

 睿谈医养 2022-12-23 发布于广东




概念:临床评估是一个反复性的过程(Iterative Process

        首先要说的是可能初次评估不需要临床试验,但你走一遍后一定会发现,只有经过临床试验才可以获得必要的Clinical Data,这是就需要修改计划再次执行临床评估。下面这个图里面有一个简写叫做Eps全称叫做Essential Principles of safety and performance of medical devices医疗器械的安全和性能基本原则,在欧盟MDR中这个叫做GSPR General Safety and Performance Requirements,欧盟MDR对其的概念主要是来自MDR Annex I。总的来说,临床评估目的就是要通过Pre-clinical 试验、文献讨论甚至是临床试验,证明医疗器械符合GSPR,或者可以证明和类似产品的相似度最终达到MDR的要求。

        接下来我们要聊聊图中的Stage 0原点阶段 计划(临床评估计划)!这里第一个问题就是临床评估人员的资格问题!在MEDDEV 2.7/1 (Rev. 4)6.4中有描述:Who should perform the clinical evaluation? IMDRF MDCE WG/N56FINAL:2019也提到Suitably qualified individual or individuals才可以执行临床评估,Justify the choice of the evaluator(s) through reference to qualifications and documented experience(通过参考资格和记录的经验来证明对评估人员的选择是正确的),虽然MDR目前对人员资格问题没有规定,但是笔者认为在临床评估的过程中需要参考MEDDEV 2.7/1 (Rev. 4)IMDRF MDCE WG/N56FINAL:2019

        这里再明确一下MEDDEV 2.7/1 (Rev. 4)的要求:As a general principle, the evaluators should possess knowledge of the following: 作为一般原则,评估人员应具备以下知识:

    1. research methodology (including clinical investigation design and biostatistics); 研究方法(包括临床调查设计和生物统计学);

    2. information management (e.g. scientific background or librarianship qualification; experience with relevant databases such as Embase and Medline); 信息管理(例如科学背景或图书馆员资格;有使用EmbaseMedline等相关数据库的经验);

    3. regulatory requirements; and 法规的具体要求以及

    4. medical writing (e.g. post-graduate experience in a relevant science or in medicine; training and experience in medical writing, systematic review and clinical data appraisal). 医学写作(例如,相关科学或医学的研究生经验;在医学写作、系统评审和临床数据评估方面的培训和经验)


    • the device technology and its application; 器械相关技术及其应用;

    • diagnosis and management of the conditions intended to be diagnosed or managed by the device, knowledge of medical alternatives, treatment standards and technology (e.g. specialist clinical expertise in the relevant medical specialty). 拟由该设备诊断或管理的疾病的诊断和管理、医疗替代方案的知识、治疗标准和技术(例如,相关医学专业的专家临床专业知识)


    • a degree from higher education in the respective field and 5 years of documented

    • professional experience; or相关领域的高等教育学历,5年有文件证明专业经验;

    • 10 years of documented professional experience if a degree is not a prerequisite for a given task. 如果学位不是毕业的先决条件,则需要10年的专业经验给定的任务。

    最后There may be circumstances where the level of evaluator expertise may be less or different; this should be documented and duly justified. 在某些情况下,评估人员的专业知识水平可能较低或不同;这应记录在案并有正当理由。



        我们不能总是吃现成饭,但是具体的样式还是有的,IMDRF MDCE WG/N56FINAL:2019 (Clinical Evaluation)大家需要仔细看看,因为他的Appendix G: A Possible Format for a Clinical Evaluation Report有一个非常好的模板可供大家参考!

        MEDDEV 2.7/1 (Rev. 4) (Clinical Evaluation)7. Definition of the scope of the clinical evaluation (Stage 0)也对如何进行临床评估计划给出了建议。


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