

  平凡的人 2023-01-15 发布于内蒙古


Flaxseed Health Benefits亚麻籽油的健康益处

1.Flaxseeds Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids Reduce Inflammation亚麻籽Omega-3必需脂肪酸可减轻炎症

·Many chronic diseases (heart disease, arthritis, asthma, diabetes) are developed from too much inflammation; this is enhanced by having too little Omega-3 intake. Flaxseed oil can be a real help.许多慢性疾病(心脏病、关节炎、哮喘、糖尿病)都是由过多的炎症引起的;Omega-3摄入过少会加剧这种情况。亚麻籽油可以是一个真正的帮助。


Benefits of essential fatty acids必须脂肪酸的益处

·increases “good” Cholesterol levels增加好胆固醇水平

·organ health器官益处

·keep joints supple保持关节柔和

·a healthy brain; very important when a child’s brain grows the fastest, in utero and during infancy.一个健康的大脑;当一个孩子的大脑在子宫内和婴儿期生长得最快时,这一点非常重要

·a healthy heart and arteries健康的心脏和动脉

·can nourish the immune system可以滋养免疫系统

·help keep bones strong保持关节强壮

·for a smooth skin保持皮肤光滑

2. Flaxseed Lignans Fight Cancer, Infection, and More亚麻籽木脂素抗癌症、感染等

·Reduce Prostate Cancer: Research studies show lignans can slow the growth of prostate cancer cells.减少前列腺癌:研究表明木脂素可以减缓前列腺癌细胞的生长。

·Help with Breast Cancer Survival: Three studies followed thousands of women diagnosed with breast cancer were published at PubMed Central® 1. 2. 3. They found “Lignans might play an important role in reducing all-cause and cancer-specific mortality of the patients operated on for breast cancer.”帮助乳腺癌生存:在PubMed Central上发表了三项跟踪数千名被诊断为乳腺癌的妇女的研究。他们发现“木脂素可能在降低乳腺癌手术患者的全因死亡率和癌症特异性死亡率方面发挥重要作用。”

· Lignans seem to have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.木脂素似乎具有抗菌、抗真菌和抗病毒特性。

·Lignans may reduce pre-menopausal symptoms, promote fertility and prevent Type 2 diabetes.木脂素可减轻绝经前症状,促进生育和预防2型糖尿病

3. One of the foods highest in soluble and insoluble fibre;4 Tbsp flax meal = 8 grams of fiber.可溶性和不可溶性纤维含量最高的食物之一;4汤匙亚麻粉=8克纤维素

·Excellent for detoxing of the body. They contain a gummy soluble fiber called mucilage which protects intestinal flora.非常适合身体排毒。它们含有一种叫做粘液的粘性可溶性纤维,可以保护肠道菌群

·Helps keep bowel movements regular eliminating toxins.有助于保持肠道运动规律,排除毒素。

·Blocks excess acidity thus improves digestion.阻止过多的酸度从而改善消化

·The fibre has cholesterol-lowering effects.纤维具有降低胆固醇的作用

·The high fiber helps stabilize blood sugar.高纤维帮助稳定血糖

“Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health,” Mahatma Gandhi.“只要亚麻籽成为人们的常规食品,就会有更好的健康,”圣雄甘地说

4. Flaxseed Meal is Low Carb, Low Glycemic Index, and Gluten-Free亚麻籽粕低碳水化合物,低血糖指数,不含麸质

· Although flaxseeds are not a grain, they have a similar vitamin and mineral profile and are often used in grain type recipes.虽然亚麻籽不是谷物,但它们具有类似的维生素和矿物质特征,经常用于谷物类食谱。

·For those on a low carbohydrate diet, or a gluten free diet, flaxseed meal is perfectly safe.  It has a low glycemic  index of 32 and with it’s high fiber is good for weight loss.对于那些低碳水化合物饮食或无麸质饮食的人来说,亚麻籽粕是完全安全的。它有一个低血糖指数为32,并与它的高纤维有利于减肥。

Flax has been grown since 3000 BC for its many uses and benefits.亚麻自公元前3000年就开始种植,因为它有许多用途和好处。

·Hippocrates used flaxseed for the relief of intestinal discomfort.希波克拉底使用亚麻籽缓解肠道不适。

·The Egyptians used linen (made from flax seed) to wrap their mummies.埃及人用亚麻布(亚麻籽制成)包裹木乃伊。

·Christ wore linen in his tomb. Homer tells of sails made of linen in his Odyssey.基督在坟墓里穿着亚麻布。荷马在他的《奥德赛》中提到了亚麻制成的帆。

·Laws were passed requiring people to consume flax seeds for its health benefits by King Charlemagne in the 8th century.8世纪查理曼国王通过了法律,要求人们食用亚麻籽以增进健康。

·Flax was one of the original medicines, used by Hippocrates himself.亚麻是希波克拉底本人使用的原始药物之一。

·Some flax varieties are grown for oil, some for their fiber to make linen.有些亚麻品种是为了榨油而种植的,有些是为了生产亚麻。

Flaxseed History亚麻籽历史


·In Switzerland, flax remnants were found in Stone Age dwellings.在瑞士,在石器时代的住宅中发现了亚麻残留物。

·Flaxseed was cultivated in Babylon, around 3000 BC.约公元前3000年,亚麻籽在巴比伦种植。

·In the 8th century, King Charlemagne passed laws requiring his subjects to consume it because he believed in its health benefits.8世纪,查理曼国王通过法律,要求他的臣民食用它,因为他相信它对健康有好处。

Flaxseed Nutrition亚麻籽营养


1.Contains high-quality protein; 4 Tbsp flax meal = 6 grams of protein.含优质蛋白质;4汤匙亚麻粉=6克蛋白质。

2.Contain vitamins B-1, B-2, C, E, and carotene.含有维生素B-1、B-2、C、E和胡萝卜素。

3.Contain many minerals (iron, zinc, and trace amounts of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium)含多种矿物质(铁、锌、微量钾、镁、磷、钙)

4.Has vitamin E and carotene, two nutrients which aid the metabolism of the oil.含有维生素E和胡萝卜素,这两种营养素有助于油脂的新陈代谢。

5.Contain over a hundred times more of a phytonutrient lignin, than high lignin food such as wheat bran, buckwheat, rye, millet, oats, and soybeans.所含植物营养素木质素比高木质素食物如麦麸、荞麦、黑麦、小米、燕麦和大豆多一百倍

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