

 昵称64574355 2023-02-08 发布于广东




Article 837 If the consignee is in absent or refuse to take the goods without justified reasons, the carrier may place the goods in escrow in accordance with the provisions of law.

根据《民法典》第 570 条第 款规定“收货人不明”还应包括债权人下落不明债权人死亡未确定继承人、遗产管理人或者丧失民事行为能力未确定监护人等情形。 有时货物权属出现争议,出现两个以上收货人向承运人主张交付货物,承运人难以确定交付对象的情况也应按照“收货人不明”处理,但应当有依诚信原则进行调查。能知悉收货人的应当履行交付货物的义务。如果调查收货人特别困难,需要很长时间或者花费过大或者根本无从查起,此种情况构成收货人不明。

“收货人无正当理由拒绝受领货物的”这是承运人提存的另一种情形。如果收货人有正当理由,则承运人不得提存。何谓“正当理由”,本法条没有规定。实践中双方应充分沟通,收货人应当说明拒绝受领货物的理由,承运人则应说明可以保留货物的期限以及采取提存措施的时间。双方各自判断并各自承担自己判断的后果。 其中时间是一个重要因素,虽有正当理由,但如果收货人以正当理由而故意拖延收货时间的,承运人也可以提存,毕竟有一个“合理时间”的问题。

关于提存方式,《民法典》第 570 规定:标的物不适于提存或者提存费用过高的,债务人依法可以拍卖或者变卖标的物,提存所得的价款。承运人提存运输货物的,应以实物提存为原则,以变价提存为补充,只有当运输货物不适于提存或者提存费用过高,方可依拍卖或者变卖标的物,提存所得的价款


The Sui Generis Doctrine

Sui generis is a Latin term which means 'being the only example of its kind’, or 'constituting a class of its own’, 'unique’. Those who adhere to the sui generis doctrine pertaining to the multimodal contract199 find justification for their views in the fact that the multimodal contract does not simply comprehend the agreement for carriage, but also the important additional services inherent to multimodal transport such as transferral and - frequently - storage. They do not consider it a mere contract for the carriage of goods. They deem it a contract which encompasses the complete organization of the transport chain, which results, in their view, in far more obligations for the multimodal carrier than a pure addition of the obligations of the unimodal carriers involved.200 This larger burden of obligations is the reason why the supporters of this theory do not indicate the multimodal carrier simply as a carrier but as an 'MTO’ or combined transport operator (CTO) instead.201 The MTO takes it upon himself to perform various services which could all be the subject of separate contracts, but which are connected in such a manner that they form one undividable whole.

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