basins and open plains, mountains and gullies, lack of arable land and poor land. The special Mediterranean climate has allowed Greece to produce wine and olive oil and provide commodities for overseas trade. It is these reasons that led to the relaxed and free social environment in ancient Greece, the national spirit of open exploration.   


Both the people of chu and Greece have the national spirit of open exploration.


 Among the ethnic groups in the pre-qin dynasty, the people of chu had the least ethnic prejudice and advocated ethnic integration, including cultures from nanyang and the west.


  Ancient Greece was a relaxed and free social environment and the national spirit of open exploration..  


 In literature, art, philosophy and other fields, the state of chu and Greece all have immortal works, which have exerted a profound influence on later generations。


楚国代表人物:屈原,伟大的爱国诗人 作品《离骚》、《九歌》、《九章》、《天问》等


1. in the field of literature   

The representative figures of the state of chu: qu yuan, the great patriotic poet works li SAO, nine songs, nine chapters, heaven and heaven, etc. Song yu, the romantic poet of chu ci, one of the four great men in ancient times, the work "poetry of goddess", "poetry of wind" and so on .


萨福 ,古希腊著名的女抒情诗人,她是第一位描述个人的爱情和失恋的诗人



Greek representative: Saat, a famous female lyric poet in ancient Greece, is the first poet to describe a person's love and lovelorn love

Anacreon,    the last great lyric poet in Greece and Asia, 

pina, the ancient Greek lyric poet. He was considered by later scholars to be the first of the nine lyric poets    In philosophy。


楚国代表人物: 老子 《道德经》


鬼谷子 《鬼谷子》

  Representative people of the state of chu: 1.Lao tzu's <<book of morality  >>2. Zhuang zi <<easy to travel>>, <<qi wu theory>>, <<health care master>>

3. Guiguzi "ghost valley"

希腊是: “希腊三贤”:




  Greece is: "the three sages of Greece" :   Socrates has no writings   Plato's most important book is the republic. Aristotle's works are ancient encyclopedias, which are said to have more than 800 books, mainly instrumental theory, physics, political science, poetics and so on.

三. 在建筑领域



 3. in the field of architecture   The architectural forms and living customs of the state of chu present a colorful style. The main architectural prototype includes: palace, zongmiao, gongfu, pavilion, floor palace, stage, pavilion and pavilion. But unfortunately, many do not leave names, only see the ruins  Architectural representative works: zhang hutai, king palace of chu and so on


   In the process of building temples, designers use Pythagoras' theorem to make the building scale appropriate and proportional. It can be said that the whole building strictly follows symmetrical beauty and harmonious beauty, architecture and decoration are carved, is considered to be the perfect work of ancient Greek architecture.

It has a strong classical beauty.   

  1. 帕特农神庙 2.雅典娜胜利神庙 3.宙斯神庙4.波塞冬神庙5.狄奥尼索斯剧场等等

    1.The temple of Parthenon

2. the temple of Athena victory

3. Temple of Zeus 4. Temple of Poseidon 5. Theater of Dionysus and so on


四、 戏剧艺术几乎是同在楚国与希腊发展。



The dramatic art developed almost at the same time in Chu and Greece.

That's around the 6th century BC.

You Meng, the originator of Chinese drama, and Thespis, the first role actor in the West, were generally in the same era.

PS: 个人认为雅典和荆州应该结为友好城市,在同一时期创造了世界东、西方创造了先进文明的大城市。时至今日,依然影响着东西方文化,而且所创造的文明永恒如星辰,永远印刻在我们人类的心中。

PS: I believe that Athens and Jingzhou should become sister cities because they created advanced civilizations in the east and west at the same time. To this day, it still affects the eastern and western cultures, and the civilization created is eternal like the stars, forever engraved in our hearts.    


To be continued 



Dear friends, YuXuan will introduce other areas of Chu culture and Ancient Greek culture and some moving stories in the following articles, please continue to pay attention to。

The princess of Chu plans to go to Greece next summer, which is a small goal! 




参考资料: 百度和部分文章

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